
[Rule of Law Hot List] The three departments deployed and carried out the action of "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly".

author:Gaocheng popularization

Shijiazhuang Law Popularization and Media Publicity Center 2024-05-04 10:34 Hebei 1 person listened

◇ Important news

1. The Supreme People's Procuratorate Releases Typical Cases of Intellectual Property Protection: The Supreme People's Procuratorate recently released 9 typical cases of intellectual property protection by procuratorial organs, including 6 criminal cases, 1 civil supervision case, 1 administrative supervision case and 1 public interest litigation case. It covers the main types of current intellectual property infringement crimes, including trademark infringement, copyright and trade secret infringement crimes, reflecting the effectiveness of the whole chain in punishing intellectual property infringement crimes. The purpose of releasing this batch of cases is to provide reference for handling similar cases, to give better play to the role of cases in popularizing the law, to strengthen warning education, and to actively create a good atmosphere for the whole society to respect intellectual property rights, protect innovation and creativity, and maintain fair competition. (Xinhua News Agency) 2. National Development and Reform Commission: The so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy products is difficult to argue The National Development and Reform Commission issued a document on the 3rd, saying that for a period of time, some officials and media in some countries have blamed China's new energy products for "overcapacity", paving the way for its unilateralism and the implementation of trade protection policies. In fact, no matter from the perspective of the international division of labor, global supply and demand, or market rules, the so-called "overcapacity" of China's new energy products is just a topic trap carefully concocted by some countries, trying to implement trade protection measures on this ground, and the result will not only not make their own profits, but will destroy the stability and smoothness of the global industrial and supply chains, damage the growth of the world economy and trade, and drag down the pace of green transformation of the global economy. 3. The three departments deployed to carry out the action of "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly": The Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and the National Office on Aging jointly issued a notice a few days ago to deploy and carry out the "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly" action across the country. Focusing on the needs of the elderly for public legal services, we have launched six measures, including platform services for the elderly, high-quality services for the elderly, notary services for the elderly, mediation services for the elderly, public services for the elderly, and legal popularization services for the elderly. (official website of the Ministry of Justice) 4. 2024 National Industrial Energy Conservation Supervision Task Issued: The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently issued the 2024 National Industrial Energy Conservation Supervision Task, taking into account the characteristics of the industry, the scale of the enterprise, the region where it is located and the content of the supervision, and determining 2,899 national industrial energy conservation supervision task enterprises. Among them, there are 2,411 special inspections on energy efficiency in key industries and key energy-using equipment such as petrochemical industry, iron and steel, building materials, non-ferrous metals, papermaking, and textiles, 201 special inspections on energy efficiency in key areas such as data centers, and 287 special inspections on the implementation of rectification of illegal enterprises in 2023. (CCTV News)

◇ National Hot List

1. By the end of 2023, there will be 74.167 million Communist Youth League members in the country: According to the statistical bulletin within the Communist Youth League of China released by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League on the 3rd, as of the end of December 2023, there were 74.167 million Communist Youth League members and 4.316 million Communist Youth League organizations in the country. In 2023, a total of 4.605 million members will be recruited. Among them, there are 1,868,000 school youth league organizations with 40,163,000 members, 814,000 enterprise league organizations with 6,579,000 league members, 350,000 government agencies and institutions with 4,451,000 league members, 889,000 urban street, township, community (neighborhood committee) and administrative village youth league organizations with 20,122,000 league members, and 172,000 social organizations and other field league organizations with 2,268,000 league members. (People's Daily)

2. The two departments will promote and display a number of testimonies reflecting the achievements of women's career development: A few days ago, the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the All-China Women's Federation decided to organize and carry out the theme activity of "The Mark of the Republic - Ode to Women". The activity is aimed at the whole society to select and recommend a number of representative witnesses that reflect the vast number of women who have devoted themselves to the construction and development of the party and the country since the founding of the People's Republic of China, played the role of "half the sky", strengthened the ideological and political guidance of the women's federation, mobilized the women to make contributions, promoted the construction of family education and family style, did a good job in rights protection and care services, and continued to deepen the reform of the women's federation. (Xinhua News Agency)

[Rule of Law Hot List] The three departments deployed and carried out the action of "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly".

3. Special rectification of "machine trouble", 311 people were administratively detained: The reporter recently learned from the Ministry of Public Security that in response to the "machine trouble" problems such as smoking, hegemony, and trouble, which are strongly reflected by the people, since July 2023, the civil aviation public security organs have organized and carried out special actions to rectify "machine trouble" in accordance with the law and maintain aviation safety and order, cracking down on and dealing with 669 "machine trouble" incidents, taking criminal coercive measures 6 times, and administrative detention 311 people. Effectively curb the frequent occurrence of "machine troubles" and maintain aviation safety order. (Xinhua News Agency)

[Rule of Law Hot List] The three departments deployed and carried out the action of "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly".

4. Customs cracked a diamond smuggling case worth 130 million yuan: Recently, Fujian Fuzhou Customs, together with the customs of Beijing, Shenzhen and other places, as well as the Fuzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau and other units, carried out special operations in Fuzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen and other places simultaneously to defeat 3 professional diamond smuggling gangs, arrested 23 people involved in the case, seized about 800 grams of diamonds involved in the case, and froze 1.26 million yuan of funds involved in the case. After investigation, the criminal gang applied for a processing trade manual from the customs, and then carried out a false verification of the processing trade manual by exchanging materials and parts and falsely reporting the quantity of finished products exported, and smuggled diamonds originating in Belgium, South Africa and other places into the country for profit, suspected of smuggling 2056.5 grams of diamonds, with a case value of 130 million yuan. (Issued by Customs)

[Rule of Law Hot List] The three departments deployed and carried out the action of "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly".

5. The police disguised tourists in the ancient city to arrest the suspect who had been on the run for 10 years: Recently, the Guangyuan police in Sichuan Province found that the fugitive suspect Wang might be playing in the ancient city of Zhaohua, and immediately organized an arrest. After receiving the order, the patrol police of the Zhaohua Gucheng Police Station immediately launched an investigation in the Gucheng City and locked the location of the suspect. The police disguised themselves as tourists and arrived to investigate, and after confirming Wang's identity, they successfully arrested him. At present, the case is being further handled. (China Police Online)

[Rule of Law Hot List] The three departments deployed and carried out the action of "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly".

6. Couples exposed each other's vindictiveness and sold each other's indecent videos, and 2 people were taken compulsory measures by the police: A young couple in Shanghai, Xiaowei and Lili, quarreled over trivial matters. Afterwards, in order to take revenge on his girlfriend, Xiaowei sent the indecent video of the two he took to a friend, and posted indecent photos of his girlfriend in the circle of friends. Lili did not call the police after learning about it, but took a "tooth for tat" method to sell the indecent videos of the two to her fans on the short video platform. In March this year, the Shanghai Baoshan police received relevant clues, and according to statistics, Lili sold a total of 56 indecent videos, each of which made a profit of about 50 yuan, with a total amount of more than 2,000 yuan. It is reported that Xiaowei knew about Lili's sale of indecent videos, and the illegal gains were also shared by the two. At present, the two have been taken compulsory measures by the police on suspicion of producing and selling obscene materials for profit. (China Police Online)

◇ Rule of law in Shijiazhuang

Shijiazhuang Station Police Station: Pay tribute to the beauty of youth with a posture of struggle

It is understood that during this year's "May Day" holiday, the passenger flow of Shijiazhuang Station surged, and more than 120,000 passengers were sent at the peak in a single day. In the face of high-intensity passenger flow pressure, the young policemen of Shijiazhuang Station Police Station strengthened patrol prevention and control at the railway station, in-depth investigation of various risks and hidden dangers, severely cracked down on all kinds of illegal and criminal acts that infringed on the interests of passengers, and made every effort to build a strong security line of defense in the jurisdiction to protect the safe travel of passengers. At the same time, relying on the "Youth Civilization Demonstration Post", the institute organized young police officers to go deep into key parts such as station squares, entrances and exits, and security inspection areas during the peak period of daily passenger flow, and actively practiced the practice of "I do practical things for the masses". (Shijiazhuang Station Police Station)

[Rule of Law Hot List] The three departments deployed and carried out the action of "legal services to help the elderly and care for the elderly".

◇ The most beautiful provincial capital

The beauty of the landscape - the photographer's eyes of the Fuxing Street wireless Shijiazhuang (wireless Shijiazhuang)

Source: China Law Popularization and other major media

Editor: Yao Lin

Review: Qi Lei, Zhai Gang

Rule of law hot list 560

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