
Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

author:Brother Xiao gossip
Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

Under the starry night sky, an unexpected "rooftop encounter" has become the focus of attention. This time, the protagonist is not a romantic love story, but a "close encounter" with a centipede. And the heroine of this encounter is the popular mainland actress Li Yitong that we are familiar with.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

1. Under the starry night, the "mysterious visitor" on the roof

On the evening of June 29, the hustle and bustle of the city gradually subsided, but a certain rooftop was brightly lit, and a tense and orderly night show was being staged. Starlight and lights are intertwined, adding a bit of mystery and romance to this night sky. In this romance, Li Yitong and Liu Yuning are immersed in the world of the characters, interpreting every detail with their hearts.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

However, on this quiet and busy night, a "mysterious visitor" quietly arrived. It is not a romantic meteor, nor a mischievous elf, but a centipede tens of centimeters long. It appeared quietly at Li Yitong's feet, as if it was also attracted by the starlight and light, and wanted to find out.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

Second, the crisis is suddenly emerging, and fans have become "guardian angels"

At first, this "mystery visitor" did not attract much attention. Li Yitong was engrossed in the performance, as if isolated from the world. However, for the agents and fans present, this "uninvited guest" has become the focus of their attention. They noticed an unusual black shadow at Li Yitong's feet, and it was the figure of a centipede.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

As the centipede gradually approached Li Yitong, the situation became more and more urgent. The agent and fans shouted anxiously, trying to remind Li Yitong to pay attention. But due to the cacophony of the filming scene and Li Yitong's high concentration, her ears seemed to block out these sounds. At this moment, they are no longer just watchers from afar, but have become Li Yitong's "guardian angels", guarding her with all their might.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

3. The goddess is mighty and calmly responds to becoming a legend

Just when everyone was anxious, Li Yitong finally noticed the abnormality. She looked down and saw a centipede slowly approaching her. In the face of this sudden "surprise", Li Yitong did not show panic or scream. On the contrary, she displayed an extraordinary calmness and composure. She quickly took steps to keep the centipede away. During the whole process, she not only did not show any fear, but also thanked the agent with a smile after handling the centipede.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

The scene was captured by photographers at the scene and quickly sparked heated discussions on social media. Netizens praised Li Yitong's strong psychological quality and praised her as "a fighter among goddesses". Some netizens said: "Where is this actress, it's a superwoman!" Li Yitong's calm response not only won the appreciation and love of netizens, but also became a legend in her acting career.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

Fourth, the fans are powerful, and the warmth and protection show their true feelings

In this event, the performance of the agent and the fans was also impressive. Not only did they discover the existence of the centipede in time, but they also assisted Li Yitong in driving away this uninvited guest. At the critical moment, they became Li Yitong's solid backing and guarded her with warm actions.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

This also makes us re-examine the group of proxy and fans. They are not just "avid fans" chasing stars, but also guardians of stars in difficult times. Their presence not only brings attention and support to the stars, but also provides help and protection for the stars at critical moments. This warm power not only touched Li Yitong and everyone present, but also let us see the deep emotional bond between fans and stars.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

Fifth, the safety alarm bell of the crew is ringing, and strict precautions need to be strengthened

The incident also raised concerns about the safety of the crew. During filming, actors may face various unexpected situations, such as sudden weather changes, equipment failures, animal infestation, etc. These unexpected situations can not only affect the progress and quality of the filming, but also pose a threat to the safety of the cast and crew.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

Therefore, the crew should strengthen safety management to ensure the safety of actors and crew. First of all, the crew should establish a sound safety system and clarify various safety regulations and emergency plans. Secondly, the crew should strengthen the safety inspection and supervision of the filming site, and discover and deal with various potential safety hazards in a timely manner. In addition, the crew should also provide the necessary safety training and protective measures for the actors and crew to improve their safety awareness and self-protection ability.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

Sixth, the goddess is humorous and optimistic, winning people's hearts

In an interview afterwards, Li Yitong responded to the incident with humor and optimism. She said that although she was frightened at the time, she quickly adjusted. She even joked: "This experience made me cherish the opportunity to 'get up close' with centipedes even more!" This positive attitude not only shows her personality, but also shows her strength and courage in the face of difficulties. This quality not only made her successful in her acting career, but also made her more determined and confident on the path of life.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

7. Revelation under the starlight: the power of calmness and optimism

Although this "rooftop encounter" was just an accident, it brought us a profound revelation. In the face of unexpected situations, we should keep calm thinking and take quick measures to solve the problem; In the face of difficulties, we should maintain an optimistic attitude and face challenges positively. This calm and optimistic attitude can not only help us better cope with life's challenges, but also keep us strong and brave in the face of difficulties.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

At the same time, this incident also let us see the warmth and strength of fans and proxy groups. They not only pay attention to every appearance and performance of the star, but also provide help and support to the star at critical moments. This kind of sincere emotion and warm action not only makes the star feel warm and caring, but also allows us to see the deep emotional bond between people.

Li Yitong climbed a big "centipede" on his leg and was reminded by fans, hugging his fists and thanking him for being super calm

Finally, let us once again praise Li Yitong for his calm response and optimism! At the same time, I would also like to send my most sincere thanks and blessings to those agents and fans who are silently guarding her!

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