
The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly


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The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

My head was clouded when I saw this message, what? What era is it now, and there are still people who steal planes, or they steal them openly. And they only have 8 planes, and two of them were stolen directly, so it's too heart-wrenching.

The video comes from the Internet, and the infringement is deleted!


It's okay, soon there will be a short story: I am a secret agent, and this time I am on a mission to steal the plane of country W

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

I died laughing at it, but it's real

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

The reality is really even more outrageous haha

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

It's incredible.

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

Traveler: It's a niche experience

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

But Ai probably didn't expect this trick to succeed

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

Eight planes left, honest, paid for fuel to Thailand, even more honest, asked for the plane did not come back, completely honest

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

Hahaha, it's doable, and the country absolutely protects you, as long as you can return to the country

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

It can even make him owe a lot of debt, and it is said that the plane is leased, and he will have to pay compensation if he loses it

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

Aren't agents usually sneaky and stealing?

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

It's really against the sky

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

Hahaha, yes.

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

Hahaha, I really think it's incredible.

The world is really a huge grass platform, and the Lithuanian plane was stolen by Iran, laughing numbly

What do you think, friends?

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