
In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China


[The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are citations at the end of the article, please be aware.] 】

In 1979, China's border was frequently harassed by Vietnam's troops, in order to protect the homeland and defend the country, the mainland began to carry out a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, countless soldiers swore to defend the mainland territory from violation, they are all good men with blood.

It is precisely under this strong patriotic feeling that our army is like a bamboo, and the Vietnamese army is defeated and retreated, and even to Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, at the most intense time, but after all, it is a counterattack war, which cannot be turned into a war of aggression, and our army began to retreat after achieving the goal of deterrence.

I thought that the victory was in hand, so I relaxed my vigilance against the Vietnamese army, but I didn't expect that an unexpected thing happened on the way to retreat, a company chose to surrender after being surrounded, which was the first in the war at that time.

Later, after the company commander was sent back to China, he was sent to a military court and sentenced to 10 years in prison.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

1. In order to defend the homeland and the country, it launched a self-defense counterattack against Vietnam

Since its founding, China has followed the Soviet Union's big brother, but there have been frequent frictions between the two countries, and relations have been sometimes good and sometimes bad, until 1969, when relations between China and the Soviet Union deteriorated completely after the Battle of Zhenbao Island.

The Soviet Union always wanted to control the mainland, but the mainland pursued independent development and diverged from the wishes of the Soviet Union.

After the deterioration of relations with the Soviet Union, the mainland could only make friends with the United States, which was not allowed in the eyes of the Soviet Union, and in order to strike at the mainland, the Soviet Union secretly instigated Vietnam, thinking of making China's border unstable, and finally had to turn to the Soviet Union for help.

Vietnam also has wolf ambitions, and with the assistance of the Soviet Union, it turned into a hungry wolf, ignoring China's kindness to it, wantonly encroaching on the border territory of the mainland, which was never allowed by the mainland, and had to launch a counterattack against Vietnam.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

In just a few days, the mainland has assembled more than 300,000 troops on the Sino-Vietnamese border, and the soldiers are gearing up to get back the lost territory. Vietnam did not expect at this moment that even with the deterrence of the Soviet Union, China would dare to send troops to Vietnam like this, and the two armies would fight, and the Vietnamese army would collapse at the first touch.

At that time, the soldiers had experienced bloody battles, and compared with the Vietnamese army, beating them was like beating babies, and they were all small fights before, but now that the mainland attaches importance to them, they are naturally not our opponents.

The mainland army is fighting more and more fiercely, and as the troops continue to deepen, they are about to reach Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, which makes the Vietnamese high-level sincerely afraid, and even have the idea of moving the capital, but the mainland is fighting a war of self-defense and counterattack, and now it is going to capture the capitals of other countries, then the war will change its taste.

Now, the mainland has given Vietnam enough deterrence, I believe they will think about it, so the army issued an order to retreat, unexpectedly, the retreat was not smooth, the cunning Vietnamese army took advantage of the terrain and other advantages to block our army, which caused our army heavy casualties.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

2. Encountering an enemy ambush on the way to retreat

The 50th Regiment of the 150th Division of the 448th Army unfortunately fell into the encirclement of the enemy on the way to retreat, due to the unfamiliarity with the terrain and the muddy roads, even though the 448th Regiment was already very careful, it was still surrounded by enemy troops.

The 2nd Battalion, which was sent out to explore the way, was besieged in the valley by the Vietnamese army, and the enemy in ambush wanted to eat the entire 2nd Battalion.

However, the number of enemy troops was too large, and they really had no way to break through, so they had to ask for help from the headquarters of the 448th Regiment. After receiving the message of the 2nd Battalion asking for help, the regimental headquarters of the 448th Regiment immediately sent the 1st Company and the 8th Company to help.

At this time, they didn't know that they might never come back. The 2nd Battalion held its position hard, waiting for reinforcements, but the 1st and 8th Companies that went to support were unfortunately held back by the enemy, but despite this, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion still did not give up resistance.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

In order to be able to break out, Wang Lixin, the commander of the 3rd Company of the 2nd Battalion, took the initiative to request the formation of a death squad, he wanted to fight a bloody way for his brothers, but he had no choice but to fail to break through in the end, and he also died in the battle with the enemy.

The situation of the 1st and 8th companies that came to support was not much better, especially the 8th company, which was surrounded by enemy regiments. Feng Zengmin, the commander of the 8th Company, actively commanded the soldiers to fight, and used the terrain to launch a guerrilla war with the enemy.

However, after all, they were fighting in Vietnam, and they were not as familiar with the terrain as the enemy army, and they were unable to escape from the enemy army for a long time, and were bitten by the enemy army to the death. They had originally come to the rescue, but now they were surrounded by enemy troops, and in desperation, they also asked the regimental headquarters for help.

thought that the 1st Company, which had been scattered with them before, could help them get out of trouble, but the 1st Company couldn't move, despite this, Feng Zengmin still did not give up, and always kept dealing with the enemy, but the number of enemy troops increased, which also made him fall into despair.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

The enemy's action was premeditated, and he knew that it might be too bad this time, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, as long as he could hold out for a few more days, maybe the support would arrive at that time.

So, he took the rest of his warriors around to fight, hoping to find a glimmer of life in them, but the idea was good, the reality was cruel, and the enemy realized that they were trying to delay time, so they gradually narrowed the encirclement.

In order to further undermine the confidence of our soldiers, the enemy also sent people to shout for our troops to surrender. The soldiers of the 8th Company were newly recruited, and they had not fought a few regular battles, so they fell into a bitter battle here, and they didn't know what to do, so they pushed this problem to the company commander Feng Zengmin.

Looking at the pairs of sincere eyes for survival, Feng Zengmin understood that if they didn't surrender, they were afraid that they would all die here, and the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam was about to end, and they were about to see the dawn of victory, and they should not die here. After a fierce battle between the heavens and the humans, Feng Zengmin finally decided to surrender, leaving the warriors alive.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

3. Surrender is a desperate move

This surrender caught everyone off guard, and until now, the Chinese army has not seen a whole company surrender to the enemy, and all we hear is that the soldiers swore to the death and defended their positions with their lives until the last moment.

Later, after statistics, in the Sino-Vietnamese War, the mainland army was captured by Vietnam 239 people, and the 8th Company alone accounted for 202 people, which shows how shocking the feeling this surrender brought us, and Feng Zengmin, the commander of the 8th Company, was also pushed to the forefront.

With the signing of the Sino-Vietnamese armistice agreement, after the final victory of the mainland's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the two countries exchanged prisoners, and Feng Zengmin was also escorted back to China. He was the one who led the surrender of the 8th Company, and he must be held accountable for this behavior.

Therefore, shortly after he returned to China, he was sent to a military court, and under the trial of the court, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison, Feng Zengmin did not raise any objections to this, he understood that his behavior discredited the motherland.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

In fact, someone asked him at the military court why he chose to surrender at the last moment, when he was close to victory, and how serious the consequences of surrender would be for him, and why did he do it? Feng Zengmin didn't defend himself, but just accepted the final verdict.

Ten years later, Feng Zengmin was released from prison, and many people still wanted to get to the bottom of it and ask him what he thought? At this time, he faced everyone's questioning, and finally could only sigh: "Helpless", four words explained his attitude, and he didn't understand that surrender would be a stain that he could not erase in his life.

However, the people had not personally experienced the kind of danger they encountered, and it was best to kill them on the battlefield, but he was a company commander, and he had more than 200 soldiers under his command, and the life and death of these soldiers were in his hands.

Why didn't he want to let go, the dawn of victory was just around the corner, he wanted to let the soldiers be able to see, so he chose to surrender in desperation, and let him bear the infamy alone, and now the surviving soldiers are the new hope.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

Feng Zengmin's thoughts, we can't say right or wrong, dying for the country and being loyal to the country has been the best way for a soldier to die since ancient times, but sometimes there is no way to deny the decision made by being forced to do so.

Under the circumstances at that time, the 8th Company had been completely surrounded by the enemy, and if there was no foreign aid, all of them would surely die, and the famous 3rd Company Commander Wang Lixin led the death squad to rush out, and their hope of survival was even slimmer.

And there is also a reason, the soldiers of the 8th Company are all recruits with no combat experience, their beliefs are not very strong, due to their lack of combat experience, so they will only choose to follow the orders of the company commander, which also makes Feng Zengmin even more unbearable to let them all be killed here.

Even though surrender is a humiliating thing, it is good to survive, and his choice is just a helpless move. However, there are also many people who refute this view, saying that there will be all kinds of unexpected situations on the battlefield, and there must be a concept of killing oneself.

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

If an army does not have the confidence to move forward, then they can only lose the battle, if they choose to surrender because they have no choice but to surrender, then they will choose to surrender next time they encounter this situation, so who will stand up and defend the country.

If you do something wrong, you have to pay the price, the people have unconditional trust in the army, and the army cannot live up to this trust, and this kind of rule cannot be broken, so Feng Zengmin was still sentenced to 10 years in prison after returning to China, and he must be responsible for his actions.

From God's point of view, we may not understand this act of surrender, but Feng Zengmin at that time did not realize that we could not fully bring ourselves into the role of others, everyone has their own ideas.

But after all, his behavior has smeared the motherland, and he has also paid the price for his actions, and all we can do is to do our best to build the motherland and make the motherland prosperous.



[1] Zhang Jianguo. Self-defense counterattack on the border of New China[J].Century Bridge.2005:48-50

In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China
In the Sino-Vietnamese War, he led his company to surrender to Vietnam, and was sentenced to 10 years after returning to China

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