
Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

author:Graphic text of fishing fire on the river


In this era of basketball spinning, the birth of every young player is the shining of new stars in the basketball universe.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

And in the starry sky of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Championship in 2024, the most dazzling one is none other than Zhang Ziyu.

Her story is like a basketball version of "Slam Dunk", which makes people's blood boil and full of youthful inspirational at the same time.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Zhang Ziyu: From "Little Giant" on the Basketball Court to "Big Heart"

Imagine a girl with obvious height advantage and comprehensive skills, standing in the middle of the basketball court, like a moving Great Wall, indestructible.

This is Zhang Ziyu, on the stage of the 2024 U18 Women's Basketball Asian Championships, she not only used her height to build an iron wall for the Chinese team, but also led the whole team to charge forward with a "big heart".

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

The opening "Giant Awakens"

As soon as the whistle blew, Zhang Ziyu was like a giant who woke up from his sleep, and every step into the arena was shaken.

In the face of the South Korean team's strict defense, she is like a "giant" on the basketball court, and she proves the true meaning of "superior" with her actions.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Every time she receives the ball, the audience's hearts rise to the throat, because the next scene is often the opponent looking at the ball and sighing, only to see the basketball lightly enter the net, and the scoreboard beats with it.

"Passing Master" and "Scoring Machine"

Zhang Ziyu's basketball wisdom is not only reflected in the scoring, her passing is like a magician on the court, always able to simplify the complex at critical moments and find open teammates in the most incredible way.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

It's as if her eyes are the GPS system on the basketball court, precise navigation, and the opponent's defensive layout collapses in an instant.

In this way, she is not only a scoring machine, but also the glue of the team, so that the phrase "basketball is a sport of five people" has been vividly interpreted.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

"Defend the Great Wall", impregnable

On the defensive end, Zhang Ziyu is a veritable "patron saint of the penalty area".

Her presence makes the opponent's inside attack feel like hitting a spring wall and bounces back to the spot.

Her arms were outstretched, as if she were the "Tiananmen Tower" on the basketball court, causing the basketballs trying to fly over to fold their wings.

Every block is like a hammer, which not only hits the opponent's confidence, but also boosts the morale of his teammates.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Psychological Warfare: From "Stressful" to "Laugh It Off"

In that unforgettable U18 Women's Asian Basketball Championship, Zhang Ziyu is like a "psychological tactician" on the basketball court, and every time she scores, it is not only a conquest of the basket, but also a precise sniping of the opponent's psychological defense.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

The coach of the South Korean team, the wise man on the tactical board, has become the busiest person on the sidelines at the moment, changing formations frequently, faster than the hands of magicians, but every adjustment seems to be expected by Zhang Ziyu and has become an ineffective "magic".

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Imagine that the coach's face gradually transitioned from calm and confident, to anxious, and finally to the end, the helplessness and annoyance were intertwined, so that onlookers couldn't help but want to hand over a cup of herbal tea to suppress the fire.

This is really not because of the hot weather, but because Zhang Ziyu's "gentle knife" is too deadly.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Every time she scored a point, it was like saying, "Defense? Oh, what's that? Is it tasty? "That kind of unhurried attitude is like turning the basketball court into your own back garden, like a walk.

And the faint smile on Zhang Ziyu's face made the opponent mad even more than any sharp breakthrough.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

The smile seemed to say, "Stress? No, I'm just having fun with basketball! Her free and easy made the audience on the sidelines and the netizens in front of the screen can't help but follow the joy and swipe the screen one after another: "Good guy, is Zhang Ziyu playing, or is he teaching the Korean team how to relax?" ”

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Some netizens played a stalk: "In this game, Zhang Ziyu carried the whole audience alone, and the changes in the expression of the opposite coach can be made into a micro-expression analysis."

Some people imitated Zhang Ziyu's inner monologue: "I just want to play quietly, but I didn't expect to be a part-time psychotherapist!" ”

It's not just a basketball game, it's a lively psychology lesson.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Zhang Ziyu used her practical actions to tell everyone that sometimes, the most powerful weapon is not your muscles or skills, but your heart that is strong enough to make your opponent tremble.

In this "psychological warfare" without gunsmoke, Zhang Ziyu is undoubtedly the winner who has the last laugh.

And all this happened when she was still a minor, and I have to sigh that the future of this basketball player is limitless!

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

Therefore, when we look back on this game again, in addition to those wonderful goals and tense scores, what we should remember more is Zhang Ziyu's maturity and calmness beyond her age, and how she was comfortable in the dual battlefield of basketball and psychology, and wrote a legend of her own with a smile.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!

The power of the team: not a one-man battle

Of course, there are no lone heroes on the basketball court.

Zhang Ziyu's shine is inseparable from the close cooperation of his teammates.

The deftly threaded the needle by the defenders, the tireless running and pulling of the forwards, and each one contributed to the victory in his own way.

Their tacit cooperation, like notes on a staff, played a symphony of basketball victory.

Zhang Ziyu blew up South Korea alone, and the coach opposite was so angry that his face turned green, netizens: Good job!


Zhang Ziyu's story is a hymn to talent, sweat, team and dreams.

In her, we see the charm of basketball, not only the competition of skills, but also the comprehensive embodiment of mentality, perseverance and team spirit.

She tells us with practical actions that no matter how big the challenge is, as long as there is a dream in your heart, there is a road under your feet.

In the days to come, Zhang Ziyu and her teammates will continue to write their own glorious chapters on the journey of basketball, let us wait and see more miracles happen.

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