
Behind the White Lie (Novel)

author:Time cooks rain
Behind the White Lie (Novel)

My mother worked hard all her life, working in the kitchen or in the field all day long, living the kind of rural life where the sun rises and the sun sets, facing the loess and facing the sky.

So my mother's vision can only be the oil and salt in the kitchen and the crops in the field, and I really haven't seen anything else.

But this is also good, people's various desires are because they have tasted the good, they will yearn for it, and those things that have not been seen, used, or eaten will not be given hope, and life will be full and simple.

A mother cannot say that she has no desires, what she wants is the health and happiness of her children, and the second is secondary, which of course includes herself......

Later, our three sisters and brothers also grew up and had their own families and lives, but my mother was also old, and the speed of aging was distressing and unexpected.

In order not to leave ourselves with regrets, my sister and I often took my mother to eat food that she had never eaten before, and to visit the mall ...... she had never visited.

Behind the White Lie (Novel)

"Jingjing, you and your sister go to the store to have a look and see if there is a jade bracelet I am wearing? When I was young, I saw the kind that your second aunt was wearing, it was so beautiful, green and shiny! But at that time, our poor family couldn't eat enough, how could we have spare money to buy that" My mother made her request for the first time in her life.

The jade bracelet in the hand of the second lady that my mother said, I know, emerald green! It is said that it is jadeite, but it is actually a circle, and it is not worth a few dollars! However, in the past, people's cognition relied on word of mouth, which is like now there is the dissemination of network knowledge and the appraisal certificate of the appraisal agency. I have seen a lot, and I can distinguish the authenticity of the things in my hand at a glance, not to mention 100%, at least eight or nine.

Since my mother wants it, she naturally wants to be satisfied, so our sister and brother discussed, if you want to buy it, you can buy a better one, they all say that people raise jade for a while, jade raises people for a lifetime, and the meaning of the jade bracelet is also very beautiful, safe and sound!

So my sister spent 18,000 to buy a real jade bracelet for her mother. Of course, this price can't be known to the mother, otherwise the mother won't ask for anything, let alone wear it, she won't have many opportunities to see money in her life, if you tell her the truth, it can really scare her so much that she can't sleep. So he told her that it was an imitation that he bought for 500 yuan. And specially explained that her jade bracelet represents peace, and it cannot be bumped into it, if it is broken, it will be unlucky.

Although my mother is not very literate, she believes in the word auspicious very much. Besides, my mother liked the transparent jade bracelet very much, and when she was fine, she dangled in the sun alone, like a child.

Behind the White Lie (Novel)

"Auntie, your bracelet is so beautiful? Who bought it for you? How much? Can I try it on? "It's just that no one expected that there was an accident, that day my mother went to my uncle's house to visit my uncle, and my uncle's daughter-in-law fell in love with my mother's jade bracelet at a glance.

"This is an imitation that the girl bought for 500 yuan, it's worthless, you want to try it on, then wear it to see if it's suitable? If it's appropriate, I'll go back and tell my daughter and ask her to bring you one. "For the request of the niece and daughter-in-law, the mother will not refuse.

"Auntie, you see that it is just right for me to wear the hoop, and I also like this color very much, so it is better to do this! I'll wear this bracelet first, I'll give you another 500 yuan, and you can ask my sister to buy you another one, okay?" So you don't have to toss back and forth! The mother's niece and daughter-in-law gave a suggestion in an instant.

"Wear it if you like! What money to pay? Not much! ”

"That's not going to work! Auntie, I can't take advantage of you, can I! Look you're that old! ”

And just like that, my mother came back with five hundred dollars! When she came back, she gave me the money to buy her the exact same one again.

"My mother, you really deserve to be my mother, and you can do this!" After listening to my mother's words, I was shocked and didn't know how to explain it to her.

Behind the White Lie (Novel)

"What's wrong? Isn't it just a matter of five hundred dollars? It's hard work for you to buy another one! "My mother was clearly not happy with my attitude.

"No effort, no effort, give me the money! I'll buy it for you! "I took the money from my mother and went to my uncle's house.

"Sister, why are you here! Is it for the sake of the jade bracelet? "As soon as my cousin's daughter-in-law saw my arrival, she immediately understood what was going on.

"That bracelet really can't be sold to you, I didn't tell your aunt the price when I bought it, I was afraid that she would feel sorry for the money and refused to wear it!" I laughed wryly.

"Understand, understand! I don't know about jade, but when I look at it, I want my aunt to cut my love to me, who knows it's a joke! Sister, then tell me how much money you bought, let me see for a long time! ”

"Eighteen thousand!" I'll tell you the truth.

"Oh my God! Expensive! I said, why does it look so transparent! You wait, sister, I'll get it for you, I can't afford to wear such an expensive thing! ”

When I got home, I returned the jade bracelet to my mother and told her that it was the same model I bought newly.

"You're really stupid, I'm still old-eyed, this is still my original one, you see, there's a broken mark here, you can't see it if you don't look at the light." After the mother finished speaking, she shone the bracelet in the sun.

"Honestly, isn't this bracelet cheap, how much did you buy it? Otherwise, you wouldn't have rushed to come back? ”

"Whether it's expensive or not, you can't sell what our sister bought for you in the future! What we send you is family affection, family affection is priceless, do you understand, remember, if you encounter such a thing in the future, you don't know, if you really want to buy, let her come to me! You know? ”

"Got it! I won't sell it for any money in the future! "A mother is like a child who has done something wrong.

I put the bracelet back on my mother and didn't tell her the exact price. It's not that I want to lie, I just want to exchange lies for my mother's peace of mind.

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