
Attention iPhone users! Be wary of FaceTime scams

author:Great Wall Net

Do you receive the police

Such a text message prompt

Attention iPhone users! Be wary of FaceTime scams

Do you know what a FaceTime call is?

Do you know FaceTime

Attention iPhone users! Be wary of FaceTime scams

FaceTime is an Apple device

unique calling software

Your Apple device is connected to the internet

And your FaceTime function remains on

The other party only needs to know your phone number or Apple ID

to dial you to FaceTime

It has happened all over the country recently

Online scams via FaceTime

Ms. Chen from Sichuan received a FaceTime call from a person claiming to be a bank worker, saying that she could help Ms. Chen cancel her 1,000 yuan handling fee due to the automatic renewal of the "Million Dollar Protection Plan". Ms. Chen did not suspect that there was a fake, and entered the bank card verification code under the guidance of the other party step by step, and more than 38,000 yuan in the card was instantly transferred out.

Ms. Wang, from Hangzhou, recently received 11 FaceTime video calls, and Ms. Wang did not intend to connect them at first, but after connecting to several calls, she connected to FaceTime. The other party said: Ms. Wang's agricultural bank card needs to deduct 9,500 yuan, and the deduction channel needs to be closed......

Later, after the police arrived at the scene to dissuade and stop the loss, Ms. Wang realized that the 11 phone calls were all frauds. In order to prevent Ms. Wang from contacting the scammer again, the police directly assisted in turning off the FaceTime function on her mobile phone.

Mr. Wu from Jiangsu used the Apple mobile phone also recently received a FaceTime call, the "customer service" said that he could help him apply for an interest rate adjustment, according to the guide to download a "ZOXX" APP, log in to the meeting, share the screen, was fooled to China Merchants Bank and other banks for loans, transferred money to the designated account and found that it was cheated, a total of 107,000 yuan; After discovering that you have been deceived, you should call the police in time, and the police will stop the loss in time.

The FaceTime phone scam is

Recently, a new method of scam drainage has been introduced

Criminals take advantage of the internal device of the iPhone

Call video software FaceTime

Committing serial frauds

FaceTime scam routine

Because FaceTime calls rely on the Internet

It can evade the interception of this call by the communication carrier

Domestic Apple users don't use FaceTime frequently

Some fraudsters take advantage of unfamiliarity with its features

Committing scams via FaceTime calls

There is no significant change between the basic routine and overseas scam calls

Once you have agreed to the FaceTime invitation

Scammers will impersonate customer service on major platforms

Make up all sorts of reasons to ask for you

Add a group, download conference software, and transfer money

You are even asked to click on the software's built-in screen sharing feature

Real-time monitoring to get your passwords

Attention iPhone users! Be wary of FaceTime scams

So how should we prevent FaceTime calls?

When asked for a FaceTime call

The identity of the other party should be confirmed first

Official customer service and credit related fields in mainland China

FaceTime will not be used for contact

If you receive a suspicious call, don't be gullible about it

Confirm on the official platform

If you need to use FaceTime on a daily basis

Inconvenient to close

It is advisable to reject unsolicited calls

to avoid being scammed

Attention iPhone users! Be wary of FaceTime scams

How do we turn off the FaceTime feature?

Attention iPhone users! Be wary of FaceTime scams

If Apple users rarely use FaceTime, it is recommended to turn off the function directly: go to the phone's system settings - FaceTime - turn off.

Police remind

Any official platform in mainland China will not communicate with you in the form of device-owned software such as FaceTime or personal social accounts.

Those who claim to be micro-loans, Alipay, million guarantees, banks and other staff who claim to transfer money on the grounds of adjusting interest rates, deducting fees at maturity, and affecting credit investigation are all frauds.

Do not answer video requests from strangers at will, protect the privacy of personal facial information, do not share personal information such as verification codes and passwords with others, and remember not to turn on screen sharing with strangers.

iPhone users

Reject a FaceTime call from an unknown person

Refuse to share your screen with strangers

Source: Cyber Security Bureau, Ministry of Public Security

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