
He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

author:Sheep Village, you Xi Brother U

He Ziming admits to remarrying: the story behind a happy life

He Ziming's recent news has attracted widespread attention, not because of the launch of a new drama, nor the scandal that broke the news, but because he admitted the news of his remarriage on social media. He Ziming revealed in the news that his current wife is an ordinary person, but the relationship between the two is very good. He Ziming admitted frankly that he suffered from severe depression after divorcing his ex-wife He Jie at that time, and this period of time was undoubtedly a low point in his life. However, the current wife quit her job and stayed by his side every day to take care of his life and emotions. He Ziming confessed his wife emotionally, calling her his confidant and best friend, and said that he would love her well and work hard to run their small family together.


Some netizens commented: "He Ziming is true love, I don't even want a job for my wife, a proper 'Northeast good man' template!" Another netizen even ridiculed: "He Ziming has lived a very thorough life these days, and he has to come up with an experience of 'how to manage a marriage' every minute." Some fans said: "This is the legendary 'Found the True Destiny', I wish them happiness!" Everyone had a heated discussion in the comment area, sharing their views on marriage and relationships.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

He Ziming's remarriage speech: From the trough to the new life

He Ziming's remarriage is not only a story of finding a new love, but also an inspirational story of recovering from the trough. After the divorce, He Ziming fell into severe depression, which brought his life and career to a standstill. The appearance of his current wife is like a light in the darkness, giving him the strength to stand up again. He Ziming sighed: "It was she who made me regain the meaning of life, we supported each other and achieved each other." This affectionate confession immediately struck a chord with netizens.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

A netizen commented: "He Ziming is a typical representative who came out of the dark, and his current wife is really his lifesaver!" Another netizen ridiculed: "He Ziming's story tells us that finding the right person is more important than anything else, and the 'other half' in marriage is really the key!" Netizens shared their own stories or those around them in the comment area, discussing the importance of happiness and feelings after remarriage, and the atmosphere was warm and the discussion continued.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

He Jie and He Ziming's past: why did they get divorced

After the news of He Ziming's remarriage came out, everyone couldn't help but recall his marriage with He Jie. He Ziming and He Jie got married in 2013 and gave birth to two children after marriage, but this marriage did not last long, and in 2017, the two announced their divorce. The reasons for the divorce are varied, some are rumored to be due to domestic violence, and others are said to be due to personality incompatibility. He Ziming once said in an interview that the main reason for the divorce of the two was that "they could not go on any further".

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

Netizens expressed their opinions: "Divorce is actually normal, who hasn't met a few unsuitable people." Another netizen joked: "At that time, domestic violence was in an uproar, and now that I look at it, I don't know who said it is true." Everyone discussed their respective views in the comment area, some supported He Ziming, and some felt that He Jie was more worthy of sympathy. Everyone has their own opinion, which makes the comment section seem extremely lively.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

A happy life after remarriage: He Ziming's sweet daily life

Since admitting to remarrying, He Ziming has posted some photos and videos of his daily life on social media from time to time. Recently, he posted a photo of a fitness meal for his current wife, in which the plate is full of healthy and delicious food, and He Ziming also wrote: "The fitness meal for my wife, I hope she is more and more beautiful!" This passage shows not only his love for his wife, but also his positive attitude towards life.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

Netizens said: "He Ziming's full score in this wave of operations seems to have completely learned the secret of 'how to please his wife'!" Another netizen even ridiculed: "The fitness meals are so thoughtful, He Ziming is preparing to open a fitness restaurant, right?" Everyone expressed their opinions in the comment area, sharing their own cooking experience and how to maintain sweetness in marriage, and the discussion was lively and the atmosphere was lively.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

Funny comments from netizens: The topic of remarriage has sparked heated discussions

The news of He Ziming's remarriage not only aroused everyone's attention to his life, but also triggered various funny comments from netizens. Someone left a message: "He Ziming has lived a thorough life, he can still find true love after divorce, and he is a winner in life!" Another netizen said: "He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming remarried, this title is too eye-catching, it feels like it's going to be on the hot search rhythm." Some netizens commented: "He Ziming's happiness is too real, and I feel that I have sprinkled dog food all over the Internet." ”

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

There are also many netizens in the comment area who shared their marriage stories, some said: "I have also been divorced, and my current wife is also my true love, He Ziming's story makes me see hope." Another netizen said: "Marriage is actually the way for two people to get along, and finding the person who is willing to accompany you is the most important thing." Everyone communicated with each other in the comment area, sharing each other's stories and experiences, and the atmosphere was warm and funny.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

He Ziming's true confession: touched countless netizens

He Ziming's true confession in the news moved many netizens to tears. "My current wife is not only my confidant, but also my best friend, she has always been there for me and has given me endless support and love," he said. This passage not only shows his deep affection for his wife, but also shows that he is serious about marriage and relationships. He Ziming's true feelings were revealed, which made netizens praise him one after another.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

Some netizens commented: "He Ziming's true confession is simply touching, who said that men don't know how to express love?" He Ziming is the best example! Another netizen ridiculed: "He Ziming's confession level can be written into love textbooks, male compatriots hurry up and learn it!" Everyone shared their feelings and opinions in the comment area, and some even said: "Seeing He Ziming so happy, I also believe in love." The interaction in the comment area was extremely enthusiastic, and everyone expressed their blessings and support for He Ziming.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

From the trough of marriage to a happy new life: He Ziming's emotional road

He Ziming's emotional road was full of ups and downs and challenges, but he finally found his own happiness. After the divorce, he once fell into a trough, but the appearance of his current wife allowed him to regain the meaning and direction of life. He Ziming said in the news: "We have experienced a lot of difficulties together, but these difficulties have also made our relationship stronger. His words made many netizens see the true meaning of marriage.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

Some netizens commented: "He Ziming's emotional path tells us that as long as there is love, no matter how big the difficulties can be overcome." Another netizen said: "Mutual support and understanding in marriage are the most important things, and He Ziming and his current wife are the best examples." Everyone discussed all kinds of marriage in the comment area, shared each other's experiences and experiences, and the atmosphere was warm and warm.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

Controversial summary: whether happiness after remarriage is real

Although He Ziming's happy life after remarriage has been blessed and supported by many netizens, there are also some controversies and doubts. Some netizens said: "He Ziming is basking in happiness now, is it a bit deliberate?" Another netizen questioned: "It's been so many years since I divorced, and now I feel a little suspicious of rubbing the heat when I take it out." Although these voices are not many, they have also sparked a lot of discussion.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

Some netizens replied: "Happiness is someone else's, acid is our own, He Ziming is happy now, we should bless him." Another netizen said: "Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, He Ziming has now found his own happiness, and we should respect his choice." "Everyone discussed with each other in the comment section, shared their views and opinions, and the atmosphere was warm and full of controversy.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

The news of He Ziming's remarriage not only let us see the story of him finding happiness again, but also triggered everyone's deep thinking about marriage and feelings. Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, whether it is He Ziming or He Jie, I wish them all the best and find their own happiness.

He Jie's ex-husband He Ziming's remarriage testimonial: My wife is a confidant, and a happy life is sprinkled with dog food online

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