
Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

author:Stimulate the practical classroom
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Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

Text: Non-mainstream teenagers

Editor|Non-mainstream teenagers

With the popularity of "Ink Rain and Clouds", Wu Jinyan and Wang Xingyue, who are the male and female protagonists, have also remained popular for a long time.

However, recently, Wang Xingyue was considered by netizens to be "floating", and he was about to flip the table just after eating.

Originally, this drama was about to end, and everyone's Weibo was peaceful, and Yu's mother was also very pleased with this, and kept praising Wang Xingyue for being too handsome and good at acting.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

I didn't expect that it would only take long for Wang Xingyue's studio to fix so many moths.

The angry Yu Ma directly tore it up, not only angrily reprimanding Wang Xingyue's studio, but also threatening to fire the relevant personnel.

What's going on? Wang Xingyue kicked the iron plate just after a little heat this time, will there be a chance in the future?

The original story of Wang Xingyue's studio

The reason for the incident is that after the finale, the creators all posted a message to say goodbye to the audience according to the usual practice.

Wu Jinyan's Weibo is very decent, and he didn't just care about posting his own beautiful pictures, but posted a lot of group photos.

And Wang Xingyue, on his side, posted a lot of his understanding of the role of Xiao Yu, and the pictures are also his highlight moments in the play.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

Originally, fans of the drama were already very angry when they saw that Wang Xingyue Weibo only cared about highlighting himself, and he didn't highlight the heroine.

The video released by Wang Xingyue's studio in the back is even more excessive, focusing only on his highlight moments throughout the whole process, without considering the existence of the heroine at all, as if this drama is a big male lead drama.

Where does this place the heroine? Compared with Wu Jinyan's steady and decent farewell, Wang Xingyue was too impetuous and was criticized by netizens: "The appearance is too ugly." ”

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

The most important thing is that the personal tidbits he released are considered by many fans to imply that this drama is actually the BE ending.

But Yu Zheng said early on that this drama is absolutely HE and will not disappoint everyone.

As soon as this tidbit came out, many people preferred this ending in their hearts, and once an inherent impression was formed, it would be extremely unfavorable to Yu Zheng's extravagance later.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

By the time Yu Zheng saw this, everything had already settled, the tidbits that should have been put out had been released, and the fans who should have been offended had also been offended.

Seeing the comments of netizens, Yu Zheng only felt that his eyes were dark.

I looked for publicity overnight to solve this matter, but I didn't expect that I slipped my hand and wanted to forward it, but I accidentally became a like.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

Now that the situation has escalated, many fans have come over after smelling the smell of big melons.

Things have developed to this point, and Yu Zheng has to come forward to clarify this matter.

Yu Zheng issued a clarification

First of all, Yu Zheng declared that he does not mix with fans, and he is not very clear about some rules.

Some of the BE tidbits released by Wang Xingyue's studio were just for one more choice, and the director temporarily let them shoot a section.

And everyone's attention to this matter is obviously beyond Yu Zheng's imagination, he is now confused, Wang Xingyue has also been rushing to the event, and he didn't care about looking at his mobile phone.

What exactly is going on, what kind of solution, is still up for debate.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

It is worth mentioning that Yu Zheng also discussed this matter with the staff of Wang Xingyue's studio.

The staff meant that they wanted to treat it coldly, because this matter was nothing to lose to Wang Xingyue, and it also gained the distress of the fans.

But Yu Zheng doesn't think so, the work in his heart is a kind of art, every picture is carefully conceived and created by himself, and now it is changed at will, how can he bear it?

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

So Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded: "You actually dare to desecrate my art, are you crazy?" ”

"Where did you put me in such a madness?"

And Yu Zheng immediately asked the studio to delete the video, although he was so angry that he was crazy and scared on the Internet.

But when it comes to Wang Xingyue, he will still say: "He's just a child, what does he know?" It's all behind the scenes in the studio. ”

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

In this regard, many netizens did not buy it: "They are all over 20 years old, are they still children?" ”

"Is it true that all male celebrities make mistakes, as long as they say that they are still children, they can not be held responsible?"

Wang Xingyue has played a lot of big IPs, although he is young, but he has a lot of works, is he who often talks to the crew, really doesn't know anything about the studio?

Is he acquiescing in connivance? Or do you really not understand?

Is it a real child or a fake naïve?

Wang Xingyue is in the entertainment industry every day, even if it is a deaf rendering, he should understand some potential rules, right?

According to what his studio said, if you want to purify your fans, all kinds of words are very professional, and it can be seen that it is a very mature operation team.

But under such a team, Wang Xingyue doesn't know anything about this, and it's really a little unbelievable.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

The most important thing is that there is so much public opinion on the Internet, how can Wang Xingyue not see it at all?

If it's like Cheng Yi, he doesn't look at his phone after work, and it's understandable, but the age and personality of the two people and their performance in variety shows don't look like the same type of person.

Afterwards, Yu Zheng communicated with Wang Xingyue's studio, and whether the staff had told Wang Xingyue about it, everything needs to be verified.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

However, although Yu's mother has a poisonous tongue, her personality is still relatively straightforward, at least she doesn't hide it.

He said that the more Wang Xing didn't look at his phone, it might be that he really didn't look at it.

It can be seen from the chat records that the people who communicate these things are also staff, and Yu Zheng has not communicated with Wang Xingyue himself.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

So the more Wang Xing didn't know about it, it was still very credible to say it from Yu's mother's mouth.

Like Zhang Meng's plastic surgery back then, Yu Zheng was blunt, not caring about how many cameras there were around.

Even in front of many mentors and audiences in the show, he said this matter correctly.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

It can be seen from this incident that Yu Zhengxin is straightforward and fast-talking, and he will say whatever he wants.

If Wang Xingyue himself was really wrong, Yu Zheng should have brought it up a long time ago.

Since Yu Zheng is still maintaining Wang Xingyue's attitude, then everyone doesn't have to worry about it.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

After all, the party Yu Zhengdu thinks that Wang Xingyue is not at fault, so why should fans hold Wang Xingyue and not let go?

You must know that Wu Jinyan did not communicate well because of the cooperation between the staff and CCTV, and lost the popularity of passers-by.

was once labeled as a big name, but it was not until the sixth princess of CCTV interviewed her again that she cleared her "charges".

It can be seen how important it is for celebrities to have a good staff!


As an actor, each role should be responsible to the end, not only the performance in the play must conform to the actor's setting, but also respect the character until the time of saying goodbye to the character outside the play.

It is the responsibility of every actor to give an explanation to the character and a fulfillment to the audience.

Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

Wang Xingyue is still very young, and the future is still very long, so there is no need to rush to increase his fans by purifying this way.

As long as he hones his acting skills well, one day everyone can see his efforts, and his fans will naturally rise.

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Kicked to the iron plate! Yu Zheng angrily reprimanded Wang Xingyue's studio: "Are you crazy and dare to desecrate my art"

Information sources:

Xiaoxiang Morning News official account: "Yu Zheng issued a condemnation! Wang Xingyue's studio apologizes"

[Disclaimer] The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. The audience should look at this incident rationally, and do not leave malicious comments with subjective assumptions, the Internet is not a place outside the law. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

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