
Don't let your crops go hungry! High-nitrogen fertilizers, superfoods for crops!

author:Colorful drawing board aKI

Greetings of crops! Do you understand? Just like humans, crops need to grow taller and stronger, and they also have to "drink" energy drinks. Today we are going to talk about an "energy drink" for crops called "high-nitrogen fertilizers". Don't worry, then I will use the simplest language to explain to you the use of various high-nitrogen fertilizers, so that you can understand it as soon as you hear it!

First of all, we need to understand that high-nitrogen fertilizers are a "nutritious meal", which is diverse and has its own advantages. In the simplest terms, it is ammonium nitrogen fertilizer, nitrate nitrogen fertilizer, amide nitrogen fertilizer. Listen to me.

Don't let your crops go hungry! High-nitrogen fertilizers, superfoods for crops!

The first thing to introduce is ammonia nitrogen, that is, ammonium bicarbonate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, etc. In the soil, they are the "good old guys" who absorb soil colloids well and do not lose them. But they can easily "run away" because they will turn into gas in an alkaline environment and escape. Therefore, in the process of use, it is necessary to take into account the "temper" of the soil.

The second is sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate, ammonium nitrate and other nitrate nitrogen fertilizers. This fertilizer is the equivalent of "instant noodles" for crops, and it is quickly absorbed by plants. But in the soil, they are not so "settled" and are likely to be converted to a gaseous state due to denitrification, thus "slipping" out of the land. Therefore, when using it, it is necessary to seize the opportunity to "eat" the crops.

Don't let your crops go hungry! High-nitrogen fertilizers, superfoods for crops!

The second is amide-type nitrogen fertilizer represented by urea. These fertilizers are called "nutritious candies" because they contain a lot of nitrogen and have a sweet taste. However, these substances must be absorbed by the crops with the help of microorganisms in the soil. Therefore, in the process of use, you must have enough patience and wait for the "transformation" to be completed.

Don't let your crops go hungry! High-nitrogen fertilizers, superfoods for crops!

Now that we know about the various high-nitrogen fertilizers, let's take a look at their characteristics. A common feature of high-N fertilizers is that they have a high nitrogen content, which can quickly supply the nitrogen needed by crops, so as to achieve the purpose of increasing yields. However, these fertilizers have their own disadvantages, such as the volatile nature of amino nitrogen fertilizer, the easy loss of nitrate nitrogen fertilizer, and the need for a certain conversion time of amide nitrogen fertilizer.

In production practice, appropriate nitrogen-rich fertilizers should be selected according to the needs of crops and soil conditions. For example, rice, wheat, etc. have a large demand for nitrogen, so amino nitrogen fertilizer can be applied appropriately; When the soil pH is suitable, nitrate nitrogen should be applied; When increasing nitrogen fertilizer, amide-type nitrogen fertilizer can be used.

Don't let your crops go hungry! High-nitrogen fertilizers, superfoods for crops!

In addition, when applying high-N fertilizer, the time and amount of top dressing should be mastered to prevent soil pollution caused by overapplication and adverse effects on crop growth and development. In the process of application, it is necessary to pay attention to more application, reasonable fertilization, storage and transportation.

Dear farmers, high-nitrogen fertilizer is like a "nutrient gas station" for crops, and good use can make crops grow tall and strong. However, if it is not used properly, it will also cause waste and environmental pollution. I hope that through today's content, you can have a deeper understanding of high nitrogen fertilizers.

Don't let your crops go hungry! High-nitrogen fertilizers, superfoods for crops!

There are many types of high-nitrogen fertilizers, each with its own characteristics and applications. Only according to the needs of crop growth and soil conditions, the selection of appropriate fertilizer varieties, and the mastery of appropriate fertilization technology, can the crops obtain sufficient nutrients and make them grow vigorously. Remember, you need to use fertilizer well to get the most out of every piece of soil!

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