
Some people say that Xiaomi air conditioner is the first place, and Dong Mingzhu has a different opinion

author:Sunrise 1218
Some people say that Xiaomi air conditioner is the first place, and Dong Mingzhu has a different opinion

Recently, there have been some articles and short videos on the Internet saying that the sales of Xiaomi air conditioners have surpassed that of Gree air conditioners. Dong Mingzhu said at the shareholders' meeting that there have been many rumors fabricated on the Internet recently, and "we are constantly cracking down on fakes." She asked, Xiaomi said that it (air conditioner) ranked first, and it all depends on other manufacturers to make products, what is your technology? "Who is the first, consumers have rods and scales in their hearts".

Dong Mingzhu said that there is a certain truth in this, an enterprise does not have core technology, only relies on simple assembly, so to make money, may not be a long-term solution.

Because doing so is often limited by others, everything has to look at other people's faces, so it is difficult to do some things well.

Have you noticed that the market is very bad now, many companies are going bankrupt, many of these bankrupt companies are doing low-end products, the technical content is very low, the market is good to occupy the market at a low price, although the quality is not good, but can still be sold.

Some people say that Xiaomi air conditioner is the first place, and Dong Mingzhu has a different opinion

However, such enterprises have a fatal weakness, that is, there is no core technology, no own characteristics, many are processing products for others, so when the market is not good, other companies will not continue to put orders, such processing enterprises will naturally go out of business.

Maybe the bosses know this, but the market is changing rapidly, and some opportunities are fleeting, and they don't want to lose such opportunities, so they will cooperate with factories with technology.

In fact, no one wants to make a wedding dress for others, once others find the sweetness, they will stand on their own, use their own technology, and no longer cooperate with others, so this cooperation model is not strong.

Just like some time ago, I had an old watch who saw selling mutton to make money, so he also wanted to try, but he didn't know how to slaughter sheep, nor did he sell mutton, for these are laymen, he felt unsteady, so he went to work with a younger brother of his own family, the old watch was responsible for investment, responsible for raising sheep, and the younger brother was responsible for killing sheep, and then went to the market to sell.

At the beginning, the cooperation between the two was not bad, and the slaughtered sheep were able to be sold in time, and slowly, more and more customers were available, and they made some money.

Some people say that Xiaomi air conditioner is the first place, and Dong Mingzhu has a different opinion

However, at this time, the cousin found that there was something wrong with the accounts, and a lot of sheep were sold, however, the money recovered was not enough, so the cousin tactfully reminded the younger brother, however, the younger brother looked innocent, he said that every account was recorded in the notebook, and there was nothing wrong.

Since he couldn't ask anything, his cousin was worth giving up, but his cousin was annoyed by the daily chatter, and on one occasion he found that his brother had taken a sheep, but after the sheep was sold, he did not hand it over, which made him very disappointed.

Later, the cousin stopped raising sheep, he disposed of all the remaining sheep, and without the permission of his younger brother, naturally the money would not flow into the hands of his younger brother, because the cousin had his reasons, these sheep were bought by him, and the younger brother only earned some expenses for killing and selling sheep, which was similar to a wage earner, so the cousin had no reason to discuss with him.

In this way, the cooperation between the two came to an end.

In fact, many people have this idea: they don't have technology, and they want to make more money, so they want others to make money for themselves; There are also people who feel that investment is risky, so they want to pull a few people to partner, so as to reduce the risk.

In fact, the purpose of this is to transfer the risk out, this kind of thing others also understand in their hearts, everyone is not willing to be used by others, if someone contributes more, if you can't get the corresponding commission, he will put forward opinions, so the final distribution of benefits will tend to be fair, it is difficult to get something for nothing.

Some people say that Xiaomi air conditioner is the first place, and Dong Mingzhu has a different opinion

Therefore, those who do not have technology and ability will get a relatively low share, and will even be disliked by others, and over time, this cooperation will end in nothing.

Therefore, if a person wants to make money, he still has to rely on his own ability, only if he has the ability, it is possible to make a lot of money, and others are willing to cooperate with him.

Therefore, how much money each person can earn is the embodiment of their own ability, when a person's ability improves, in order to get more resources, life will be happier.

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