
Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

author:Oda said entertainment

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! A crossover journey for a tech tycoon?

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

Recently, an unexpected "cross-border storm" swept the Internet. The big guy who is calling for wind and rain in the science and technology industry, Lei Jun, was called on the stage of "Singer" by enthusiastic netizens to help Na Ying, the queen of the music world! As soon as this news came out, it immediately exploded on the Internet, and people speculated whether the tech giant would really cross over into the music industry.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

You must know that Lei Jun is a leader in the technology circle, and the Xiaomi technology he founded is now the leader of the domestic smartphone market. With his unique vision and keen market insight, he has led Xiaomi from a small brand to a world-renowned technology giant. Each new generation of Xiaomi mobile phones can arouse widespread attention in the industry and enthusiastic pursuit by consumers. Lei Jun's name has long become a golden sign in the field of science and technology.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

However, such a big man who has a pivotal position in the technology industry was targeted by netizens, hoping that he could appear on the stage of "Singer" and perform the charm of music with Na Ying. This can't help but make people curious, if Lei Jun really crosses over into music, what kind of surprise will it bring us?

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

In the face of the enthusiastic shouts of netizens, Lei Jun himself also responded. He said on Weibo: "Thank you for your support and attention, I am a person who loves music, but my main business is still technology. However, if I have the opportunity, I am willing to try some new challenges and bring a different experience to everyone. As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

Someone said: "If Lei Jun is really on "Singer", it will definitely be a perfect fusion of technology and music!" It's exciting to think about! Some people are also worried: "Although Lei Jun loves music, he is not a professional singer after all, will it be a little difficult to sing on stage?" Someone else joked: "Mr. Lei, don't raise the price of our Xiaomi mobile phone!" ”

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

However, no matter how netizens talk about it, Lei Jun's "cross-border" idea is eye-catching. After all, he has been in the technology industry for many years, and if he can cross over into the field of music, it will undoubtedly bring us more surprises and expectations.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

So, if Lei Jun really appeared on the stage of "Singer", what kind of song would he choose to help Na Ying? Do you choose those electronic music that is full of technology, or choose those classic old songs and reinterpret them with the power of technology? Either way, it's sure to be curious and exciting.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

At the same time, we also have to admire the imagination and creativity of netizens. In this era of information explosion, netizens are always able to connect people and things in different fields through various ways to create some unexpected sparks. And this incident of Lei Jun being called on "Singer" is another manifestation of the wisdom and creativity of netizens.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

Of course, we must also realize that crossing borders is not an easy task. Whether it is technology or music, you need to have a deep foundation and a solid foundation. Although Lei Jun has rich experience in science and technology and market insight, he is still a newcomer in the music field after all. If he really wants to cross over into the music industry, he needs to put in more effort and learning.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

However, we believe that as long as there is enthusiasm and determination, Lei Jun will be able to carve out a world of his own in the field of music. After all, he is a man who dares to challenge himself and constantly pursue innovation. Whether in the field of science and technology or music, he is able to prove his worth and ability with his actions and strength.

Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer"! My response: Thank you for your support

To sum up, the incident in which Lei Jun was shouted by netizens to help Na Ying on "Singer" is not only a cross-border attempt and challenge, but also a collision and fusion of wisdom and creativity. Regardless of the end result, this will be an interesting topic and a fond memory of our time. Let's wait and see, and look forward to Lei Jun being able to bring us more surprises and touches!

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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