
Big S has secretly made a new move, and peripheral products from 10 years ago suddenly broke out on the Internet

author:Yiheng²⁸⁶² said entertainment

Big S has made a new move, this time he is actually competing with Ma Xiaomei in secret! Did you know? Recently, a bunch of her merch from ten years ago suddenly appeared on the Internet, like a treasure from a time tunnel.

This makes people wonder, does Big S want to use this trick to remind Wang Xiaofei of their good times?

Big S has secretly made a new move, and peripheral products from 10 years ago suddenly broke out on the Internet

Hey, to be honest, this girl of Big S is really not covered! Since divorcing Wang Xiaofei, she has filed eighteen lawsuits against Wang Xiaofei as if she was hanging!

It's no joke, it's a sign of her perseverance every time. Do you say that she is a "rich to the core" woman, although she looks a little fragile on the surface, but she is super strong on the inside!

Big S has secretly made a new move, and peripheral products from 10 years ago suddenly broke out on the Internet

But then again, Ma Xiaomei's sister is not a vegetarian. Since she and Wang Xiaofei got married, they have become the focus of everyone's attention. Her young and beautiful appearance made Wang Xiaofei find the peace of mind and happiness that she had not seen for a long time.

Big S may feel a little uncomfortable in her heart, after all, she used to be a treasure in Wang Xiaofei's palm, but now she can only watch him fall in love with others.

Big S has secretly made a new move, and peripheral products from 10 years ago suddenly broke out on the Internet

Big S released the peripheral products from ten years ago this time, probably to stimulate Wang Xiaofei and remind him of the sweet times they had in the past.

But to be honest, it may not work very well. After all, Wang Xiaofei and Ma Xiaomei are already married, and it seems that they are living happily. No matter how hard Big S tries, I'm afraid he won't be able to save Wang Xiaofei's heart.

Big S has secretly made a new move, and peripheral products from 10 years ago suddenly broke out on the Internet

But then again, Da S is also a strong, unyielding and high-spirited woman. Not only does she have great looks and talent, but she also has a tenacious character.

Even if she is facing a big predicament now, she will not give up. So I hope she will use this spirit to create a better future, manage her current marriage, cherish the people in front of her, and stop entangled with her ex-husband. After all, life is too short, so you still have to enjoy every moment of the moment!

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