
Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".

author:Jiaxiang Fusions

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the great spirit of party building, on June 28, Zhongshan Town organized the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness to the Party, Passing the Torch to Cast the Soul of the Party".

Shining for 50 years, scorching to the heart of the party. The Party Committee of Zhongshan Town held a ceremony to award the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party". The members of the town team awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the six representatives of the old party members who have reached the 50th anniversary of the party. I would like to express my gratitude to the old party members for their hard work over the years, and hope that the old party members will continue to carry forward the advantages of their rich experience and actively make suggestions and suggestions to help improve the work of the town.

Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".
Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".

At the event site, the representatives of the old party members wore party member badges for the new party members and gave earnest teaching, using the old to bring the new and pass on the torch to convey the spirit of responsibility and responsibility, and spur them not to forget their original intentions, keep in mind the mission, consciously fulfill the obligations of party members, and serve the people wholeheartedly.

Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".
Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".

In his speech, the representative of the new party members said that he felt extremely honored and proud to participate in this event today, especially the moment when he accepted the old party members to wear the party emblem for himself, and promised to take the outstanding party members around him as an example in the future, strengthen the communist ideals, conscientiously study the party's theory, keep up with the pace of the party, implement the party's decisions, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role, and strive to be a pioneer and an example in the work of serving the people and rural revitalization.

Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".
Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".

In order to further guide party members to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, all party members were organized to take a centralized oath, which was led by Cao Mengcai, secretary of the town party committee, and all party members faced the party flag, raised their right fists, and solemnly swore an oath.

Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".

Cao Mengcai, secretary of the town party committee, combined with the town and village, actually gave a party lesson to educate and guide party members to keep in mind the original mission, strengthen ideals and beliefs, strengthen self-restraint, and contribute to the high-quality development of Zhongshan Town with higher morale and more enthusiasm.

Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".
Zhongshan Town, Jiaxiang County, carried out the activity of "Red Heart to the Party, Praise the Party's Kindness, Passing the Torch and Casting the Party's Soul".

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