
Black sesame seeds have a strong fragrance and rich nutrition, but 2 types of people should not eat more, and the impact on the body is relatively large

author:Department of Urology, Wang Wei

In our daily lives, we often hear the name of black sesame seeds: rich in fragrance and nutritious. Not only is it a common ingredient in Asian cuisine, but it has also been endowed with many medicinal properties in traditional medicine. However, with the increase in health awareness and scientific research, we are beginning to realize that despite the many benefits of black sesame seeds, not everyone should eat more. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the nutrients, health benefits, and potential effects of black sesame on both groups of people to help readers better understand how to use this ingredient in their diets.

Black sesame seeds have a strong fragrance and rich nutrition, but 2 types of people should not eat more, and the impact on the body is relatively large

Analysis of the nutritional content of black sesame seeds

Vitamins and minerals

Black sesame seeds are known for their rich nutrient content, especially the many vitamins and minerals they contain. One of the prominent components is B vitamins, including niacin (vitamin B3), riboflavin (vitamin B2) and folic acid (vitamin B9), which play an important role in the body's energy metabolism and help maintain the normal function of the nervous system. In addition, black sesame seeds are also rich in vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative damage. In terms of minerals, black sesame seeds are rich in calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium, which are essential for bone health, hemoglobin synthesis, and various physiological functions in the body.

Fats and proteins

Although black sesame seeds are primarily a plant food, their fat and protein content are also important characteristics. The fats in black sesame seeds are mainly unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, which is rich in cardiovascular health benefits, helping to lower bad LDL cholesterol and raise good HDL cholesterol levels. In addition, black sesame seeds are also rich in plant protein, which is an important source of protein for vegetarians, helping to maintain healthy muscle development and cell repair.

Cellulose content

The high fiber content is another significant advantage of black sesame seeds. Dietary fiber is essential for promoting digestive health, helping to prevent constipation and maintaining the proper functioning of the intestines. The fiber in black sesame seeds helps to increase feelings of fullness and reduce food consumption, making them ideal for weight management and a healthy diet.

Black sesame seeds have a strong fragrance and rich nutrition, but 2 types of people should not eat more, and the impact on the body is relatively large

Health benefits of black sesame seeds

Antioxidant effect

Black sesame seeds are rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants, giving it a significant antioxidant effect. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals in the body and reduce their damage to cells, thereby slowing down the aging process. Long-term consumption of black sesame seeds may help maintain the youthful and healthy state of the skin, reduce wrinkles and pigmentation.

Improves blood lipids

The presence of a variety of unsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic acid, makes black sesame very beneficial for improving blood lipids. These fatty acids help lower the level of bad cholesterol in the blood while increasing the level of good HDL cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Long-term moderate intake of black sesame seeds may help protect heart and blood vessel health.

Improves skin health

The vitamin E and other antioxidants in black sesame seeds have a significant impact on skin health. Vitamin E helps maintain the elasticity and radiance of the skin, and has a positive effect on preventing the formation of wrinkles and reducing skin inflammation. By promoting the regeneration and repair of skin cells, black sesame seeds can make skin look more youthful and healthy.

Regulates blood sugar

Although research is still ongoing, there is evidence that black sesame seeds may help stabilize blood sugar levels. It contains fiber and healthy fatty acids that can slow down the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, thus avoiding sharp spikes and drops in blood sugar, which has potential benefits for blood sugar management in people with diabetes.

Black sesame seeds have a strong fragrance and rich nutrition, but 2 types of people should not eat more, and the impact on the body is relatively large

Two groups of people who should not eat too much

Pregnant and lactating women

Although black sesame seeds are rich in nutrients, pregnant and lactating women need to be cautious when consuming them. Black sesame seeds are believed to have certain medicinal properties and are sometimes used to invigorate the blood and warm the blood, properties that may affect the fetus or baby. Although it is safe to consume in moderation most of the time, it is best for pregnant and breastfeeding women to consume it under the guidance of a doctor to ensure that there will be no adverse effects on the fetus or baby.

People with allergies

Black sesame seeds are a common food allergen, although the incidence of allergic reactions is relatively low. For those with allergies to sesame seeds or other seed-based foods, consuming black sesame seeds may trigger allergic reactions, ranging from mild itching and swelling of the skin to severe anaphylactic shock. Therefore, people with a history of food allergies, especially those with allergies to nuts and seeds, should avoid black sesame seeds or consume them under the guidance of a doctor.

How to consume black sesame seeds rationally

Moderate amounts are advisable

Although black sesame seeds have a variety of health benefits, moderate consumption is key. The general recommended daily intake is one to two tablespoons. This allows you to enjoy its rich nutrient content while avoiding potential negative effects.

Consider baking and grinding

Roasting and grinding black sesame seeds is another common way to eat them, which makes them easier to digest and absorb. Roasted black sesame seeds can be used as an ingredient in bread, cookies, and energy bars, or sprinkled directly on meals or salads to add flavor. Once ground black sesame seeds, they can be used to make tahini or sprinkled on breakfast foods such as cereal or yogurt.

Pay attention to how you save it

To maintain the freshness and nutritional value of black sesame seeds, it is recommended to store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and humid environments. Proper storage can extend its shelf life and maintain its flavor and nutrient integrity.

Serve with other foods

Black sesame seeds can be consumed with other foods to enhance their nutrient absorption and taste. For example, consuming it with vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits or tomatoes, can help improve iron absorption. At the same time, eating black sesame seeds with foods rich in healthy fats such as nuts, avocados, or olive oil can help enhance the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

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