
Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

author:Game nerds

Do you think it's appropriate to describe a tourist attraction with broken mountains and rivers? According to Sichuan Watch and other media reports, in the live broadcast of Dongfang Selection's special session in Guizhou, an anchor used "broken mountains and rivers" to describe the mountains and rivers of Guizhou, is this to let people go or not? Is it cultural tourism propaganda or a "backstabbing"?

also said in the live broadcast that the local high temperature was unbearable, and an anchor also complained about Guizhou spiders as an interesting story on Weibo, and Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted all videos related to Oriental Selection! This matter has also aroused heated discussions among the majority of netizens!

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

The event passed

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

According to the report of Guizhou Dongjing, on May 29, 2024, the Guizhou Provincial Department of Commerce and the Oriental Selection live broadcast team reached a cooperation to gradually carry out publicity activities in major scenic spots in Guizhou from June 2024 to achieve the goal of promoting tourist attractions and promoting the development of local consumption.

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

On June 22, 2024, Dongfang selected YOYO and published a picture and text on the Weibo platform, the content was to complain that Guizhou's spider legs are longer than people, and netizens said that Guizhou Cultural Tourism invited them to publicize, and you are the anchor to do things for Party A on behalf of Party B, not a person who is clever and complaining.

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

Also on the same day, June 22, 2024, Dongfang Selection Mingming, when explaining the terrain of Guizhou in the live broadcast room of "Dongfang Selection to See the World", used the word "broken mountains and rivers" to describe the mountains of Guizhou, and according to Baidu Encyclopedia's annotation, "broken mountains and rivers" is a word in Chinese to describe the land is lost and divided, dilapidated and incomplete. Mountains and rivers: refers to the country, and broken: refers to the (country) is in danger. This behavior is also considered by netizens to be not only not professional enough, but also suspected of ulterior motives, as if it was deliberate!

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

Later, careful netizens found out that the video of the official account of Guizhou Cultural Tourism continuously posting videos introducing the anchor of Oriental Selection was deleted overnight, and the homepage of Guizhou Cultural Tourism did not have any related videos about Oriental Selection in Guizhou.

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

As the heat continues to ferment, on June 29, 2024, the party concerned also made a public statement on Weibo, saying that he said while walking at that time, he did not see the user feedback in time, resulting in the wrong idiom, but he did not have "ulterior motives" and "deliberately", and he had realized his problem from the bottom of his heart, and hoped that he could be forgiven by everyone.

Netizen comments

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

Some netizens think that why are the mountains and rivers broken in Guizhou, can't they be described by idioms such as ghosts? This behavior not only represents the low professionalism of the anchor, but also represents that the anchor is not attentive enough to Guizhou, and I also hope that Guizhou will not be misunderstood by everyone, and everyone is welcome to travel to Guizhou!

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

Some people laugh at themselves, saying that they know that the mountains and rivers are broken in elementary school culture, and the next sentence is the ruin of the country and the family, and the anchor selected by Dongfang has actually brought the label of "teacher" from beginning to end in front of the public, positioning is the teacher's IP, and eating is the food of culture, how can you say such a thing?

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

Some netizens believe that Dongfang's selection of this trip to Guizhou is not very satisfactory, not only because of the choice of words, but because the whole team does not feel concerned, a bit of reverse publicity, the feeling of backstabbing the Cultural and Tourism Bureau, and the cultural tourism propaganda has evolved into an unexpected reversal to persuade tourists!

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

Some people believe that aerial photography in China is also useful for broken mountains and rivers, why the public only stares at the Oriental selection, and the anchor clearly said that the landscape is described.

There are also many netizens in the comment area who gave him the meaning of broken mountains and rivers in popular science, from a sentence in Wen Tianxiang's ancient poem "Crossing the Zero Ding Yang": "The mountains and rivers are broken and the wind is fluttering, and the life experience is ups and downs, and the rain beats Ping" refers to the loss and division of the country, dilapidation and incompleteness! Instead of describing tourist attractions, the continent has great rivers and mountains!

The editor thinks

Dongfang selected the anchor to apologize for the improper use of words! Is it really appropriate to describe the scenic spot with broken mountains and rivers?

Dongfang Selection prides itself on being cultural people, and it is a platform for selling products with cultural packaging, and I don't understand what it means to break mountains and rivers? Using broken mountains and rivers to describe the landform of Guizhou, it can only be said that the cultural level is not high, learn more and precipitate, what is the use of explaining so much, and the negative impact on Guizhou can be eliminated? Guizhou has mountains, rivers and stories, although I have not been there, but I also yearn for it, and I will definitely go there when I have time.

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