
After reading the novel "Peace of Mind and Ease", I understand that acceptance is the beginning, and reconciliation is healing

author:Du Mo Dyeing

What's the most important thing in this world?

Some people say that reputation is the most important, reputation is stinky, and it is spurned everywhere, and it is more uncomfortable to live like that than to die;

Some people say that money is the most important thing, and without money, you can't gain a foothold in society and will be looked down upon.

But what are these important premises? It's people, ourselves.

Since the most important thing in this world is ourselves, if we lose ourselves, it is useless to be famous and profitable.

Will we lose ourselves?

Yes, if you are not careful, someone will lose their way in the course of life.

For example, some people feel sorry for themselves because of bad feelings, and even give up their lives;

Some people pursue profits, do all kinds of dirty and ugly things, and end up harming others and themselves;

If you lose yourself, you can get it back.

After reading the novel "Peace of Mind and Ease", I understand that acceptance is the beginning, and reconciliation is healing

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do.

In order to solve people's worries and confusion, the profession of psychological counselor came into being.

They use their professional knowledge and understanding of human nature to help the counsellor find the reason for the misguided path and try to bring them out as much as possible.

But this profession is niche, and for many people, it is like a veil that makes it impossible to see its face.

If you can't see it clearly, you'll be curious, so I hope who can lift the veil and let us see the face behind the veil.

Written by Wu Gang and published by the Writers Publishing House, "Peace of Mind and Ease" is a book that helps us unveil the veil.


After graduating from graduate school, with the help of his father and stepmother, he opened a psychological counseling center called "Ferryman" in Zhongguancun, Beijing.

Wang Anyi is a psychological counselor who returned from his studies in the United States and has a doctorate.

At an academic conference, Wang Anyi and Anxin met unexpectedly, and Wang Anyi fell in love with Anxin at first sight, so he joined the "Ferryman" and became a partner of the consulting firm.

And the pursuit of peace of mind.

Wang Anyi is full of gold, highly educated, and walks with Anxin, with a common language, Anxin, who is still single at the age of 34, should not refuse Wang Anyi.

can rest assured not to accept Wang Anyi.

Some people guess that it is because of her relationship with her best friend Jia Yinan.

But Anxin said that it was she who didn't like men.

After reading the novel "Peace of Mind and Ease", I understand that acceptance is the beginning, and reconciliation is healing

If this reason is Anxin's rejection of Wang Anyi's prevarication, it is understandable and true, and it makes people feel awkward.

Everything happens for a reason, and there is no reason for nothing.

However, the reason why Anxin doesn't like men, even Jia Yinan doesn't know.

Because of peace of mind, no one told anyone.

No one said, it was possible that she had been injured, and it was very badly injured.

Healing, by time, by yourself.

Everything is fateful, and the person you meet by accident may be the medicine to heal your wounds.

During the morning rush hour on Monday, I drove with peace of mind, but when I was about to get to the "ferryman", I was rear-ended.

This is a normal traffic accident.

Unexpectedly, Shao Rongde, the person who hit the safe car, would find peace of mind after the accident problem was solved.

is still rebellious in adolescence, and Shao Rongde's daughter Su Su took the initiative to ask for it.

Shao Rongde said to Anxin that since the death of his wife, Su Su's temperament has changed greatly, and he can't tolerate any women around him.

Anxin made an appointment with Su Su, and Su Su told her that she did it on purpose, and said that she missed her mother.

Su Su's appearance is similar to An's childhood, coupled with a similar experience, Su Su, Anxin thought of himself.

She was about four years old, her mother was suffering from cancer, in order to save his wife, her father Jiang Shaoxiong set his sights on imported special drugs, but he couldn't afford the sky-high costs, and it was Chairman Mu Yun who helped him.

Due to his inability to repay the sky-high loans, coupled with Mu Yun's fierce pursuit, three years after his wife's death, Jiang Shaoxiong married Mu Yun.

Mu Yun has a son named Mu Haotian.

Because she misses her mother and complains about her father's remarriage, Anxin becomes sensitive, withdrawn, and even a little nervous, she will use all her strength to pinch herself, hurt herself with needles and knives, and refuse to move into a new home.

It wasn't until Jiang Shaoxiong saw Anxin self-harming and took out the letter her mother had written to Anxin before she died, that the ten-year-old Anxin agreed to move to a new home to live with her father and stepmother.

What happened to Anxin in this new home, outsiders don't know, only know that she didn't choose Beijing and went to Hangzhou for the college entrance examination.


Mu Yun is very good to Anxin, she starts a business with peace of mind, she takes the money to support her silently behind her back, and she goes home with peace of mind, and she shushs at Anxin and asks for warmth.

Anxin knew that Mu Yun was a good stepmother, but she couldn't call her mom, Mu Yun never reluctantly reluctantly reluctantly reassured, and said that she was sorry at every turn.

After reading the novel "Peace of Mind and Ease", I understand that acceptance is the beginning, and reconciliation is healing

Su Su gradually changed, Shao Rongde was grateful for Anxin, please eat with peace of mind, and hoped that Anxin would be Susu's godmother, Anxin agreed, but unexpectedly, Anxin bumped into Jia Yinan and her boyfriend.

Her heart was surging, she knew that her best friend who had been with her for fifteen years was leaving her, in order to relieve her sadness, she invited Wang Anyi to travel, and Wang Anyi took her to fly into the blue sky.

And said to her: "It is difficult for people to find opportunities to slow down and stop, and if we are willing to put down our means and learn from nature, this tiredness may be avoided."

"Learn what?" Peace of mind asked.

"Reconciliation," Wang replied

"How can people reconcile if they are not grass and trees?" Reassuring again

"Accept and let go. ″

Wang Anyi's profound wisdom made Anxin's heart a little relieved to reject him.

Wang Anyi's words, she also listened to her heart, although she was reluctant to Jia Yinan, she still took the initiative to send Yinan and her boyfriend on the plane, and then went to Hainan to find her father and them to celebrate the Spring Festival together.

But just when they were happily preparing to eat dumplings, the doorbell rang, and it was Mu Haotian and his wife Yan Qing, who had not seen each other for 20 years.

The air froze instantly, and Jiang Shaoxiong even grabbed An'er's hand, finding that An'an's hand was cold and trembling slightly.

Mu Haotian is eight years older than An Xin, the two met for the first time, and An Xin admired this tall and burly brother, who was handsome as a mixed-race child and spoke fluent English.

But who would have expected that when An Xin was thirteen years old, he would be raped by Mu Haotian.

Jiang Shaoxiong was anxious and wanted to find Mu Haotian desperately, but Mu Yun knelt down and begged, so he reluctantly gave up

Everyone hopes that time will heal all the wounds, but the nightmare haze always hangs over everyone's heart.

Mu Haotian's arrival this time disturbed the reassuring mood, she didn't want to stay any longer, so she went to find Wang Anyi, who was on vacation in Hainan.

They dived, enjoyed a seafood feast, and after being officially confessed, Anxin found that she had also fallen in love with Wang Anyi, but thinking that she had been ruined, she still couldn't help but retreat, she felt that she was not worthy.


After the Spring Festival, the work of the consultation center returned to normal.

On this day, seeing off the first consultant, An Xin was rubbing his sore back when a lady surnamed Wang hurriedly walked in.

She said anxiously, "Help my child, I think he's going crazy."

Ms. Wang's child is in the third year of high school, a critical sprint period, but the child said that he doesn't want to go to school.

Ms. Wang kept telling Anxin about her dedication, going to a good middle school for her children, selling a three-bedroom family of three to squeeze a one-bedroom apartment in a key middle school, how many classes she enrolled in for her children's grades, quitting her job to accompany her, attending extracurricular classes for her children, and she didn't go to see her last face when her mother died.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world, but what is the contribution of parents to their children?

Subsequently, Anxin met Ms. Wang's son Yangyang.

Under the guidance of peace of mind, Yang Yang expressed the dissatisfaction and grievances accumulated in his heart.

He also said that he felt that he owed a debt to his parents, and he worked hard in junior high school because he had to pay off the debt, but after entering a key high school, the competitive pressure was too great, and he hoped to meet his mother's requirements, but the reality made him unable to do it.

Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from his goal, he was afraid of failure, so he wanted to give up.

After communicating with several parties, Ms. Wang understood that everything was due to her own anxiety and the wrong way of education, she no longer forced Yangyang, and Yangyang was able to travel lightly and prepare for the college entrance examination.

Communication is the key to untying the knot, this peace of mind knows better than anyone else, but Anxin herself rarely reveals her heart to outsiders, not to Jia Yinan, she still doesn't say a word about Wang Anyi, who can let her take off her armor, and the injuries she has suffered.

It was a scar she hoped would never be touched again, and it was also the gap she thought stood between her and Wang Anyi.

Wang Anyi sensed Anxin's concealment, but he didn't ask, he just wanted to slowly dispel the haze in Anxin's heart with more care and love.

But the world is impermanent, and it may be just a breath and a breath, and on a seemingly ordinary day, we may be separated from the people we love.


At the beginning of April, Anxin received a call from Mu Yun and learned that her father had returned to Beijing for treatment of sudden nephritis, and she hurried to the hospital.

There is no mother anymore, and Anxin is afraid of losing his father again.

During her father's hospitalization, she wanted to spend more time with her father, and the father-daughter relationship, which had been somewhat estranged, became intimate again.

After her body basically recovered, her father and Mu Yun returned to Hainan and began to work normally.

After reading the novel "Peace of Mind and Ease", I understand that acceptance is the beginning, and reconciliation is healing

After learning that a counselor suffering from depression had committed suicide, she vomited and had a fever.

She went to the hospital for a check-up and was suffering from acute nephritis.

Fortunately, pay attention to rest, take medicine on time, and the condition can be controlled.

This is a doctor's order.

It does not mean that the patient will listen, and peace of mind is the person who is disobedient.

She often forgot to take the medicine, because Yan Qing came to her and told her about Mu Haotian, for herself, and for the two girls who Mu Haotian harmed, she was relieved to deal with Mu Haotian's affairs in her spare time, she was anxious, and coupled with her relationship problems with Wang Anyi, she often drank alcohol.

Evil has evil retribution, in the fight with Mu Haotian, Yan Qing killed Mu Haotian.

At this time, after fainting, An Xin was sent to the hospital, and after investigation, her acute nephritis developed into chronic nephritis, and chronic nephritis turned into kidney failure.

A kidney transplant is urgently needed.

Fortunately, thanks to Jia Yinan, Wang Anyi knew that Anxin was afraid of delaying his happiness, so he deliberately created a misunderstanding.

Jiang Shaoxiong and Shao Rongde both went to do matching, but they were unsuccessful.

Providence dictates, only the king is comfortable and successful.

But Anxin was reluctant to accept his kidney.

In order to persuade Anxin, Wang Anyi invited Anxin's graduate tutor Tan Lao.

Tan Lao said to Anxin: "There are many people who need our help, and there are too few we can help." We are the only ones who can really help 100%.

Many students choose the profession of psychological counseling precisely because they have encountered problems. You are one of them.

How can a person be satisfied with everything in this life? What should I do if I have a problem? Stuck inside? Shut yourself off? Self-defeating and complaining? We must learn to reconcile, to reconcile with others, to reconcile with ourselves, to reconcile with the unsatisfactory, in the final sentence - to reconcile with fate.

Only when we do this can we truly cross ourselves and be truly qualified to help others. ”

After listening to the teacher, she nodded with peace of mind, she understood what the teacher meant, and she also knew what to do.


Writing "Peace of Mind and Ease" was the idea that the author Wu Gang had when he created "Zhenlong", because in the process of consulting materials, he found that the psychological counseling industry has long been closely related to our lives, and the stories that happen in this circle are the epitome of real life.

The number of depressed patients is increasing, involution and lying flat are everywhere, sighs and hysteria can be heard everywhere, and scenes of human sorrow are being staged in turn.

After reading the novel "Peace of Mind and Ease", I understand that acceptance is the beginning, and reconciliation is healing

How to solve problems and what kind of help will be received has become a topic of deep concern for everyone.

Therefore, the author turned his creative attention to psychological counselors and counselors.

The 12 psychological counseling cases included in this book are all based on real life, and readers can see some of their own shadows in them, and maybe they can also see ways to help them solve their problems.

There are so many things and so many problems that no book can solve everyone's problems.

But as the author says in the afterword, how to settle down? How to get along with people? How do you keep moving forward with your dreams? Perhaps nothing more than two words: reconciliation.

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