
50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion

author:Harato Academy
50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion
50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion
50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion


Truman's world

Yu Shu Fang Island

1. If I never see you again, I wish you good morning, good afternoon, and good night.

2. Sometimes the world is fake, but there is no shortage of people who are genuine to us.

3. You can't give up, even if you're lame, you have to climb to the top.

4. I know that our lives are not satisfactory, all ideals have passed away quietly, and if you don't want to admit it, then look for another way.

5. There is no script or cue card for this show. It may not be a masterpiece, but it is a fake. It is a true record of a person's life.


The Shawshank Redemption

Yu Shu Fang Island

1. Hope is a beautiful thing, perhaps the best thing, and a good thing never dies.

2. There is a bird that can never be shut up, because each of their feathers shines with the brilliance of freedom.

3. Strong people can only redeem themselves, and great people can save others.

4. In this world, there are some things that cannot be carved into stone. There is a place in our hearts that cannot be locked, and that place is called hope.

5. Things that make you sad, one day, you will definitely say it with a smile!


Big fish begonias

Yu Shu Fang Island

50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion

1. Life is a journey. We went through several reincarnations to get to this journey. And this journey is very short, so you might as well be bold, you might as well be bold to love someone, to climb a mountain, to chase a dream...... There are a lot of things I don't understand. But I believe in one thing. Heaven has brought us into this world so that we can work miracles.

2. Many things really don't mean that you can forget them, and you may spend a lifetime forgetting a person, but you will still remember them, so since you can't forget them, don't try to forget.

3. The most commendable thing is to maintain a kind heart, as long as your heart is kind, right and wrong are other people's business.


Green Book

Yu Shu Fang Island

1. You will never win with violence. Only by maintaining dignity can we overcome everything.

2. People are lonely because they don't dare to take the first step.

3. When everyone looks down on you, you can still choose to be noble.

4. My father said that no matter what you do, you have to do your best, work hard, laugh and laugh, and enjoy it as if it were your last meal.

5. There are all kinds of people in this world, and it just so happens that we become friends, it's not fate, it's just that we should be friends.



Yu Shu Fang Island

1. Man lives for the sake of being alive and not for anything other than being alive.

2. Death is not the loss of life, but simply the loss of time.

3. Nothing is more convincing than time, because time can change everything without notifying us.

4. In the first place we came into this world because we had to; Eventually, we leave this world because we have to.

5. Don't forget the four rules, don't say the wrong thing, don't sleep in the wrong bed, don't step on the wrong threshold, and don't touch the wrong pocket.


Forrest Gump

Yu Shu Fang Island

1. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next piece will taste like.

2. You can only move forward if you forget the past.

3. Miracles happen every day.

4. Mom said that if you want to move forward, you must first forget the past.

5. I believe that you will be in control of your destiny and that you will do your best with what God has given you.



Yu Shu Fang Island

1. The more lonely I am, the more I have no friends, and the more I have no support, the more I have to respect myself.

2. Life is too short to hold grudges. In life, everyone will make mistakes, but we will die soon. Our sins will disappear with our bodies, leaving only the spark of the spirit. That's why I never wanted revenge, never thought life was unfair. I live a peaceful life, waiting for the end to come.

3. If you can't avoid it, you have to endure it. Not being able to endure what you are destined to endure in life is a sign of weakness and stupidity.

4. Those who always hate me no matter what I do to please them, I should also hate them; I should rebel against those who punish me unfairly.

5. If God gives me wealth and beauty, I will make it as difficult for you to leave me as I am for you now. But God didn't arrange it that way. But our spirit is equal. Just as you and I walked through the grave and stood before God as equals.


Nezha's demon boy descended into the world

Yu Shu Fang Island

50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion

1, Taiyi Zhenren: "I don't know if people can change their fate." I only know that it is Nezha's fate not to accept his fate. ”

2. The prejudice in people's hearts is a big mountain, but my life is up to me, not to the sky, whether it is a demon or a fairy, who I am is only my own decision!

3. I will impress everyone and wait and see.


When happiness knocks on the door

Yu Shu Fang Island

50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion

1. If you have a dream, protect it.

2. If you have a goal, you must go all out.

3. I'm such a person, if you ask a question I don't know the answer to, I will tell you directly "I don't know". But I assure you: I know how to find out, and I'll find out.

4. Don't let others tell you that you can't become a talent, even if I can't.

5. If you have a dream, defend it. Those who have achieved nothing want to tell you that you can't make it either. If you have an ideal, you have to work hard to achieve it. That's it.


Let's wrestle! Father

Yu Shu Fang Island

1. From birth to death, your life is a wrestling match.

2. When your heart is full of fear, pat your back and find your courage and you will be fine!

3. Fight head-on, that's what you were born for!

4. I stay here only to be the strongest.

5. Opportunities are fleeting, you have to fight for every drop of your sweat, and you must firmly believe that you will get more, and fate will succumb to your unremitting efforts.

6. Don't pay attention to other people's gossip, let them talk today, and your chance will come to prove yourself.

7. Dad doesn't come to save you every time, you have to fight on your own and do your best... Save yourself!

8. I'm proud of you!

50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion
50 heart-warming movie lines to heal all confusion

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