
Technology beyond imagination, Zeekrypton 007, Zhijie S7, Xiaomi SU7, whose driving control is superior?

author:Vientiane Technology

In the wave of new energy vehicles, the three models of ZEEKR 007, Zhijie S7 and Xiaomi SU7 have become the focus of attention in the market with their unique charm and high cost performance.

Technology beyond imagination, Zeekrypton 007, Zhijie S7, Xiaomi SU7, whose driving control is superior?

ZEEKR 007 with its "volume king" attitude, not only with its eye-catching appearance and powerful performance to win the love of consumers, but also in the details of the pursuit of quality. The full-stack 800V high-voltage system that is standard in all systems makes ZEEKR 007 reach the industry-leading level in terms of power performance and charging efficiency. In addition, the intelligent configuration and user-friendly design, such as the "automatic parking assistance function of mechanical parking space", further enhance the user's driving experience.

Technology beyond imagination, Zeekrypton 007, Zhijie S7, Xiaomi SU7, whose driving control is superior?

Not only that, ZEEKR 007 has also launched a replacement of old cars with new energy, enjoy a subsidy of up to 3,000 yuan, scrap old cars for new energy, enjoy a time-limited concession activity of up to 10,000 yuan subsidy, and from now until June 30, all users who start with ZEEKR models will also have the opportunity to share tens of millions of luxury gifts, and have the opportunity to draw a super prize of up to 500,000 pole points per person, with a winning rate of up to 100%. If you are interested, don't miss it.

Technology beyond imagination, Zeekrypton 007, Zhijie S7, Xiaomi SU7, whose driving control is superior?

Zhijie S7 has become a new star in the market with its excellent endurance and innovative design concept. The application of Huawei's "Giant Whale" 800V high-voltage battery platform has made a great breakthrough in charging speed and cruising range of Zhijie S7. At the same time, Zhijie S7 also optimizes the driving experience through intelligent control, and exerts the mechanical performance to the extreme. The unique OneBox shape and yacht-like cockpit design not only enhance the appearance of the vehicle, but also allow the driver to enjoy a more comfortable and spacious driving space. In addition, the Zhijie S7 is also equipped with the HUAWEI ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, making driving more intelligent and convenient.

Technology beyond imagination, Zeekrypton 007, Zhijie S7, Xiaomi SU7, whose driving control is superior?

Xiaomi SU7 has attracted the attention of many consumers with its "cost-effective" selling point. As a cost-effective model, Xiaomi SU7 is not stingy in configuration, with coupe appearance, electric rear wing, sports calipers and other configurations. Although the entry-level version of the Xiaomi SU7 only has a voltage of 400V, it is also rich in intelligent configurations, such as NVIDIA Orin high computing power chips and high-end configurations such as lidar and ultrasonic radar, making driving more intelligent and safer.

Technology beyond imagination, Zeekrypton 007, Zhijie S7, Xiaomi SU7, whose driving control is superior?

In general, the three models of ZEEKR 007, Zhijie S7 and Xiaomi SU7 have their own merits, whether in terms of performance, battery life, intelligent configuration or price, they all show a very high cost performance. Consumers can choose the most suitable model according to their needs and preferences, and enjoy a more intelligent, comfortable and convenient driving experience.

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