
Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

author:Undergraduate enrollment of the University of Electronic Science and Technology
Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Chengdian big star - Zeng Jingzhi

Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Zeng Jingzhi, a 2020 undergraduate student of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, was exempted from Xi'an Jiaotong University. Ranked first in the major in the comprehensive test for two consecutive years. He has won the National Inspirational Scholarship and the Thanksgiving Scholarship for Chinese Modern and Contemporary Scientists. He published a paper as the first author and authorized a national invention patent. It has won three competition awards, including the second prize of the National College Students' Mechanical Innovation Design Competition, and won the national outstanding team of the national college and secondary school student volunteers' summer "three to the countryside" social practice activities. He has successively served as the head of the Youth Development Department of the Student Union, class leader, and responsible student guide in 7 positions. He has won more than 20 honorary titles, such as Sichuan Outstanding Graduates and Sichuan College Students' Comprehensive Quality Class A Certificate.

High School ✦

Guangdong Province; Yangjiang No. 1 Middle School

Living, learning feelings✦

Learn to swim in the sea and practice true knowledge, and build a dream platform with a rich career.

Senior's message ✦

Dear College Entrance Examination Students,

Hello! The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, as the vanguard of electronic colleges in mainland China, has built an extremely broad stage for many students. Here, we not only have advanced teaching facilities and strong faculty, but also have a strong academic atmosphere and innovative spirit. Whether it's in the late-night lights of the laboratory, listening to the teachings of celebrities in academic forums, or showing off your skills in the Chengdian Hall, Chengdian provides you with infinite possibilities, allowing you to expand your horizons, improve yourself, and challenge your limits. In addition, the beautiful campus environment of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, as well as the rich food culture around it, provide you with a gas station to "replenish energy" after intense study. Therefore, I sincerely invite you to join the dynamic family of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Here, you will start a new journey, explore the mysteries of science and technology, chase the dreams of youth, and write your own wonderful and meaningful story of Chengdian!

Chengdian star - Li Binglin

Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Li Binglin, a member of the Communist Party of China, is a 2020 undergraduate student majoring in industrial engineering. In the school, he served as the chairman of the volunteer team of the Education Development Foundation of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, the head of the student union, the student assistant of the Organization Department of the Party Committee of the school, and the head of the administrative class, and led the class to win the title of "Outstanding Class of Chengdian". He has won more than 30 honorary awards such as outstanding Communist Youth League cadres, outstanding Communist Youth League members, and the highest honor of the college, such as the outstanding Communist Youth League cadre of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and the highest honor of the college, and won the first prize of the 3rd National Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Competition of the European and American Returned Scholars Association, the national silver medal of the China International College Student Innovation Competition, and 4 provincial awards, and has devoted more than 800 hours of volunteer service. I plan to study overseas.

High School ✦

Henan Province Nanyang City No. 1 Middle School

Living, learning feelings✦

Run wild on your own path without hesitation!

Senior's message ✦

High school is a haven for your dreams, and it is also a critical time for you to accumulate knowledge and strength. The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, located in the land of abundance, as the cradle of China's information and electronic technology, has always been looking forward to your participation with open arms. There are the world's smartest, bravest and most ambitious young people, not only with top faculty, advanced experimental equipment, but also a strong academic atmosphere and unlimited innovation possibilities. Study hard and make unremitting efforts for your dreams, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China will be a stage for you to realize your dreams. I look forward to seeing your vigorous figure on campus in the future, exploring the mysteries of science and technology with us, and experiencing a different kind of life!

Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Chengdian star - Shen Ao

Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Shen Ao is a 2020 undergraduate student in the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. He served as the captain of the 2022 class of the robotics team of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and led the team to win the national championship and the best technology award in the National College Student Robot Competition ROBOCON. Later, he represented China in the Asia-Pacific Collegiate Robot Competition and won the "ROBOCON AWARD". He has won the National Inspirational Scholarship and the SMC Dream Building Scholarship. Apply for a national patent. He was awarded the title of Outstanding Graduate of Sichuan Province. He will be exempted from the School of Engineering of Zhejiang University, and will be engaged in robot-related research work in the future.

High School ✦

The No. 1 Middle School of Lichuan City, Hubei Province

Living, learning feelings✦

There is no right choice, only hard work to make the right choice.

Senior's message ✦

Dear College Entrance Examination Students,

Hello! As a senior of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, I am very honored to be able to introduce you to a desirable university, the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC).

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, located in the beautiful Chengdu, is a national key university featuring electronic information science and technology, engineering as the main body, and multidisciplinary coordinated development. At UESTC, you will have the opportunity to be exposed to cutting-edge scientific knowledge, participate in exciting research projects, and explore the unknown and challenge yourself with like-minded partners. Whether it's an all-night study in the lab or a book in the library, UESTC will provide you with a broad stage for you to fully display your talents.

Dear students, I sincerely invite you to apply for the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and join our family. Here, let's chase our dreams together and create brilliance together!

Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Chengdian star - Zhang Yuting

Chengdian big star | Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Yuting Zhang, a 2020 undergraduate student in Smart Grid Information Engineering ("Internet +" Compound Training Experimental Class), went to Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School to study for a master's degree. The results of intellectual education and comprehensive results are the first in the major, and he has won the first prize of the Outstanding Student Scholarship for three consecutive years. He has won many competition awards, such as the O Award of the American Collegiate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, the first prize of the "Shanshu Cup" Mathematical Modeling Elite League, the provincial first prize of the "Higher Education Society Cup" National Collegiate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, and the first prize of the Provincial Competition of the Blue Bridge Cup National Software and Information Technology Professionals Competition. He was awarded the honorary titles of Outstanding Graduate of Sichuan Province and "Electromechanical Elite".

High School ✦

Anhui Province, Hefei No. 168 Middle School

Living, learning feelings✦

Volunteers, Accomplishments!

Message from senior sister ✦

Hello, dear students! The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China is a multidisciplinary research university with electronic information science and technology as the core, engineering-based, science and engineering penetration, and coordinated development of science, engineering, management, culture and medicine. Here, you can explore cutting-edge fields with teachers and classmates, participate in project research, and start your own academic exploration journey. Here, you will get high-quality educational resources and learning experience, and feel the integration of traditional teaching and modern technology. Here, you can join a variety of clubs and find like-minded partners; Here, you can enjoy a comfortable dormitory environment, beautiful campus scenery, and convenient infrastructure. As a senior sister who has lived and studied in Chengdian for four years, I sincerely invite you to apply for Chengdian, join the big family of Chengdian, and work together to make progress together.

This article is transferred from the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

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