
"A little disappointed in the company"! Dongfang selected the head anchor to express his dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room: the new account is not discussed with the anchor, and the public relations department does not act [with the status quo of the live broadcast e-commerce industry]

author:Elegant Starry Sky KJ4
"A little disappointed in the company"! Dongfang selected the head anchor to express his dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room: the new account is not discussed with the anchor, and the public relations department does not act [with the status quo of the live broadcast e-commerce industry]

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On June 28, "Dongfang Selection Anchor Live Room Publicly Expressed Dissatisfaction" rushed to the hot search on Weibo.

Dun Dun is one of the top anchors selected by Dongfang, and he expressed his dissatisfaction with some of the company's recent practices in the live broadcast, such as the new account did not discuss and communicate with the anchor, and he did not know about it until two days ago. In addition, he also mentioned that the company's public relations department did not take any action once there was a negative public opinion between the company and the anchor. His speech revealed his disappointment with the company's current situation: "To be honest, I used to think that the company was very good for a long time, but recently I have been a little disappointed in the company. ”

Dongfang Selection has indeed faced a lot of "negative news" recently. During the "618" promotion, Dunton's words when promoting products caused controversy, and netizens pointed out that the style of painting in the live broadcast room had changed. In addition, Yu Minhong bluntly said in the live broadcast that "Dongfang Selection is doing a mess now", which caused the stock price to plummet.

In the recent 618 mid-year promotion activities, Dongfang Selection failed to enter the top ten of the Douyin live broadcast list. Cicada mother data shows that as of 17 pm on the 18th, the top three on the list of 618 big promotion Douyin influencers (May 24-June 18) are Guangdong couple, Jia Nailiang and He Hui.

According to the data of Cicada Mother, the total number of fans in the Dongfang Selection live broadcast room has decreased by more than 300,000 in the past 30 days, and is currently 30.103 million.

In order to reduce its dependence on anchors, Dongfang Selection has tried a variety of strategies in the past year, including building its own app, investing in the supply chain and making its own products. Through these efforts, they hope to find a way to de-IP-based live streaming. However, as it stands, this transition process is still difficult.

Some e-commerce people believe that the live broadcast room is essentially an IP business, relying on the personal survival of big anchors. Although Dongfang Selection is trying to de-IP, the influence and appeal of the anchor are still the key factors in live broadcasting. Therefore, how to reduce the dependence on anchors while ensuring product quality and service levels will be the key issues that Dongfang Selection needs to think about in the future.

As consumers' demand for online shopping and entertainment experiences continues to grow, livestreaming e-commerce is also on the rise.

Analysis of the advantages of China's live broadcast e-commerce

Compared with traditional e-commerce, live broadcast e-commerce can achieve real-time output of information, and real-time live broadcast gives users more sense of reality and liveness. Users can communicate and interact with the anchor on product information through comments. In addition, compared with the traditional e-commerce marketing model, the live broadcast e-commerce model reduces the advertising link, shortens the marketing link, shortens the transaction time of goods, and improves the conversion rate. Celebrities and Internet celebrities bring their own fan traffic, which can quickly bring a lot of popularity to merchants and promote product sales. It brings users a richer, direct, and real-time shopping experience.

"A little disappointed in the company"! Dongfang selected the head anchor to express his dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room: the new account is not discussed with the anchor, and the public relations department does not act [with the status quo of the live broadcast e-commerce industry]

Shopping category preferences of users on China's live streaming e-commerce platforms

According to the "2023 China Live E-commerce Opportunity Insight Report" jointly released by Weiboyi and Cicada Mother, users' shopping preferences for live broadcast e-commerce show three main echelons. Among them, products such as clothing, daily necessities, food and beauty are in the first echelon, and more than 50% of live broadcast e-commerce users prefer to buy these products on live broadcast e-commerce platforms. The second tier includes home appliances, gaming products, and books and stationery, while virtual products or services, jewelry, and other goods belong to the third tier. In the future, clothing and daily necessities will continue to occupy the shopping preferences of users on China's live-streaming e-commerce platforms.

"A little disappointed in the company"! Dongfang selected the head anchor to express his dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room: the new account is not discussed with the anchor, and the public relations department does not act [with the status quo of the live broadcast e-commerce industry]

Prospective Industry Research Institute believes that in recent years, with the development of the national economy and the improvement of residents' living standards, people's consumption level has gradually improved, so the preference for live broadcast e-commerce has become stronger and stronger. According to the "2023 China Live E-commerce Opportunity Insight Report" jointly released by Weiboyi and Cicada Mother, the TGI index of live broadcast e-commerce users in lower-tier cities is higher. Specifically, the second-tier cities have the largest TGI index of 112.8, followed by the third-tier cities with a TGI index of 110.6, while the TGI index of the first-tier cities and new first-tier cities is relatively low, indicating that China's live-streaming e-commerce will have greater development opportunities in the lower-tier cities in the future.

Huang Xiaohong, secretary-general of the Hangzhou Live Streaming E-commerce Enterprise Compliance Work Alliance, pointed out that in recent years, the mainland's e-commerce live streaming industry has flourished, enlivening the consumer market, but also exposing many problems. E-commerce live streaming involves many stakeholders, and it is necessary to give full play to the regulatory power of all parties under the leadership of the government, strengthen industry self-discipline, social participation and public supervision, so as to build a new pattern of pluralistic co-governance.

Prospective Economist APP Information Group

For more research and analysis of this industry, please refer to the "Analysis Report on the Development Prospect Forecast and Investment Strategic Planning of China's Live Broadcast E-commerce Industry" by Qianzhan Industry Research Institute

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