
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

author:One Night Book


Luo Jin, Yang Zishan, Ding Jiali, Zhao Jun, Zhang Xilin, Yin Xiaotian, Dong Xuan, etc. starring in the new plot of the TV series "Executive Judge" can be said to be more and more exciting, at the beginning, Qi Lin's aunt mortgaged the house for two million because her son Fang Qiang forged the transfer contract without permission, and bought 10% of Dong Ming's shares in a fitness equipment factory, but she fell into the trap of a loan.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

But Qi Lin still stuck to the bottom line, did not fall for it, and reported the matter to the leader, not only that, Qi Lin, but also successfully rejected his good friend and good buddy's group, this matter stopped vomiting Qi Lin was sentenced in accordance with the law, and soon after, through Dong Ming, let the other party obediently revoke his other party Qiang's lawsuit, otherwise Fang Qiang would definitely sue Dong Ming, and when Dong Ming's suspected fraud was likely to make him unable to eat and walk.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

Soon after this incident, Qi Lin was transferred to the Second Bureau of Enforcement because of the rotation system, and was originally the judge with the highest completion rate in the Criminal Court, and went to the Second Bureau of Enforcement, and this Chu Yun was obviously very unfriendly to Qi Lin, and it can even be said to be preconceived, there were a lot of contradictions between the two, both of them looked at each other unpleasantly, although Qi Lin made meritorious contributions several times, but Chu Yun specifically seized his mistakes and suppressed his head and face, and when Qi Lin began to pay attention to Zhang Jianguo's case, Chu Yun quarreled with him again.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

The execution of this case is indeed problematic, and it was executed by Chu Yun, of course, Chu Yun did more problematic things, for example, in the case of Dong Ming's fitness equipment factory's salary, those people were instigated to do a lot of radical things for the sake of their families, this matter is undoubtedly a fact, and Mu Zifeng rushed with the acquisition contract, Dong Ming thought that the low price of the Qilun Group was to take advantage of the fire to rob and propose to increase the price. Mu Zifeng contacted Chen Qilun on the spot, Chen Qilun added 100,000 yuan with a foolish attitude, and at this time Dong Ming knew that he had been tricked, but the outside was asking for wages and the Executive Board, so he could only be forced to sign and sell the land of the fitness equipment factory at a low price.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

What Chu Yun didn't know was that the people in his executive bureau were used as guns, Mu Zifeng knew her, so he used her as a gunman, but she helped to abuse her, and thought that she had done something good, at least after the people behind Mu Zifeng got this land, what they did was to make huge profits, although Dong Ming is not a good thing, but it is obvious that Chen Qilun is not a good person, but Chu Yun's aiding and abusing is indeed not commendable, what she wants to protect is the legitimate rights and interests of the executor and the executor, not to become someone else's knife.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

And Qi Lin was still left in the Executive Board at this time, not allowed to perform the task, but what Qi Lin didn't expect was that the most dangerous person around him had appeared, not Chu Yun, although Chu Yun was stubborn and ruthless, his attitude towards the executed person was not very good, cold was not good, and she didn't have much good attitude towards the victim, but she still had basic principles, and the most dangerous person around Qi Lin was actually his cousin Fang Qiang, who was used by Dong Ming before, but his restaurant was almost gone, and he almost had to go to court, and this time it was even more exaggerated.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

He was fooled by the owner of a billiard hall, and he was really used as a gun by others to buy ten percent of Dong Ming's shares, and he gave up buying ten percent of the shares before, the procedure has not been completed, he has not signed yet, and this time he still wants to buy, it is indeed more qualified than the Qilun Group, but he is doing this to be the enemy of the Qilun Group, and even other people, which is undoubtedly a huge danger for him, and even a huge crisis for his parents and Qi Lin.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

Fang Qiang did this, don't talk about others, even if Qi Lun didn't play black, even if he didn't play black, even if he relied on Shen Sifang, the director, to accept their shareholders, it would be easy to deal with Fang Qiang from his relationship, after all, Fang Qiang had forged his mother's signature before, and once the matter of transferring the house was found out, waiting for his ninth prison, and Qi Lin could be implicated, not to mention that the leaders on this matter agreed, unless Qi Lin could find evidence of Qi Lun's guilt, it would be difficult to bring down the other party.

"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang
"Executive Judge" Qi Lin didn't expect that the most dangerous enemy was around him, and it was his cousin Fang Qiang

All in all, judging from the final plot, judging from this drama, the most dangerous enemy around Qi Lin is Fang Qiang, who is really capable of causing trouble, and as soon as he comes, he will provoke a behemoth like Qilun, I don't know if Qi Lin can bring down Chen Qilun.

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