
Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".

author:Jiaxiang Fusions

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and further enhance the sense of honor, belonging and mission of party members, on June 28, Jintun Town held the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".

The shining medal reflects the original intention and shines for 50 years. Zhai Yuanzhi, secretary of the town party committee, wore a commemorative medal for the representatives of the old party members who have been in the party for 50 years one by one, and extended sincere congratulations to the old party members on behalf of the town party committee, and expressed heartfelt thanks for their hard work for the economic and social development of the town. It is hoped that the old party members can cherish the honor, always keep the original intention, continue to support the work of the party committee and the government, and actively give full play to their residual heat and make suggestions.

Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".
Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".

During the activity, the new development party members presented flowers to the representatives of the old party members, and the old party members wore party member badges for the new development party members, inherited the spirit of the party, spurred the young party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, always maintain their original mission, consciously fulfill the obligations of party members, and unswervingly strive for the cause of the party and the people.

Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".
Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".

Representatives of veteran party members shared their 50 years in the party and expressed their confidence and determination to always listen to the party and follow the party. In his speech, the representative of the new development party members said that they should continue to inherit the fine style and quality of the old party members, pass on the spirit of their predecessors, and constantly temper the party spirit and achieve absolute loyalty to the party.

Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".
Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".

Under the leadership of Zhai Yuanzhi, secretary of the town party committee, representatives of old party members, new development party members and other participating party members solemnly swore to the party flag, strengthened their ideals and beliefs in the Zheng Zheng oath, and asked about their original mission.

Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".

Zhai Yuanzhi, secretary of the town party committee, gave a party class to all party members, educating and guiding all party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, keep in mind their original mission, unremittingly do practical things for the masses, solve problems, and do a good job in mass work with heart and soul.

Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".
Jintun Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Welcoming July 1st, Keeping the Original Heart, Strengthening Party Spirit, and Undertaking Mission".

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