
Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

author:Tomorrow will be better 321

1. Background

In recent years, with the vigorous development of the construction industry, commercial bills of exchange, as an important payment tool, play an increasingly important role in the payment of project payments. However, with the emergence of capital chain problems in large enterprises such as Evergrande Group, it is not uncommon for commercial bills to pay for projects that cannot be cashed. As a leading enterprise in the domestic real estate industry, Evergrande Group's extensive use of commercial bills has made this problem particularly prominent. This article will focus on the problem of the failure to pay the project price of Evergrande's commercial bill, and analyze the legal logic and solutions behind it in combination with the interpretation of the High Court.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

II. Incident Analysis

(1) The High Court's interpretation and basis for the judgment

On the issue of the inability to redeem Evergrande's commercial bills, the High Court gave a series of interpretations and judgment bases. First, the High Court emphasized the legal status of commercial bills of exchange and the mandatory nature of their payment. According to the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Law, a commercial bill of exchange is an instrument issued by the drawer, and the payer is entrusted to unconditionally pay a certain amount to the payee or bearer at the sight of the bill or on a specified date. Therefore, once the commercial bill of exchange expires, the drawer and acceptor must unconditionally pay the par amount.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

Secondly, the High Court conducted an in-depth analysis of the reasons why Evergrande commercial bills could not be redeemed. The High Court pointed out that the rupture of Evergrande Group's capital chain was the main reason for the inability to redeem commercial bills. In this case, the bearer can exercise the right of recourse against the drawer, acceptor and endorser in accordance with the provisions of the Negotiable Instruments Law. At the same time, the High Court also emphasized the legal provisions on liability for breach of contract and damages, providing legal remedies for ticket holders.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

(2) Relevant laws and regulations

On the issue of the failure to pay commercial bills of exchange, the main laws and regulations involved include the Negotiable Instruments Law, the Contract Law and the Civil Procedure Law. Among them, the Negotiable Instruments Law provides detailed provisions on the definition, type, validity, endorsement, guarantee, recourse and other aspects of commercial bills; The Contract Law stipulates the legal rules for the conclusion, performance, modification and termination of contracts. The Civil Procedure Law provides litigation remedies and procedures for the bearer.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

3. Impact analysis

(1) Impact on Evergrande Group

The impact of Evergrande's commercial bills on Evergrande Group is obvious. First of all, this will lead to damage to the credibility of Evergrande Group, which in turn will affect its brand image and market position. Secondly, the inability to redeem the commercial bills will increase the financial burden of Evergrande Group and increase its financing costs. Finally, overdue payment of commercial bills may also lead to legal disputes and litigation cases, bringing additional legal risks to Evergrande Group.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

(2) Impact on the contractor

For the contractor, the failure to redeem Evergrande's commercial bills will directly lead to difficulties in the return of funds, which in turn will affect its normal production and operation activities. In addition, overdue payment of commercial bills may also lead to contract disputes and litigation cases between the contractor and Evergrande Group, bringing unnecessary economic losses and legal risks to the contractor.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

(3) Impact on the entire industry

The problem of Evergrande commercial bills not being able to be redeemed is not only a case of an enterprise, but also a problem that the entire construction industry needs to pay attention to and reflect. This event will arouse people's attention and thinking about the capital risk management of the construction industry, and promote the entire industry to strengthen risk prevention and control and compliance management.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

Fourth, coping strategies

(1) The contractor's response strategy

When faced with the problem of Evergrande commercial bills being unable to be redeemed, the contractor can adopt the following coping strategies: first, communicate and negotiate with Evergrande Group in a timely manner to reach a settlement agreement; the second is to exercise the right of recourse in accordance with the law and protect its own rights and interests through legal channels; The third is to strengthen the construction of internal risk management and early warning mechanisms, and improve risk response capabilities.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

(2) The response strategies of relevant departments

Relevant departments can adopt the following response strategies to solve problems or mitigate losses: first, strengthen supervision and urge enterprises to operate in compliance and prevent risks; The second is to improve the construction of laws, regulations and systems to provide more perfect legal protection for ticket holders; The third is to promote the establishment of industry associations and the establishment of a credit system, and strengthen industry self-discipline and credit constraints.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

5. Industry warning and reflection

From the case of Evergrande commercial bills that cannot be redeemed, we can see the problems in the construction industry in terms of capital management, risk control and compliance management. In order to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents, enterprises need to strengthen the construction of internal risk management and early warning mechanisms, and establish a sound financial management system and internal control system. At the same time, enterprises also need to strengthen their ability to identify and assess external risks, and formulate risk response strategies and measures in advance.

Regulators also need to strengthen the supervision of enterprises, and urge enterprises to operate in compliance and prevent risks. In addition, the regulatory authorities can also promote the establishment of industry associations and the construction of a credit system, and strengthen industry self-discipline and credit constraints. Through the coordination and supervision role of industry associations and the construction and improvement of the credit system, the risk prevention and control capacity and credit level of the entire industry will be improved.

Evergrande commercial draft to pay for the project, can not be paid after the thunderstorm, what to do? The High Court has an explanation

VI. Conclusions

The problem of Evergrande commercial bills being unable to be redeemed has sounded the alarm for us. The construction industry needs to strengthen the awareness of risk management and compliance management to prevent similar incidents from occurring at the source. At the same time, we also need to recognize the important position and role of commercial bills as a payment tool in the construction industry, and strengthen their supervision and standardized use. Only in this way can we ensure the sustainable and healthy development of the construction industry.

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