
She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

author:Poetic Star PqNxeOg

Lifang never imagined that her life would usher in an unexpected turn in this quiet Yunnan town.

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

As the nanny of the Li family, Lifang has become accustomed to carefully maintaining her position in the life of a wealthy family. She did her best to take care of the children and take care of the house, but she always felt like an outsider and could never truly fit into the family.

This trip to Yunnan with Mrs. Li and the children should have been a rare opportunity to relax. However, from the moment she set foot on the land, Lifang felt a subtle change.

The blue of Erhai Lake amazed her, and the tranquility of the ancient town intoxicated her, but what touched her even more was the self that slowly emerged here. Far away from the usual working environment, Lifang began to think: what role does she play in this family?

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

During the trip, Lifang caught a cold. This small accident made a subtle change in the atmosphere of the whole trip. Mrs. Li no longer asked her to take care of the children, but took turns taking care of them by herself and the driver Xiao Liu. Lifang suddenly found that she seemed to have become a superfluous person.

When strolling through the streets of the ancient town, Lifang always fell at the back of the line. She watched Mrs. Li and Xiao Liu take the children easily, and her heart was filled with a wave of loss. When she tried to take Yingying's hand, the little girl said, "Auntie, I'll go by myself." This sentence was like a knife, gently slashing through Lifang's heart.

In the Pioneer Bookstore, while Mrs. Li and the children were immersed in reading, Li Fang chose to stand outside alone and wait. At that moment, she felt her loneliness deeply. She began to question the value of her existence: what good was she if she couldn't do even the most basic task of caring for a child?

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

However, fate always has its wonderful arrangement. Just when Lifang was most confused, an unexpected opportunity allowed her to find a new direction.

When Mrs. Li suggested that she cook for herself at the inn, Lifang immediately jumped at the chance. Although Xiao Liu teased her that "blessings will not be enjoyed", Lifang found a new meaning in this task.

Early the next morning, Lifang rode her bicycle to the vegetable market to shop. In the process of picking fresh vegetables, she felt a long-lost autonomy. As she stood in the kitchen, expertly operating the spatula, Lifang seemed to find herself again.

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

At lunch, when Yingying said, "It's still our own aunt who cooks deliciously", a warm current welled up in Lifang's heart. Watching Jiajia quietly eat the non-spicy dishes she cooked, Lifang finally felt a sense of accomplishment.

This trip to Yunnan is not only a geographical journey, but also an exploration of Lifang's heart. In this small town, far from the hustle and bustle of the city, she began to re-examine her role and values.

Lifang understands that as a nanny, she can never truly be a part of the family. But that doesn't mean she's worthless. On the contrary, it is her dedication that allows the family to function more harmoniously.

On the streets of the ancient town, Lifang saw all kinds of people. There are elegant and calm rich ladies like Mrs. Li, young and energetic drivers like Xiao Liu, and those local residents. Everyone is in their own place, interpreting their own life.

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

Lifang remembered the beautiful woman she had seen in the inn's kitchen. She didn't know if it was the proprietress or the chef, but she remembered the woman's neat and quick look. Perhaps, she can also shine in her own post like her.

In this slow-paced town, Lifang began to learn to slow down and calm down and think. Instead of just doing things mechanically, she started thinking about how she could do it better. She began to pay attention to Mrs. Li's preferences, remembering the children's eating habits, and even Xiao Liu's tastes.

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

Lifang understands that she may never be as elegant and calm as Mrs. Li, nor as young and energetic as Xiao Liu. But she can bring warmth and comfort to the family in her own way.

When Mrs. Li said, "Auntie, you don't have to go grocery shopping so early tomorrow." When we get up and finish breakfast, let's go together", Lifang felt a warmth of acceptance. Although she knows that this does not mean that her status has changed substantially, at least, she is no longer the one who has been forgotten in the corner.

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

In the days that followed, Lifang found a new balance. She is no longer obsessed with doing everything and focuses on what she does best. She warms everyone's stomach with delicious meals and makes everyone feel comfortable with attentive care.

Lifang understands that life is like a long journey. Sometimes you'll be at the front of the line, sometimes you'll be at the back. But no matter where you go, it's important to keep your own pace and find your place.

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

In this peaceful town, Lifang rediscovered herself. She is no longer the trembling nanny, but a person with her own ideas and values. She learns to live quietly in the life of a wealthy family, but at the same time maintains her inner self.

When the trip ends and returns to the familiar mansion, Lifang finds that she is no longer her old self. Her eyes were more determined, and her steps were more calm. She knows that no matter what the future holds, she will be able to find her place in this family in her own way.

She has been a nanny for many years - a quiet life in a wealthy family

This is the story of Lifang, an ordinary nanny who lives quietly in the life of a wealthy family. Her story may be the epitome of thousands of people like her. In complex interpersonal relationships, in the midst of the huge class gap, they learn how to live quietly and how to shine in the ordinary.

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