
Liangshan Yellow River Memory Museum: Inheriting the "Yellow River Memory" and Telling the "Yellow River Story" Well

author:Volkswagen Jining

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Xu Xingmian reported by trainee reporter Xu Xingmian in Jining

On October 10, a reporter from the popular network came to the Liangshan Yellow River Memory Museum located in the Yellow River Xinyuan Community of Xiaolukou Town, Liangshan County, Jining City, to explore the memory of the Yellow River and listen to the story of the Yellow River.

Liangshan Yellow River Memory Museum: Inheriting the "Yellow River Memory" and Telling the "Yellow River Story" Well

Liangshan Yellow River Memory Museum exhibition area

In the Liangshan Yellow River Memory Museum, there are not only exhibition panels showing the historical culture of the Yellow River and the results of the relocation of the Yellow River Beach Area, but also old objects donated by the village people. Passing through the grille, what catches your eye is the pioneer spirit of the Yellow River written on the back of the grille, pioneering, hard work, unity, dedication and pragmatism. It is precisely this spirit that has greatly improved the lives of the people in the Yellow River Beach District, allowing them to move out of the water nest and live in buildings.

Liangshan Yellow River Memory Museum: Inheriting the "Yellow River Memory" and Telling the "Yellow River Story" Well

Yellow River Xinyuan Community

"The cottage I used to live in was very small, and I was in front of the door in one step, and now I never dreamed of living in this high-rise building and living in a big house by myself." Zhang Huanzhi, a resident of the Huanghe Xinyuan community in Xiaolukou Town, Liangshan County, said.

"In the past, my family lived in the beach area, it was inconvenient to travel, but when I came to this community, I don't want to mention that I have a good life, but now the road is flat, the greenery is good, the food is good, and the living is also very good." Li Chunhua, a resident of the Huanghe Xinyuan Community in Xiaolukou Town, Liangshan County, said happily. Li Chunhua also told reporters that now that the land is also contracted out, you can find a light job in the community, and she also compiled an Allegro of "New Home of the Yellow River Beach" to describe the previous situation of the Yellow River Beach and the new development of the new community.

The most striking thing in the exhibition hall is the family portrait photo wall of each village people projected on the wall, 13 buttons are designed on the wall, the buttons represent 13 villages, press the button of the corresponding village, the photo wall will appear the corresponding village photos of the villagers, this photo wall is also designed to express remembering the past and cherishing the present.

Liangshan Yellow River Memory Museum: Inheriting the "Yellow River Memory" and Telling the "Yellow River Story" Well

"Yellow River Memory Museum" old agricultural tools, old objects and other exhibits

In addition to the pictures of the exhibition panels, the most intuitive exhibits in the "Yellow River Memory Museum" are old agricultural tools, old objects and restoration scenes, which truly reproduce the farming civilization woven by men and women of the Yellow River Basin residents for generations. Wooden rakes, plows and other utensils... These old objects and scenes that are farther and farther away from modern life allow people to enjoy the new life while recalling the scenes of production and life in the Yellow River Beach District in those years, and cherish the good life of the present.

"After the relocation of the Yellow River Xinyuan community, the 'Yellow River Memory Museum' was created, which is to lay the foundation for publicizing the Yellow River culture and telling the story of the Yellow River, so that people can enjoy the new life while recalling the production and life scenes in the Yellow River Beach area in those years, and cherish the current good life." Our community party committee is also actively striving to play a greater role for the community and make the community more comfortable and satisfied. Ma Weiguo, secretary of the party committee of the Huanghe Xinyuan Community in Xiaolukou Town, Liangshan County, said.

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