
Safety prologue of Jinyuan Beili community: do a good job in safety production and build a strong community safety defense line

author:Fusion Center

On June 4th, under the warm sunshine, the Jinyuan Beili New Era Civilization Practice Station held a safety education activity with the theme of "Doing a Good Job in Safety Production and Building a Solid Community Safety Defense Line". This event is like a vivid story, and the four chapters are closely linked, weaving a picture of community safety and harmony.

In the streets and alleys of Jinyuan Beili, banners are hung high, posters are eye-catching, publicity materials are passed in the hands of residents, and the clarion call for safe production has been sounded. Through these intuitive ways, the community implants safety awareness in everyone's heart, creating a good atmosphere where everyone cares about safety and everyone participates in safety.

Safety prologue of Jinyuan Beili community: do a good job in safety production and build a strong community safety defense line

In the continuation part of this story, the conference room on the third floor of the community is full. Experts from the Fire Protection Association took the podium and brought in-depth safety education classes to more than 30 residents with their professional knowledge. Their words are like a beacon, illuminating the safety blind spot in the hearts of residents and enhancing everyone's safety awareness and self-protection ability.

Safety prologue of Jinyuan Beili community: do a good job in safety production and build a strong community safety defense line
Safety prologue of Jinyuan Beili community: do a good job in safety production and build a strong community safety defense line

The climax of the story lies in the actual combat exercise. With the development of simulated fires, earthquakes and other emergencies, residents moved from theory to practice, and learned the correct escape and self-rescue methods in emergency situations through first-hand experience. These drills not only enhanced residents' emergency response capabilities, but also transformed safety knowledge from words on paper into practical skills.

Safety prologue of Jinyuan Beili community: do a good job in safety production and build a strong community safety defense line
Safety prologue of Jinyuan Beili community: do a good job in safety production and build a strong community safety defense line

At the end of the story, volunteers and staff from the community took action to investigate every corner of the precinct in detail. They shuttle between public facilities and residential buildings, discovering and dealing with every potential safety risk in a timely manner, providing a solid guarantee for the safety and stability of the jurisdiction, and also drawing a successful end to the entire safety education activities.

The safety education and publicity activities of Jinyuan Beili community are like a coherent story, from publicity to learning, from practice to investigation, each link is closely linked, and together build a strong safety line of defense for the community, so that residents can live and work in peace and contentment in this warm family.

Haiqing Street Jinyuan Beili Community Correspondent: Ge Yunyang


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