
"Newspaper card" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The scale and popularity of the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service will be better than in previous years

author:Jinan Times - New Yellow River

On June 30, the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service Conference hosted by Jinan Daily Newspaper Group was held at the Shandong International Convention and Exhibition Center. The relevant persons in charge of Shandong Experimental Middle School, Shandong Normal High School, Jinan Foreign Chinese School, and Licheng No. 2 Middle and High School conducted voluntary analysis and guidance on the spot, and vocational schools also showed their housekeeping skills to attract popularity through the display of students' works, training results, and teaching equipment...... The scale and service level of this year's high school entrance examination voluntary filling service will be upgraded again, and the more comprehensive content and better service have won the common praise of parents, candidates and participating schools.

"Newspaper card" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The scale and popularity of the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service will be better than in previous years
"Newspaper card" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The scale and popularity of the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service will be better than in previous years
The "newspaper card" service is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and parents have given a thumbs up

"The child has passed our school's art and sports specialty exam, can I get this cultural class score?" At 7:30 on June 30, Ms. Li, the parent of the third junior high school, came to the booth of Jinan No. 11 Middle School early in the morning to inquire about recruitment. Ms. Li said that she has been concerned about the Jinan newspaper high school entrance examination volunteer filling service for several years, and the on-site consultation has been very popular.

"Newspaper card" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The scale and popularity of the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service will be better than in previous years
"Newspaper card" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The scale and popularity of the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service will be better than in previous years

Mr. Cao's son scored 599 points in the high school entrance examination this year, and he also rushed to the scene of the high school entrance examination volunteer filling service meeting early in the morning, and asked for the child's volunteering, "The child wants to go to the provincial experimental middle school, and today I came to ask the person in charge of school admissions, and I am more knowledgeable, and I am very grateful to Jinan Newspaper for this service meeting." ”

In front of the booth of the Provincial Experimental Middle School, Mr. He, a citizen, took his family to consult the admissions officer in detail about the application for the examination. "My daughter scored 610 points in the exam this year, and I want to come over and ask about the difference between the Central Campus and the East Campus, so that the child can make a choice." Mr. He said that it is very rare to have a face-to-face conversation with the head of admissions of the school, and after learning the news of the Jinan Newspaper Service Association, the whole family is very concerned and came to the scene today to ask for volunteers.

At the scene, parents gave a thumbs up to Jinan Newspaper: "Jinan Newspaper is authoritative and experienced, and its public welfare and one-stop intimate service can allow us to face to face with more favorite schools and make the voluntary filling more accurate." ”

The "principals' group" sat together to answer questions one-on-one

Compared with previous years, this year's high school entrance examination voluntary filling service will have more principals personally leading the team to talk to candidates and parents face-to-face.

Li Li, Executive Principal of Derun Campus of Shandong Experimental Middle School, Zhong Hongjun, Principal of Medical Center Campus of Jinan Xicheng Experimental Middle School, Miao Cuiqiang, Principal of Jinan No. 1 Middle School, Dong Ya, Principal of Jinan Middle School, Liu Hanlu, Principal of Jinan No. 7 Middle School, Du Haifeng, Principal of Jinan No. 9 Middle School, Yang Bin, Principal of Jinan No. 11 Middle School, Liu Baofu, Principal of Jinan Muslim Middle School, Yue Shanhua, Vice Principal of Licheng No. 2 Middle School, Feng Yu, Vice Principal of Jinan University Town Experimental Senior High School, Wang Wentao, Vice Principal of Jinan Iron and Steel High School, and Zhang Dongsheng, Vice Principal of Jinan No. 3 Middle School, came to the booth to answer questions for parents and candidates, they were also surrounded by parents and candidates, and the popularity of the scene made them unable to take care of drinking water and resting.

"Newspaper card" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The scale and popularity of the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service will be better than in previous years

"My child's score, can I apply for our school this year?" "What's the difference between the two campuses, and which one are we better suited for?" "Do you have a lot of daily student activities? We want our children to be holistically developed. The reporter learned from the scene that in order to allow parents to "run less" and "ask clearly", all high schools have set up an "echelon" volunteer filling service team to make asking volunteers more efficient, more professional and more targeted. In addition to the principal, the school also sent the admissions director, key teachers, and outstanding student representatives to provide on-site consulting services and answer questions for parents and candidates. "Participating in the service will allow the school to attract high-quality students, and it will be able to show the school's image in a face-to-face and intimate way, and spread the school's educational philosophy." Yu Li, head of enrollment at Shandong Experimental Middle School, said. It is reported that many schools are "hardcore schools" that have participated in the exhibition since the first service meeting.

"Can I still take the college entrance examination if I go to a vocational school? What are the progression channels? How's the employment situation going?" At this year's service meeting, the exhibition area of vocational schools was expanded again. Different from high schools, vocational schools involve major selection, further education and employment and other issues, some candidates and parents are still confused before coming in, after the school face-to-face Q&A, for the choice of secondary vocational schools, the parents of candidates have a feeling of "seeing the sun".

It is understood that with the deepening of the reform of the college entrance examination system, the concept of "vocational education college entrance examination" has attracted more and more attention, but some candidates and parents do not know much about it. "I used to think that I had to work after graduating from secondary vocational school, but I was able to pass the 'vocational education college entrance examination' to go to undergraduate college when I went to secondary vocational school, which I only learned when I came to the service club." A parent said that his child's high school entrance examination score was not high, and he was still very entangled before, but at the service meeting, he learned a lot of policy dividends, and there was more than one way to go to vocational school, which made his heart finally steady.

The chief reporter "supported", and the expert lectures were full
"Newspaper card" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! The scale and popularity of the 8th High School Entrance Examination Voluntary Filling Service will be better than in previous years

The "Recruitment Quiet Distance" Volunteer Filling Public Welfare Lecture is the "reserved program" of the Jinan Newspaper High School Entrance Examination Volunteer Filling Service Association, and it is also one of the most popular projects for students and parents who participate in the service meeting. At 9:30 a.m. on June 30, the lecture had just started, and the scene was already full, and many parents chose to stand in the corridor to listen because they did not want to miss the lecture.

What do index students and unified enrollment need to pay attention to, how to apply for parallel volunteers, what to see on campus open days, and what parents need to prepare...... At the lecture, Zhao Jing, chief reporter of Jinan Daily Newspaper Group, interpreted the latest recruitment policy information, and gave detailed guidance on how students and parents choose schools, choose courses, and take the prestigious school.

Zhao Jing suggested that index students should consult junior high schools more and communicate more with the class teacher when filling in the report, and the class teacher has a better understanding of the school's index registration; Unified enrollment should pay attention to the city's ranking, make good use of a one-point and one-paragraph table, and look at the ranking without looking at the score, especially for students in the seven districts of the city, they should look at the one-point and one-paragraph table of the seven districts in the city. Zhao Jing said that in addition to this year's one-point and one-paragraph table, parents should also carefully study the one-point and one-paragraph table of the previous three years, pay attention to the score line and corresponding ranks, and compare them one by one.

How to report parallel volunteering? Chong 1, stabilize 2, and guarantee 3, Zhao Jing suggested that "rushing" is a school where students and parents want to go but have a slightly insufficient score, and the difference in rank is about 1,000; "Stable" refers to the school whose student ranking has been above the school in recruiting students compared with the previous three years; The third school must be kept, "It is not necessary to be admitted to a public high school if you pass the score line, so the third school must ensure that the child can be admitted." ”

Set up a stage online and offline, and millions of people asked for volunteers online

"The first time I got the scores, the most anxious thing was to know which school I could go to with this score, and by watching Sister Yin Ping's conversation with the 'admissions officer', I learned a lot about the school's admissions policies." "I couldn't go to the site to ask for volunteers because of my work, but through the dialogue with the 'admissions officer' program, I learned about the enrollment situation of the school I care about this year in one stop." At the service meeting, the "double-line questioning" once again became an important measure to serve candidates and parents. Offline, many schools will be led by principals to directly answer students' questions on a "one-to-one" basis. Online, Yin Ping, chief reporter of Jinan Daily Newspaper Group, acted as the host and had a face-to-face dialogue with the head of high school admissions in the live broadcast room of the media interview.

24 school "admissions officers" walked into the live broadcast room of the media interview, talked about the characteristics of running a school, talked about the enrollment plan, talked about the voluntary filling, explained in detail the enrollment advantages of each school, and focused on answering the questions that candidates and parents are most concerned about. As of 5 p.m. on the same day, the number of live broadcast hits on the Aijinan news client alone exceeded one million.

"At the scene, what parents are most concerned about is how the school's food and living conditions are, and I am here to give parents a unified answer...... "When filling in the parallel volunteers, we must make good use of the unified school code of the Provincial Experimental Middle School Education Group '001', Shandong Experimental Middle School (Group) has a total of 4 schools to choose from, and candidates can choose up to two of them." In the media interview, the admissions officers focused on answering the hot topics that parents are concerned about. The form of online and offline "double-line questioning" has also been highly recognized by various high schools. "This year is the fifth consecutive year that I have participated in the dialogue between Yin Ping and the 'admissions officer', and I stayed on site for a whole day this year, fully feeling the enthusiasm of the parents, and thanking Jinan Daily Newspaper Group for building a comprehensive display platform for us online and offline." Miao Cuiqiang, principal of Jinan No. 1 Middle School, said.

Jinan newspaper all-media reporters: Zhao Shicai, Shi Chunyong, Han Xiaofeng, Zhang Mengwen

Editor: Lv Bing Photography: Huang Zhongming Proofreader: Li Li

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