
The more reluctant a man is in 2 aspects, it means that he cares about you more and should cherish it

author:Heart in the story

If you really love someone, that person will become your own weakness, and you will feel distressed, worried, and reluctant.

Whether it is love or marriage, the more reluctant a man is in two aspects, the more he can prove that he cares about you and is sincere to you.

The more reluctant a man is in 2 aspects, it means that he cares about you more and should cherish it


When the pressure is heavy, I am reluctant to let you suffer

Reader Caixia, who has been married for three years, has already decided that her husband is a man worthy of trust in this life, even if one day in the future, the two of them can't go on for various reasons, Caixia also feels that it is worth it to be on the same road with such a man for a lifetime.

Caixia is not a love brain, her feelings are completely from the performance of men.

The two are in love on campus, Caixia worked directly after graduating from university, and the man went to another city to study for graduate school, and after three years of graduate school, the man ran around for three years, because he was reluctant to work hard Caixia, and he had to waste precious rest time on the road.

Later, the two finally arrived in the same city, got married, scraped together all their savings and loans to buy a small apartment, and the two thought about waiting for the financial pressure to ease a little before thinking about their children.

However, people are not as good as the sky, the plan can't keep up with the changes, and Caixia is unexpectedly pregnant. The sudden arrival of the child made Caixia anxious, and she didn't want the child for a while.

At the critical moment, it is the persistence of men's choices. He said to Caixia: If you come, you will be safe, and the economic pressure will be greater, and you can always find a way to solve it.

After that, he dedicated all his weekends to work, either working overtime, or on the way to overtime, as long as he can earn more money, he is willing to take on projects no matter how hard they are.

As for Caixia, the man is all kinds of distressed and considerate, reluctant to let her do a little more work, he always said to Caixia: It is a man's responsibility to support his family, with me, don't worry.

In such a day of hard work rain or shine, the man persevered for three years, until the position level went up and the salary rose, and the man breathed a sigh of relief.

Mr. Yang Jiang said:

No matter how good a person is, he doesn't feel sorry for you, it's useless, vows can be made up, romance can be disguised, only distress is from the heart, it can't deceive others, and it can't deceive yourself.

A man's true love is first reflected in his reluctance and distress to you in the face of pressure.

The more reluctant a man is in 2 aspects, it means that he cares about you more and should cherish it


When you encounter difficulties, you are reluctant to face them alone

Actor Chen Daoming once said:

The love between husband and wife is not when the moon goes down before the flowers, but when the catastrophe comes.

Lu Yao knows the horsepower, sees the hearts of the people over time, tests whether the husband and wife are true love, and a dilemma can see the real chapter.

My friend Wang Ting, because of a serious illness, really realized that men are good to themselves.

Before that, Wang Ting was somewhat disgusted with men, because men were inferior to Wang Ting in terms of appearance, ability and family background, and the man had a wooden personality and did not understand the amorous feelings, and there was no way to give Wang Ting emotional value.

In Wang Ting's words, after ten years of marriage, the sweet words spoken by men can be counted with two palms.

So Wang Ting was somewhat satisfied with men, until half a year ago, her father had a serious illness.

The old man is hemiplegia caused by cerebral infarction, although he tries his best to treat it, the prognosis is not very good, and he can hardly take care of himself for half a year. Wang Ting is an only child, and her mother's body has always been relatively weak, so she can only take care of her old father.

Although her responsibility is unshirkable, Wang Ting is somewhat worried, because her father is burly and has a good face, I am afraid it will be difficult to accept the close care of her daughter.

When Wang Ting was struggling with whether to hire a nurse, the man had already seen through her mind and said to her directly: What about me, a son-in-law and half a son-in-law, what are you worried about?

The man does what he says, and he bears the most difficult days of half a year and the heavy responsibility of taking care of him. The unaware neighbors in the community saw it, and once thought that the man was a son and Wang Ting was a daughter-in-law.

Some people say:

The people who love you the most do not come because of your light, but give you the most unwavering support when you are in a difficult time.

This is what loving someone looks like at its best.

The more reluctant a man is in 2 aspects, it means that he cares about you more and should cherish it

Writer Haruki Murakami said:

People who are really good to you are in the details, people will lie, but the details will not, love is the details, and neither is love.

A man who really loves you must not be willing to let you bear too much pressure in life, and he must not be willing to let you face the difficulties of life alone, he will use his real actions and efforts to express his love and sincerity for you.

Such a man, when encountered, must be cherished.