
The water droplets gather clear springs, and Kao's "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" gathers new strength for environmental protection

author:Thoughtful client
Recently, the 2023 "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" environmental protection publicity campaign co-sponsored by the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Kao (China) concluded in Shandong. About 300 people attended the closing ceremony, including representatives from the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Publicity and Education Center of Shandong Province for Ecological and Environmental Protection, the Shaanxi Provincial Environmental Protection Publicity and Education Center, the Jinan Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment, Kao (China) Investment Co., Ltd., and representatives of university students.
The water droplets gather clear springs, and Kao's "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" gathers new strength for environmental protection

(Closing Ceremony of 2023 "Clean and Beautiful China Tour")

This year is the 12th consecutive year of the "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" environmental protection campaign, from urban citizens and families to the extensive participation of university associations across the country, the tiny droplets of water conservation and water conservation are gradually converging into a bubbling spring, injecting more energy into the sustainable development of Chinese society.

Starting from Spring City, the 2023 "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" will continue to take "National University Small Funding" as the main implementation project, and "travel" through 19 provinces (municipalities and autonomous regions) across the country, with the active participation of the majority of university associations, and a total of 146 project plans submitted by 93 universities. Through the selection, a total of 20 project plans of university clubs were shortlisted and entered the implementation stage of offline activities. At the closing ceremony, the final results were announced, and six university community projects including Jiangsu University of Science and Technology finally won the first, second and third prizes, showing the in-depth thinking of contemporary college students on environmental protection and the creativity of environmental protection publicity.

The water droplets gather clear springs, and Kao's "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" gathers new strength for environmental protection

(Winners of the 2023 "Clean and Beautiful China Tour")

Yang Jun, Director of the Social Publicity Office of the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, pointed out in his speech: "As the builders of the future of China, young students are an important force in promoting social progress and development. It is hoped that through the activities, the development concept of 'lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets' can be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that the low-carbon and environmentally friendly green lifestyle will become a custom, and the public will be driven to take active action, so as to be the propagandist of 'Beautiful China', the promoter of ecological civilization, and the practitioner of green life, and establish a social trend of advocating ecological civilization in everyone, everything, all times and everywhere in the whole society. ”

Mr. Takeyasu, Chairman of Kao (China) Investment Co., Ltd., said, "This year, I followed the pace of the event to many universities and saw the energetic university students spreading the concept of environmental protection to the whole society through vivid and interesting environmental protection projects. The 'Clean and Beautiful China Tour' is one of the important actions in the direction of 'Harmony and Nature' under Kao (China)'s ESG vision, and we hope to continue to work hand in hand with you to contribute to the creation of a clean and beautiful China."

The water droplets gather clear springs, and Kao's "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" gathers new strength for environmental protection

(Kao (China) Investment Co., Ltd. Chairman Takean will deliver a speech)

During the event, a large number of excellent environmental protection solutions with novel ideas, high participation and wide influence emerged. Xi'an Polytechnic University Dream Building Association carried out the "'Green Great Wall' - Kubuqi Desert Social Practice Group" environmental protection theme activities, they not only went to the desert area in the summer to plant Saxon, lay sand barriers, investigate the desert ecological environment, but also called on more people to participate in the prevention and control of desertification through the exhibition; Shaanxi University of Science and Technology Yuanmeng Public Welfare Association carried out the "Water into the Sea - Practitioners Committed to Realizing National Water Conservation and Water Protection" The Yangtze River Finless Porpoise Conservation Practice Group of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology carried out the environmental protection practice activity of "Guarding the Shadow of the Great Finless Porpoise and Watching the Diverse Homeland", and they went to the nature reserve to conduct biodiversity conservation surveys, held the theme activity of "World Freshwater Dolphin Day", and deeply participated in the action of biodiversity conservation in the Yangtze River...... At the closing ceremony, representatives of the award-winning organizers, instructors and clubs also shared the main content and practical results of the project, calling on more people to become actors in Beautiful China.

The water droplets gather clear springs, and Kao's "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" gathers new strength for environmental protection
The water droplets gather clear springs, and Kao's "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" gathers new strength for environmental protection

(2023 University Activities Project Case)

Over the past 12 years, the event has covered 1,109 colleges and universities in 30 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) across the country, with 1.3 million students directly participating, influencing nearly 10 million participants and followers, and gathering a steady stream of environmental protection publicity inside and outside the university.

Guided by the ESG vision of "Living with Beauty", Kao (China) continues to promote various initiatives to protect "harmony with nature", not only to implement environmental protection in its business activities, but also to actively participate in and carry out environmental awareness raising activities to promote the sustainable development of society. In the future, Kao (China) will continue to work with the Publicity and Education Center of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to expand the coverage of its activities, guide more people to actively contribute to environmental protection, and build a beautiful China together.

The water droplets gather clear springs, and Kao's "Clean and Beautiful China Tour" gathers new strength for environmental protection

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