
The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

author:Erle Literary Society

An elegant and calm woman walked slowly onto the red carpet and instantly attracted everyone's attention. She is Dong Qing, the former school flower of Beijing Film Academy.

Back then, she resolutely gave up her admission to medical school with an excellent college entrance examination score of 645 points and chose Beiying Now, her decision has made her a hot new star in the film and television industry.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Under the stage, there was a wave of applause and flashing lights. Dong Qing smiled slightly, her eyes showing confidence and calmness. Who would have thought that this seemingly accidental choice would bring such an earth-shaking turning point in her life? Let's unveil her wonderful growth path and explore how this Beijing Film School flower has transformed into a bright star on the screen.

Behind Dong Qing's dazzling light is a group of young people with dreams. At a critical moment in their lives, they made a fate-changing choice.

Guan Xiaotong, who is known as the "national girl" by the public, chose the Central Academy of Drama without hesitation with a total score of 574 points. Looking back, she said firmly: "At that moment, I found my direction in life. Therefore, her choice fully demonstrates her love and dedication to the acting career.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Ren Min's experience is like a legendary story. With a score of 565 in the college entrance examination, she passed the art examination early and successfully touched the threshold of the Central Academy of Drama. When asked how he felt at the time, Ren Min smiled and told everyone: "That feeling of excitement and apprehension is still unforgettable for me in retrospect."

"Her experience is a perfect interpretation of the combination of dream and reality.

Also with a high score of 565 points, Gao Yuan chose Communication University of China. "I longed for a bigger stage," she recalled. Communication University not only has a major in acting, but also a variety of majors such as choreography and production, which can broaden my horizons.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Her choice reflects the pursuit of diversified development.

Yang Xiaomi's decision was particularly firm, although the college entrance examination score was only 482 points, she followed her inner voice and chose Sichuan Audio and Film Vocational College. "Scores are not everything, love is the real motivation," Yang Xiaomi said with a firm gaze, "I believe that as long as you work hard, you will eventually shine your own light."

Her story illustrates the persistence and persistence of dreams.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

The choices of these young people reveal their passion for art and their yearning for the future. They chose the temple of art rather than the "good profession" that is generally considered by society. In the eyes of others, their choice may be risky, but for them, it is a necessary step to achieve their dreams.

Behind every decision, there are too many difficulties. In order to pursue her dreams, Guan Xiaotong gave up invitations from many prestigious schools; Ren Min struggled between the art examination and the college entrance examination, just to follow the call of his heart; Gao Yuan gave up the traditional popular major and chose a broader space for development; Yang Xiaomi proved with his own actions that the power of dreams can transcend the boundaries of scores.

These stories are intertwined to form a gorgeous and colorful picture of chasing dreams. Their choice not only determined the trajectory of their lives, but also injected fresh blood into the Chinese film and television industry.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

These young people interpret their understanding of art in their own way, and write a chapter of youth belonging to this era with their own actions.

However, this is only the beginning of their artistic careers, and more exciting things are waiting to be depicted. Their stories will continue on the screen, on the stage, and in the hearts of the audience, creating an artistic chapter that belongs to the new era.

When young people step through the doors of art academies, their dreams begin on a new journey. Here, they not only learned professional knowledge, but also made many friends with the same goal, and they wrote their own youth stories together.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Beijing Film Academy has cultivated the cradle of countless film and television superstars, and witnessed the success of Zhang Meng, Bai Yu, Liu Shishi and others. Zhang Meng recalls her student days with a nostalgic smile on her face: "At that time, we often rehearsed late into the night, encouraging each other and making progress together.

That time was the most precious treasure in my life," she said, revealing her deep attachment to her alma mater.

Bai Yu describes his school days in his unique humorous way: "I may be a 'restless' person. In order to better understand the character, I always like to try all kinds of 'out-of-the-ordinary' things.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Bai Yu's dedication and enthusiasm laid a solid foundation for his later acting career, and Bai Yu's experience fully demonstrated the cultivation of students' innovative spirit in professional colleges.

With her unique gentle temperament, Liu Shishi recalled her campus days: "Beiying gave us a free space to swim in the ocean of art. Her eyes sparkled with gratitude, "It was here that I found my true self."

Liu Shishi's words reflect the important role of professional colleges in shaping students' artistic personalities.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

At the Central Academy of Drama, Ren Min spent many good times with Zhang Yixing, Guan Xiaotong and others, leaving many unforgettable memories. Ren Min said with a smile: "We often discuss scripts together and learn acting skills from each other, and the feeling of fighting for art is really beautiful."

"From her words, you can feel her pure love for art.

Guan Xiaotong shared her "growth" story: When she was not in school, she was young and was always taken care of by her classmates. But as time went on, she realized that she had to work harder to live up to everyone's expectations.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Her experience shows the growth and transformation process of a young actor.

These young people have worked hard and studied campus, laying a solid foundation for their future acting career. They give their full attention in professional classes, show their style on stage, and hone their will in daily chores.

Every effort is made to bring the dream closer to reality.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Dong Qing used to be the school flower of Beiying, but she gradually transformed in the process of school. She said with deep understanding: "Beauty is on the outside, but the real charm comes from the heart."

In my days at Beiying, I learned how to create a plump character and how to experience the joys, sorrows and sorrows of each character with my heart.

These words reflect the importance of professional schools in cultivating well-rounded artistic talents.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Beiying and Chinese Opera are both domestic art academies, and their acting and directing departments are like artistic melting pots, refining young people with dreams into outstanding performing talents.

Here, they found their niche, cultivated professionalism, and more importantly, strengthened their pursuit and love for art.

These young people have entered the film and television industry, and their names frequently appear on the big and small screens. Every time they perform, it is not only a transformation and a growth, but also witnesses their progress on the road of art.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Guan Xiaotong, the "child star" who emerged at the age of 14, amazed with his mature performance in "Chasing the Light". The characters she portrays, from youthful to calm, are like a portrayal of her own growth process.

When asked about this role, Guan Xiaotong's eyes flashed: "Every role is a challenge, but also an opportunity for self-breakthrough, I hope that through continuous attempts, the audience can see a new me" Her words revealed her love for the acting career and her desire for self-breakthrough.

Ren Min has been hailed as an important breakthrough in her acting career for her outstanding performance in the movie "Shining Days". She interprets the inner world of the character very well, allowing the audience to see a three-dimensional and plump character.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Recalling the filming process, Ren Min sighed: "During that time, I was almost completely immersed in the role, and sometimes I couldn't even distinguish between inside and outside the play, and this experience gave me a deeper understanding of acting" Ren Min's experience shows an actor's persistent pursuit of the role and a deep understanding of the performing arts.

However, Dong Qing, who was once unknown, presented a stunning performance in this "Chasing the Light". Her acting skills are delicate and accurate, and she vividly interprets the various emotions of the characters, which has not only won unanimous praise from the audience, but also won high praise from industry insiders.

In the face of sudden attention, Dong Qing maintained a rare calmness, she said: "I know that this is just the beginning, the future is still a long way, I will continue to work hard to live up to everyone's expectations" Her words revealed expectations for the future and determination for self-improvement.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

These young actors have been determined and powerful at every step since their student days. They shine in front of the camera, work silently behind the scenes, and interpret their understanding and love for the performing arts with their own characteristics.

As Guan Xiaotong said: "Every role is a growth, and every shooting is an experience." This sentence expresses her own heart, and also reflects the common feelings of this generation of young actors.

Their upbringing was not all smooth sailing and full of twists and turns. From the jerky beginning, to the gradual discovery of their own performance style, although every step brings together their sweat and hard work, but they do not give up.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Ren Min once admitted that in order to figure out the role, she would spend a lot of time observing the details of her life; Dong Qing said that in order to play each role well, she will study the script repeatedly, and even experience the life of the character, and strive to make the character more real and vivid.

This transformation from the soil of the campus to the screen has witnessed the process of their success. They realize their dreams with hard sweat, ignite their lives with fiery emotions, and silently write their own life stories on the road of pursuing light.

Each performance is their unique interpretation of art, and each role is their deep understanding of life.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

In the process, they are not only playing the role, but also shaping themselves. They are using their own way to interpret the responsibilities and responsibilities of actors in the new era, from campus to screen, from theory to practice.

When we look back at the upbringing of these young actors, we can see that professional schools have had a profound impact on them. Art academies such as the Beijing Film Academy and the Central Academy of Drama not only teach professional knowledge, but also shape their artistic literacy and professional ethics.

Ren Min shared with deep feelings: "Chinese opera teaches us not only acting skills, but also being a person. Every class, every rehearsal, is actually unconsciously influencing our values and artistic concepts.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

Her words revealed a deep sense of gratitude to her alma mater.

Dong Qing said: "Beiying has provided me with a new perspective to see the world. The courses here include performance, literature, philosophy, aesthetics, etc., which comprehensively enhance our artistic literacy. Her experience demonstrates the importance of professional schools in cultivating well-rounded artistic talents.

Guan Xiaotong said: "The importance of professional colleges is that they have built a platform for us to learn systematically. Here, we can make mistakes, try and break through ourselves. This sentence fully reflects the safe growth environment provided by professional colleges and universities.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

These artistic qualities cultivated by professional colleges and universities have become an important foundation for them on the road of performing arts. These qualities may not have an immediate and noticeable effect, but they will unconsciously change the performance style and professional attitude of each actor.

Bai Yu said: "The school has given us the eyes to discover beauty and the heart to feel life. These are the real riches. This sentence reveals the core role of professional colleges in cultivating students' artistic perception.

The growth of these young actors is a strong testament to the unique advantages of professional colleges in cultivating excellent actors. They not only teach professional knowledge, but more importantly, cultivate students' understanding and love of art, laying a solid foundation for their future development.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

The wonderful performances of the young actors in the hit drama "Chasing the Light" not only impressed the audience, but also made us look forward to their future development. They portray their characters in a unique way, burning the screen with passion.

These young actors from professional colleges, Guan Xiaotong's calm atmosphere, Ren Min's delicacy and nuance, and Dong Qing's amazing transformation have impressed the audience. In their own way, they are showing the artistic pursuit of the new era.

Their future is full of endless possibilities. As Ren Min said, "We are still young and have a long way to go. But I firmly believe that as long as we keep our original intention and stick to our dreams, we will be able to shine our own light.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

From her words, we can feel her strong confidence and determination for the future.

Dong Qing said: "Every role is a challenge and a growth. I hope to continue to break through and bring more surprises to the audience. Her words show a young actor's desire for self-improvement.

This group of young faces is writing a new chapter in China's film and television industry in their own unique way. They not only brought a new style of performance, but also injected new vitality into film and television works.

The actor of "Chasing the Light" has a PK degree, Ren Min graduated from Chinese opera, and Dong Qing was a Nortel school flower

In the future, we look forward to seeing more excellent works presented by these outstanding actors. Whether it is a traditional theme or an innovative attempt, I believe that the new generation of actors trained by professional colleges can cope with it easily.

Their story is just beginning. Let us look forward to them chasing the light and blooming more brilliantly in the days to come. I believe that in the near future, they will become the mainstay of the Chinese film and television industry and bring more excellent works to the audience.

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