
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

author:Nanhui New Life

The Oriental Hub is one of the two major international (national) passenger transport hubs in Shanghai, which is formed by the combination of Pudong International Airport and Shanghai East Railway Station, and will become an important fulcrum for the implementation of domestic and international dual circulation, leading the allocation of global resources, and innovating the opening up of the system.

As the core area of the station-city space, the comprehensive transportation hub of Shanghai East Railway Station and the development area in front of the station are important space carriers to realize the integration of the station and city, and its construction will further amplify the influence of the Oriental Hub, become the first impression of the people of the Yangtze River Delta and visitors from all over the world to Shanghai, and push the city to new heights.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

Swipe left and right to see more bird's-eye views of the project

Chapman Taylor was honored to be invited to participate in the solicitation of proposals for the front area of Shanghai Oriental Hub Station, and the project design plan closely follows the overall concept of "Reflecting Magnolia, Rising in the East", starting from the East Railway Station and spreading outward, intertwining but independent of each other, forming a station-city integration, symbiosis and common urban comprehensive life.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

Urban interface design

It is bordered by the East Railway Station in the east and G1503 in the west, and the open sight corridor intersects and extends to dialogue with each other. From the magnolia forest, the building in front of the station has come into being, intertwined but independent of each other; The landscape corridor runs through the east and west, shaping the central axis of urban vitality; The functional linkage axis connects the north and the south in series, forming a TOD complex with comprehensive coverage of tourism, commerce, culture, sports and exhibition. The vitality of the East Railway Station spreads outward, growing out of the integrated life of the station and the city, and the symbiosis and common language.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

Swipe left and right to see more project renderings

Along G1503, the design carves an architectural shape with a sense of futurism and strength, the façade is staggered with virtual and real, and the horizontal elements are extended, according to different functional characteristics, each with ingenuity, but harmonious and unified, full of dynamics and rhythm, echoing with the ribbon landscape design, and jointly creating an urban interface with tension and guidance.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

The central square of the project continues the design language of the East Railway Station, such as the magnolia and the sparse shadows, unified geometric elements, constituting the organic penetration of paving and greening, and the close dialogue with the East Railway Station, establishing a spatial continuity with the station itself.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

In order to stitch the East Railway Station and the city, the project design first constructs a composite and intensive functional framework, from north to south, office, commercial, office hotel complex, culture, and office are arranged in turn. At the same time, create a transportation network that makes the East Railway Station, the city, and the subway three-dimensional interconnected and closely connected; The ground, the sky street, and the underground corridor are jointly created and co-designed.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

A rich and diverse image of the city

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

Swipe left and right to see more project renderings

0m is the arrival floor of the East Station, which enters the central square to the west and connects with the urban vitality axis; Through the central square, it passes through the north and south in turn, and is surrounded by commercial, office, hotel, cultural and other functional buildings. 20m is the departure floor of the East Railway Station, where the sky street in front of the station is connected to the sky corridor inside the plot to form a vivid and rich shopping experience, and escalators are set on both sides to efficiently connect the square in front of the station. -9.5m is the subway connection layer, which is located under the central axis of urban vitality, connecting the east and west, and connecting it with the east station in rapid series.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

Swipe left and right to see more project renderings

The traffic core on both sides of the square in front of the project station is connected with the square and the sky street, forming a unique and vivid walking experience through the shaping of underground above-ground commercial and public spaces. The walking network is like the stems and vines of plants, covering a colorful and diverse immersive experience, and different functions catalyze and radiate each other, generating full-time urban vitality and shaping regional personality IP.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

The design creates a variety of theme spaces for multiple plots of the project, such as the integration of multi-level greening and indoor and outdoor characteristic spaces to create a green, ecological, organic and diversified commercial complex; With the theme of science and technology experience, the space at all levels creates a cutting-edge future, avant-garde and innovative business experience center; Dominated by scientific and technological exchanges, the inner courtyard and the sky corridor connect offices and hotels in series to create an international exchange space; Combined with courtyards, aerial platforms, roof gardens, carved cultural canyons, gathering trendy culture, leading the urban context; Relying on the headquarters of the science and technology industry and the cross-border trade office, it will drive regional development and empower the city.

In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)
In front of the Oriental Hub Station, Design Competition Proposal (2)

Swipe left and right to see more bird's-eye views of the project

The project is closely integrated with the East Railway Station and complements each other, and at the same time, it will create a new look with a sustainable urban life, blooming on the coast of the East China Sea and welcoming a bright future. Chapman Taylor Architects, copyright belongs to the original author

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