
Were there twins in ancient times? Why are there so few records?

The child is the bond of a family, and the birth of a new life is not only the continuation of the family, but also the inheritor of the spirit, which can be said to be a great joy. If you give birth to twins, it can be said that it is a happy event. Twins are a special existence, because the two are genetically identical, the appearance is also very similar, the twins always have an inexplicable sense of spiritual communication. Although many people want twins, it is not something that can be wanted. However, we still encounter some twins in life, and it is reasonable to say that Guda should also have twins, so why is it so rarely recorded in the history books? Interested readers can follow the interesting history of the small editor to read down.

Were there twins in ancient times? Why are there so few records?

We all know that the emperor in ancient times was a special profession, a symbol of supremacy, and there were nearly five hundred emperors in ancient Chinese history, and the members of the royal family were innumerable, but there are very few records of twins. This is a phenomenon that makes people feel strange, it is reasonable to say that if the ancients gave birth to twins, especially the royal family, it should be a major event, and naturally there will be corresponding records, in fact, the real reason is the difference in concepts.

Although most people in modern times have a good feeling for twins, twins born in ancient times, especially male twins, were seen as ominous. This concept first originated in the primitive human period, when the material level was low, the survival rate of infants was low, it was difficult to take care of an infant, and multiple babies often brought a lot of pressure, which may lead to two babies not surviving, so many tribes have the custom of killing babies with weaker physiques, leaving babies with better physique and high survival rates.

Were there twins in ancient times? Why are there so few records?

In addition to the real reason of "survival rate", the ancients were also very superstitious, and until the Kangxi Period, there were still many areas where people were afraid of having more than one child. In the I Ching, "one" is yang and two is "yin", and the royal family will avoid twins in order to avoid the so-called "yin qi". In addition to this position, the twins may also bring instability to the succession of Jiangshan. We all know that in ancient times, most of them were the primogeniture system, but it is impossible to determine who the eldest son of the twins is, even if the eldest son of the concubine is established, the future is prone to changes and hidden dangers, moreover, a person who looks basically the same as the emperor, in case someone is replaced, it is difficult to be found, which is a great challenge to the stability of the imperial power.

Were there twins in ancient times? Why are there so few records?

The above are the pros and cons of some twins, in fact, there is a very important factor in the lack of records on this aspect in ancient times, that is, the low level of medical treatment. In ancient times, women giving birth to children was equivalent to a trip through the ghost gate, and the twin situation was even more dead. Even if adults can keep, children are difficult to keep, royal and ordinary people are basically less likely to successfully give birth to twins, these factors are the reasons why ancient twins are so rare.

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