
During the high school entrance examination, parents should know, please spread!

author:Enshi release
During the high school entrance examination, parents should know, please spread!


The reporter learned from a number of hospitals in the state city

With the high school entrance examination approaching

Due to loss of appetite, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc

The number of parents and students who consult the Department of Gastroenterology has increased significantly

"Recently, my daughter has always had a bloated stomach, and she has no appetite after just a few bites." On May 31, Ms. Li went to the outpatient clinic of the Department of Gastroenterology of the State Central Hospital on behalf of her daughter. In order to better prepare for her daughter's college entrance examination, Ms. Li handled day school for her daughter, and for the past two months, she cooked every day, changed her tricks to make delicious food for her daughter, and paid special attention to the nutritional combination of meat and vegetables. Some time ago, my daughter ate very deliciously, but since last week, my daughter has always said bad breath, full stomach, every time she picks up a few mouthfuls, she shouts full, and she also has constipation symptoms, sometimes for two days without bowel movements.

Students work hard to chase their dreams

No one wants to "drop the chain" at a critical moment

Parents are also heartbroken about their children's diet during the exam

Try to go through a variety of nutritional supplements

or health care products for the child's college entrance examination "extra points"

During the high school entrance examination, parents should know, please spread!

The big exam is coming, how to eat healthy?

He Jianhua, director of the Department of Gastroenterology and chief physician of the State Central Hospital, reminded

During the high school entrance examination

Both the candidate's body and brain are under high tension

It is especially important to arrange your diet properly

First, make sure you have a variety of food types and consume enough nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals to meet your body's needs.

Secondly, the diet should be light and easy to digest, and avoid being too greasy and spicy, so as not to burden the stomach and intestines. In addition, eating regularly and quantitatively can also help to maintain a stable state of the body and avoid hunger or overeating that may affect test performance.

During the high school entrance examination, parents should know, please spread!

"Peace" meals

During the high school entrance examination, some parents are most concerned about what their children eat to be the most nutritious and nourishing for the brain, but they ignore the safety issue.

With the advent of summer, improper cooking or storage of food can easily lead to the multiplication of bacteria, and eating unclean food can lead to food poisoning. Therefore, parents should put food safety first. He Jianhua suggested that during the exam, candidates should reduce eating out and eat less cooked food processed outside; Boarding students should try to eat in the school cafeteria and do not order takeout; It is best to cook the meals at home, so that they are cooked and cooked thoroughly; Self-cooling vegetables should pay attention to hygiene, and when eating raw melons and fruits, they should be washed and scalded with boiling water before eating.

"Smooth" meals

Stabilizing blood sugar is important to maintain brain power, so special attention should be paid to ensuring the quality of breakfast. He Jianhua said that the staple food can choose rice or pasta, the meat should choose lean meat or poultry, and the vegetables should be fresh green leafy vegetables. It is recommended to choose light, easy-to-digest foods such as porridge, noodles, etc., with moderate vegetables and a small amount of meat.

In addition, candidates should also pay attention to maintaining adequate water intake. Water is an important substance for maintaining the normal metabolism of the body and is necessary for brain activity. During the high school entrance examination, candidates should ensure that they drink enough water every day to avoid dehydration affecting their performance in the examination.

"Usual" meals

It is not recommended to make too many changes to your diet during the exam, and it is best to eat home-cooked foods and avoid allergies and intolerances caused by foods that you have not eaten before. In addition, there is no short-term elixir for improving intelligence, and it is not advisable to take various health products and supplements casually during the exam.

During the high school entrance examination, parents should know, please spread!

He Jianhua said that during the high school entrance examination, parents should pay attention not to transmit nervousness to their children, and the rhythm of life is as close as usual as possible. The diet should be as light as possible, and the cooking methods should be stewed, boiled, stir-fried, and steamed. Eating more softly cooked green leafy vegetables will help candidates reduce anxiety and maintain emotional stability.

He reminded students with special dietary needs to follow the doctor's guidance during the high school entrance examination. For example, diabetic patients should control carbohydrate intake and choose foods with a low glycemic index; Students with a history of food allergies should strictly avoid allergens and have enough nutritional substitutes in their diet to ensure good health and nutritional balance.

Foods that are likely to cause discomfort or allergic reactions should be especially cautious during the test. He Jianhua reminded that everyone's physique is different, and their tolerance to certain foods is also different. Foods known to cause allergic reactions, such as nuts, seafood, and milk, should be avoided as much as possible. Students who are lactose intolerant should stay away from dairy products. During the high school entrance examination, candidates are advised not to try foods and drinks that they have never touched before, as this may cause allergies or gastrointestinal discomfort, which may affect the examination status. At the same time, avoid leftovers and raw and cold foods to prevent food poisoning or gastrointestinal upset.

He Jianhua especially reminded parents and candidates to be vigilant against the high incidence of gastrointestinal diseases in summer. Here are a few common illnesses and what to do to prevent and deal with them:

1. Acute gastroenteritis

Causes: Often triggered by eating unclean, raw, cold or irritating foods.

Symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, bloating, abdominal pain, etc.

Prevention and response: Maintain food hygiene, choose fresh, cooked food, and avoid raw and undercooked food. Take breaks and avoid overexertion. If symptoms occur, seek medical attention promptly, follow your doctor's instructions, maintain a light diet, and avoid greasy and irritating foods.

2. Food poisoning

Causes: Caused by eating food contaminated with or containing toxic and harmful substances.

Symptoms: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dehydration, etc.

Prevention and response: Drink plenty of clean water immediately to dilute toxins. If possible, try to induce vomiting, but pay attention to the method to avoid accidental injury. Foods eaten are sealed so that doctors can determine the cause of poisoning. Seek medical attention as soon as possible, the sooner you treat, the better your recovery.

All-media reporter Yang Mengdie, correspondents Hou Dandan, Liu Yueyue, Chen Yuan

Editor|Yang Mengdie review|Signed by Zhang Xiaoling|Zou Yu

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