
Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

author:Xuanzi sees the world

Beichen, the giant panda, Neinei who picked up the tattered bee flower princess in the outfield, and the signal tower boy who beat the tea Baidao family in the infield, still likes to pick up a single room.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Beichen, if you don't control yourself, your childhood plum will have another bamboo horse!

Giant panda Beichen, whose mother is the giant panda Beichuan, nicknamed Sichuan Baobao, has created a family of bags with the power of a bear.

He is the eldest of Beichuan's second-born twins, nicknamed Chuan Dabao, younger brother is called Chuan Xiaobao, nicknamed Yang Guo Beixia. Beichuan 2023 Three Treasures is called Mini Bag, the big name is North Fragrant Fruit.

Beichen lived with Wen Jing and Jiaxin baby before, Jiaxin hung a tree as soon as she went out of the field, very independent, Beichen and Wen Jing are particularly sticky, sticky together 24 hours a day, and are fans: childhood sweethearts.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Unexpectedly, this spring, Beichen was in a single room because of the neinei of the baby in front of everyone in the outfield.

Who is Jiaxin's baby? Mom is the home of wild giant pandas, her face is very beautiful, if she is not old, she can compete with Chuanbao for base flowers. The first time I saw Jiaxin, it was the ipanda channel: Jiaxin's baby is hanging on the tree again

Promoted Jiaxin (Promotion and Salary Increase)

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Jiaxin was adopted by Bee Flower and made a lot of money in the business war

Because the domestic bee flower is thrifty, pick up the paper shell and send it to the express, so it is nicknamed: picking up the tattered little princess

Bee Flower: I'll pick up paper shells to raise you, and raise Jiaxin for nothing

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

When I grew up, Jiaxin's baby face plate is too good

The little cutie with a round head, a round head and a round belly, the same 16:9 widescreen face, a big face and a big face, I gave Ma Ma a long face!

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Inexplicably, I feel a bit similar to Qizai's eldest son, Qin Hua, except that he didn't roll his eyes.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Qin Hua

Jia Xin is now in a fight with Wen Jing Jiao Yi Zheng Yu.

Giant panda Wen Jing, mother is Wen Li, mother and daughter have the same birthday.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses


Quiet, she's not quiet.

Every day when I watch Wen Jing collect cats, my dad is about to be stereotypical.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Every time I look at two straight male dads, I can't get a little bear, and I go to tweet my ass

Wen Jing was very angry: I will go by myself, what to push! I will go by myself!

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Wen Jing's baby and Zhen Huan's dream linkage

The angry Wen Jing wants to hit someone, oops, the little bear who beats people can't be wanted, give it to me, I'll carry it!

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Jiaxin and Wen Jing are becoming more and more alike, with two swirls on their noses

In the past, Wen Jing and Beichen were like twins, but now Wen Jing and Jiaxin are more and more alike, and the more they get along, the more they will be alike


Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Wen Jing Jiaxin

The simple difference is: Wen Jing has a big face, Jia Xin has a big head, Wen Jing is more and more like her uncle Oreo, the eye circles are relatively small, and Jia Xin's head has lines like a headband.

Look at this picture, this doting look is like a domineering big brother gently looking at the greedy innocent sister next door

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

The eye circles of the quiet baby, the eye circles of the Jiao Yi baby are almost 2 years old

Why does Jiao Yi have such a domineering temperament at such a young age, oops, after all, he is the tea boy of Tea Baidao.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Giant panda Jiaoyi, the level 22 moon squad leader, is still the base's black technology signal tower, and the color of the pinch on his head is black, which is estimated to be a signal enhancement version.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

There are successors to wifi Qiyi baby, and you don't have to worry about Qiyi strike without signal!

When I was a child, I was a little sloppy, but now that I have elegance, I suddenly feel that Master Chacha is so exquisite

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Now the four little ones of Xinghan (Zheng Yu Jiaoyi Wen Jing Jiaxin) show off bamboo shoots together, and they are very happy every day, and next door is Beichen

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

I really hope that the five of them can show off bamboo shoots together (send Beichen, hurry back to the team)

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Jiao Yi babies can't fight, the bears have nothing to do, and Jiao Yi passes the time.

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

I slept well and was inexplicably beaten by a violent bear, and I could only scream when I was depressed, so pitiful!

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

By the way, he is still a boy! Now Zheng Yu Jiaoyi and Jia Xin are in a ball every day, and Wen Jing occasionally participates

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

It is said that he has been in class with four in the infield, but Beichen beats the little prince of tea and Baidao!

Beat Jiao Yi all the time! Everyone has the little princess of the father, and the little master is bullied by him, God of War!

Giant panda Beichen, my Sichuan big bag, if you don't fit the class, your green plum will have other bamboo horses

Beichen baby, you really have to be a little more restrained!

If you don't come back, your green plum may be abducted by Jiaoyi!

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