
The Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a collective study meeting and the second party discipline study and education reading class

author:Karamay zero distance
The Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a collective study meeting and the second party discipline study and education reading class
The Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a collective study meeting and the second party discipline study and education reading class
The Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a collective study meeting and the second party discipline study and education reading class

On June 28, the Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a collective study meeting and the second phase of the Party Discipline Study and Education Reading Class to ensure that the Party discipline study and education are deepened and practical, and to promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party to develop in depth.

Shi Gang, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided over the meeting. The relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision gave special guidance on the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", and some members of the Municipal Party Committee's Theoretical Study Center Group exchanged and discussed speeches.

The meeting pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping attaches great importance to the study and education of party discipline, and has made many important speeches and instructions, especially during the recent inspection in Shandong, Qinghai, Ningxia and other places, he has made important speeches on the study and education of party discipline, which provides a fundamental follow-up for promoting the study and education of party discipline, establishes a guide to action, and points out the way forward.

The meeting emphasized that to carry out party discipline learning and education in a solid manner, we should focus on improving the political position, strengthening warning education, enhancing the effectiveness of learning and strengthening supervision and guidance, etc., and should learn the "Regulations" in their original form, combine positive guidance and negative warnings, and connect the party discipline learning and education with the party style and clean government education month activities, and continue to work hard in deepening, internalizing and transforming, leading and driving the city's party members and cadres to establish higher standards and implement stricter requirements in learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline. It is necessary to pay close attention to the problems of the masses' urgency, hardship, and longing, and increasing the burden on the grassroots, find out the weak points in system building, the risk points in the operation of power, and the blank points in supervision and management in the course of deepening study, and do a good job in rectifying and rectifying problems.

The meeting required that we should continue to consolidate the political responsibility of party committees (party groups) at all levels to manage the party and govern the party, implement the responsibility of the first responsible person of the "number one", firmly implement the "one post and two responsibilities", and promote the main responsibility of the party committee, the supervision responsibility of the discipline inspection commission, and the supervision responsibility of functional departments in the same direction, continue to deepen the theoretical armament, continue to uphold discipline and anti-corruption, implement the strict tone, strict measures, and strict requirements in the whole process of party discipline education and discipline supervision, and further improve the comprehensive and strict party governance system with complete elements, complete functions, scientific and standardized, and efficient operation.

The Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a collective study meeting and the second party discipline study and education reading class
The Theoretical Study Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a collective study meeting and the second party discipline study and education reading class

Source: Karamay financial media reporter Liu Hongyan

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