
So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick

author:Mr. Dong chatted and chatted

On June 23, CCTV exposed the marketing chaos of a large number of institutions selling miserable money in the name of teaching support, which aroused the attention and discussion of the majority of netizens.

So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick

But still can't stop many "Internet celebrities" from coming out to lick the blood, and in the face of CCTV's exposure and crackdown, they are in the fire; took advantage of the huge traffic exposed by CCTV, gilded himself in the name of "teaching", and became a tool for the family to earn traffic and make money.

This Internet celebrity is Xiangyi, and the related authors are: Xiangyi, Blacksmith, Brother Wen (Xiangyi's cousin), etc.

Watch several recent videos of Xiang Yi and his family, all of which are based on the theme of volunteer teaching, and there are many words in the video, such as "going to teach", "going to teach this time", "my sister going to teach", etc., which is seriously inconsistent with the facts.

So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick

It can be said that this activity has nothing to do with "volunteer teaching", driving tours, introducing relevant scenic spots, going to rural schools to deliver books, and sending rackets、、、、

Not standing on the podium to give lectures, not tutoring students' homework, this kind of behavior is by no means a volunteer teaching, let alone using "volunteer teaching" as a material to shoot videos and exaggerate propaganda to earn traffic, I am here to lodge a serious protest.

This behavior not only seriously damaged the original intention of the volunteer teaching activities and social trust, but also corrupted the social moral atmosphere and lowered the bottom line of social responsibility.

This kind of formalistic education will seriously affect the outlook on life and values of rural children, and it will not be beneficial to their growth.

Schools have been reduced to "shows", students have become "actors", and teaching has become a suitable money-making tool.

So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick

Teaching is a good deed to serve the society, which can enrich the teaching force of relatively backward areas, and it is also a new channel for young people to exercise and improve themselves and better serve the society.

When talking about the issue of volunteer teaching, a well-known host once said: "You must do middle-distance running, and there should be at least a stable period of two to three years to really live up to the expectant eyes of the children." ”

So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick

Xiang Yi said his volunteer teaching plan today, from the end of June to the summer vacation, everyone knows that there will be a holiday in early July, so Xiang Yi will also prepare to teach for about two weeks a week.

This is the same as what CCTV said while traveling and gilding and whitewashing, and making money while shooting videos, which is essentially the same, I don't understand why Xiangyi is so bold, CCTV is exposed, Xiangyi is rubbing the heat at the same time, aren't you afraid of this?

So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick
So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick
So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick
So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick
So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick

When a person is determined to pretend to be asleep, no matter how much you shout, you can't make him "wake up like a dream." In the same way, when a person is accustomed to being self-centered, he has a reason for any of his actions, even if he hurts others, he does not care about the feelings of others, and does not even have a word of apology.

In the face of people who really do education, it is time for someone to blush, a person who gives up the career of education, for the sake of traffic and whitewashing, and once again pretends to rub the heat, which is really unlikeable.

Xiangyi, you better hurry back the same way, and delete the relevant teaching series videos for yourself and your family, otherwise you will be reported sooner or later.

So bold? Blatantly confronting CCTV, and sending books to travel is considered to be teaching? Public welfare is reduced to a gilded gimmick

"The well frog can't speak to the sea, and he is confined to nothingness; Summer insects can't talk to the ice, but to the time; Qushi should not speak to the Taoist, and be bound to the teaching. ”

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