
If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

"Eat turnips in winter and ginger in summer, without a doctor's prescription." Today we will use the big white radish to make a radish cake to eat. It is a favorite of Fujian people and one of the must-order morning teas in tea houses. I was lucky enough to eat it once, and the taste was really good, so I wanted to try it at home. The radish cake shared today is simple and delicious, fried in oil, tender and fragrant on the outside, soft and sticky and not sticky teeth, really special praise.

By Rong Xiao Chef

White radish 1500 g

30 g shrimp

Shiitake mushrooms 20 g

Dried scallops 30 g

Dachshund 150 g

Sticky rice flour 500 g

Cornstarch 50 g

Radish water 700 g

Green onion to taste

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

1, first come to soak some dry goods, 30 grams of shrimp, 20 grams of shiitake mushrooms, 30 grams of dried scallops, wash and add warm water to soak for half an hour in advance.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

2: Then prepare 2 white radish, peel 1500 grams, then rub all into thin wires and put them into a large bowl, add 2 spoons of salt and marinate for 20 minutes, and marinate all the water in the radish.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

3, then we prepare 150 grams of sausages, wash the surface of the dust and cut into small cubes, first slice, and then change the knife to cut a little smaller, probably like this can be, put up first put aside.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

4. At this time, pour out the soaked shiitake mushrooms, shrimp and dried scallops. Drain the water and then change the knife, dried scallops do not need to be cut, directly with the knife to press flat crush on the line, shrimp slightly change the knife to cut a little, but also do not be too broken, shiitake mushrooms first sliced and then diced, all cut together and put together for later.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

5, at this time, our radish is also pickled, a lot of water came out of the bowl, and then we first squeezed out the water inside the radish shreds.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

6, radish water is about 700 grams, add 500 grams of sticky rice flour to it, 50 grams of corn starch, stir into a delicate rice milk.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

7: Then heat the oil and stir-fry the mushrooms, scallops, shrimp and sausages.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

8, stir-fry the aroma after the radish shredded also poured in, stir-fry well and then simply adjust the taste, soy sauce, oyster sauce, salt, pepper, and then continue to stir-fry, and then pour the mixed rice milk water into it.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

9, continue to stir non-stop, fully mixed well can turn off the heat, then the radish in the pot becomes a viscous dough.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

10, we prepare a mold, first brush the oil anti-stick, and then pour the fried radish in, and then press flat, three pounds of radish I made a large basin and a small box.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

11, then you can steam on the pot, the water on the pot, high heat for an hour.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

12: After steaming, take it out and sprinkle some spring onion, then let it cool and remove the mold.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

13, after completely cooling, it is easier to release the mold, and then cut into pieces and eat.

If you want to nourish your face and nourish your qi and blood, you must drink a bowl of radish cake

14, but fry in oil to eat more fragrant, one side fried until golden brown and then turn it over, both sides are fried golden yellow can be out of the pot, radish cake is ready.

1, if the radish water is not enough, you can add some soaked mushroom water, shrimp water. Dried scallop water, can add aroma. 2, this radish cake with sticky rice flour is actually very easy to form, pay attention to must be steamed on the line, if the mold is deeper, you have to steam for a while. 3, demoulding and cutting pieces must be completely cool before cutting, otherwise the soft inside will not be easy to cut, easy to cut.

Radish, spicy, sweet, flat nature; return to the spleen, stomach meridians. It has the effect of eliminating stagnation, dissolving phlegm and clearing heat, wide air, detoxification, etc.; it is mainly used for the treatment of food accumulation, sputum loss, vomiting blood, blood, thirst, dysentery, migraine, etc.

1. Enhance immunity: Inhibit the growth of cancer cells, which is of great significance for preventing cancer and fighting cancer.

2. Promote digestion: Radish is known as the "natural digestion agent" The rhizome part contains amylase and various digestive enzymes, which can decompose starch and fat in food, promote food digestion, relieve chest tightness, and inhibit excessive stomach acid. Helps stomach peristalsis, promotes metabolism, and detoxifies.

3. Protect the stomach and intestines: promote the secretion of gastrointestinal fluid, so that the stomach and intestines can achieve a good condition.

4. Hypolipidemic: eating radish can lower blood lipids, soften blood vessels, stabilize blood pressure, and prevent coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, gallstones and other diseases.

People with weak constitution, spleen and stomach deficiency, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis, simple goiter, threatened miscarriage, and uterine prolapse should not eat more. Radish is the main diarrhea and carrots are supplements, so it is best not to eat the two together. If you want to eat together, you should add some vinegar to mix it up to facilitate nutrient absorption.

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