
Formalism: Do a little bit of things for the people, take pictures, publicize, for fear that others will not know

author:Focus for you
Formalism: Do a little bit of things for the people, take pictures, publicize, for fear that others will not know
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Let me tell you a little story

Lao Li is an authentic rural uncle, he has seen a lot of the world in his life, but the recent events in the village made him mutter.

The village finally won a poverty alleviation fund, which is supposed to be a great joy, but Lao Li found that those cadres came one after another, each with a camera, and kept taking pictures around the newly built small bridge. After taking the photo and posting the news, the matter is over. The small bridge is quite beautiful, but the drinking water problem that the people in the village are most concerned about has not been solved.

This matter made Lao Li puzzled, why did he spend good money on face?

Formalism: Do a little bit of things for the people, take pictures, publicize, for fear that others will not know

In fact, things like Lao Li Village are really not uncommon in our country.

Why is this happening? In the final analysis, there is something wrong with the assessment system. At present, in some localities, the evaluation of advanced and achievements is based on whether the report is thick or not and how many photos there are, rather than whether the masses are satisfied or dissatisfied. In this way, grassroots cadres will naturally work hard in the direction of "good-looking", forgetting that "easy to use" is the last word.

Formalism: Do a little bit of things for the people, take pictures, publicize, for fear that others will not know

To solve this problem, we have to start with the assessment mechanism. We have to shift the judging criteria to real achievements, such as the water in the village is clean, the roads are repaired, and the children's books are read, which is the real financial achievement.

In this way, the cadres will naturally focus on solving practical problems, rather than thinking about how to take good photos all day long.

Formalism: Do a little bit of things for the people, take pictures, publicize, for fear that others will not know

Moreover, the government has to shift from "management" to "service". Civil servants must truly become "public servants" and have a heart to serve the people. When recruiting, it is more important to see if the person will solve the problem and whether he can get along with the people, not just how bright his diploma is and how slippery his speech is.

The media also has to help, don't keep staring at those "high-level" press conferences, go to the fields and walk more, listen to the voices of the people, and see the real effect of the policy after it is implemented.

Formalism: Do a little bit of things for the people, take pictures, publicize, for fear that others will not know

In this way, there will be no market for formalist "performances", and everyone will pay more attention to real changes.

At the end of the day, doing work is like planting crops, you have to work hard and take your time. We must not only think about the excitement of planting seeds in spring, but also think about the abundance of autumn harvest.

Only in this way will our country become stronger and stronger, and the lives of the common people will become more and more prosperous.

Formalism: Do a little bit of things for the people, take pictures, publicize, for fear that others will not know

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