
Korean netizens: The Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea, Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, and Saudi and Korean netizens scolded each other

author:Money Explorer

Some time ago, a news about South Korean netizens claiming on the Internet that the Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea sparked heated discussions among netizens. Many netizens said that this is the historical shamelessness of Koreans, and the fall of the Sui Dynasty has nothing to do with South Korea, but because of internal corruption and tyranny.

Just when everyone thought that this matter would subside, some Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, claiming that the Sui Dynasty died because it was defeated by Vietnam, and Saudi and Korean netizens also joined the debate, saying that the Sui Dynasty died because it was defeated by Saudi Arabia. What is the purpose of these netizens, and why do they distort and smear China's history?

Korean netizens: The Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea, Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, and Saudi and Korean netizens scolded each other

South Korean netizens' distorted view of history is a manifestation of their nationalism

As early as a few years ago, some Korean netizens claimed on the Internet that China's four major inventions were invented by Koreans, Chinese historical figures are all descendants of Koreans, Chinese culture is spread by Koreans, and even China's maps are drawn by Koreans.

These nonsense have not only not been supported by any historical evidence, but have been ridiculed and despised by all countries in the world. This is a manifestation of the nationalism of Korean netizens, who try to boost their national pride and superiority by exaggerating their own historical merits and belittling the historical contributions of other countries.

Korean netizens: The Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea, Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, and Saudi and Korean netizens scolded each other

This kind of nationalist psychology stems from South Korea's historical experience and practical difficulties. As a small country, South Korea has often been invaded and bullied by its neighbors in history, especially under the colonial rule of Japan, and the national dignity and cultural heritage of the Korean people have been severely damaged.

In modern times, although South Korea has achieved a certain amount of economic development, it is still under the control and influence of the United States in political, military, and cultural aspects, and cannot achieve true independence and self-determination. Therefore, Korean netizens fabricated history to make up for their psychological trauma and inferiority complex, and at the same time showed their sense of national existence and value to the outside world.

Korean netizens: The Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea, Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, and Saudi and Korean netizens scolded each other

The follow-up of Vietnamese netizens and Saudi and Korean netizens is a reflection of their jealousy and hostility towards China

The follow-up of Vietnamese netizens and Saudi and Korean netizens is also a distortion and smear of China's history, but their motives are different from those of Korean netizens. The follow-up of Vietnamese netizens and Saudi and South Korean netizens is a reflection of their jealousy and hostility towards China. Vietnam and Saudi Arabia are both neighbors of China, and they have a complex historical and current relationship with China.

Vietnam and China have thousands of years of exchanges and struggles, Vietnam was once a vassal country of China, and there have been many wars with China. In modern times, there are serious disputes and frictions between Vietnam and China over their territorial and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea, and Vietnam has also been co-opted and exploited by the United States and other Western countries, resulting in confrontation and hostility towards China.

Korean netizens: The Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea, Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, and Saudi and Korean netizens scolded each other

Saudi Arabia and China have not had much contact in history, but in modern times, Saudi Arabia and China have the possibility of competition and conflict in geopolitics and energy security in the Middle East, and Saudi Arabia has also been influenced and controlled by the United States and other Western countries, and has developed a suspicious and wary mentality with China.

Therefore, Vietnamese netizens and Saudi and South Korean netizens are following the trend because they are taking the opportunity to express their dissatisfaction and hostility towards China, and at the same time, they are trying to lower China's international image and status in order to gain more space and support for their own interests.

Korean netizens: The Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea, Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, and Saudi and Korean netizens scolded each other

The counterattack of Chinese netizens is a manifestation of their preservation and respect for their own history

In the face of historical distortion and smearing by South Korean netizens, Vietnamese netizens, and Saudi and South Korean netizens, Chinese netizens did not remain silent and forbear, but actively counterattacked and refuted rumors. Chinese netizens used their historical knowledge and online resources to expose and refute the fallacies of Korean netizens, Vietnamese netizens, and Saudi and Korean netizens, while also showing the real history and culture of China to the outside world.

The counterattack of Chinese netizens is a manifestation of their maintenance and respect for their own history. The counterattack of Chinese netizens is also a sign of their friendship and openness to the outside world, and they are willing to conduct equal and rational exchanges and dialogues with netizens from all over the world, and jointly discuss and learn from Xi history, instead of using history to attack and provoke.

Korean netizens: The Sui Dynasty was killed by South Korea, Vietnamese netizens were not to be outdone, and Saudi and Korean netizens scolded each other


History should not be distorted and smeared, but should be respected and passed on. The distorted view of history by South Korean, Vietnamese and Saudi Korean netizens is a manifestation of their nationalism, jealousy and hostility, which not only hurts China's history, but also damages their own image and credibility.

The integrity of Chinese netizens' view of history is a manifestation of their national self-confidence, friendliness and openness, and they have not only safeguarded China's history, but also promoted world peace and development. I hope that Korean netizens, Vietnamese netizens, and Saudi and Korean netizens can change their view of history and live in peace with Chinese netizens.

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