
Novel: What did Qian Cheng see?

author:Nine Nine Story Workshop

When he entered the house, he saw that there was no one in the house, it looked like no one had lived there for a long time, spider webs were everywhere, and the furniture was already gray.

By this time he was completely frozen, he was wondering what had happened, why was the house empty?

At this time, the villagers who received the news all came to watch, and almost half of the people in a village came, all talking about something at the door of Qian Cheng's house.

"Alas, I don't know what kind of psychology Qian Cheng has now."

"Yes, their family, they died so tragically!"

Qian Cheng was really helpless now, and when he heard the discussion outside the door, he was surprised as if he had suddenly opened his mind: "Ask the people in the village, the people in the village will definitely know what happened!" With that, he threw his things on the ground and quickly ran out the door.

"Folks, what happened in my house

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