
Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

author:Cheerful sunshine aFi


The results of the college entrance examination in various places have been released, and a few families are happy and a few are sad.

In Zhejiang, there is such a jaw-dropping story. A girl's parents have invested a huge amount of 680,000 yuan in her studies! That's not a small amount, enough to make your jaw drop.

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

1. Why did the 680,000 yuan in education go down the drain?

Among them, 110,000 yuan is used for rent, just to create a better living environment for children. 29,000 tuition fees, 290,000 one-on-one tutoring fees, and other miscellaneous expenses. The sum of this sum of money seems to have built a golden bridge to high scores.

Reality gave the parents a heavy slap in the face. The results of the college entrance examination were announced, and the girls only scored 389 points! The result was like a bolt from the blue, and it was unbelievable. With such a huge amount of investment, why did it get such miserable results, is it because the tutor has a name in vain and has not taught the real skills at all, or is this one-on-one tutoring simply a flashy gimmick?

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

Perhaps the remedial classes are arranged too intensively, so that the child is like a container that has been filled, but cannot digest and absorb the knowledge. Or maybe the tutor only cares about reading from the book and doesn't really pay attention to the child's confusion and problems. Either way, the contrast between this huge investment and the pitiful returns begs the question: Is money so easily wasted in the face of education? What kind of educational puzzle is hidden behind this?

2. Where is the child's talent?

When we feel embarrassed for Zhejiang, a girl who scored only 389 points in the college entrance examination but made her parents invest 680,000 yuan, we can't help but think about a key question: where is this child's talent hidden?

It is said that I am born to be useful, and some children stumble on the road of learning, and their grades are not satisfactory, but they may be able to ride the dust in other fields. Just like the neighbor's child mentioned in the article, he can make a name for himself by teaching himself to code. What about this Zhejiang girl? Is her talent also buried deep under her parents' fanatical pursuit of high scores?

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

Perhaps she had an extraordinary talent for painting, and could shine brilliant colors on the canvas, but her parents were so focused on the score that the brush that might create a beautiful picture was never picked up. Or maybe she has a unique perception of music and can find her own place in melody, but in the endless cram classes and exercises, she never had the opportunity to listen to the notes of her heart.

It may also be that she has excellent interpersonal skills, can easily mingle with people, and organizes activities in an organized manner, but these shining points are far less important in the eyes of her parents than the high scores on the test papers. Parents are running wild on the road of blindly pursuing grades, but ignore the real interests and potential of their children.

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

A child's talent is like a treasure buried deep in the ground, which needs to be dug up with patience and discovered with heart. And this girl's parents, in the process of spending a lot of money to pursue high scores, did they personally cover up the light of talent that may shine? This is a distressing assumption.

3. Is education a "money-burning" game or a spiritual companion?

In today's education sector, the wind of "burning money" is becoming more and more intense. Parents do not hesitate to spend a lot of money on their children's education, all kinds of high-priced tutoring classes, one-on-one private tutoring, as if the more money is spent, the brighter the child's future will be.

is like the parents of the Zhejiang girl, who spent 680,000 yuan, full of expectations in exchange for their children's excellent results. But the result? The child only scored 389 points in the college entrance examination, which is a huge gap. Can money really buy a child's future?

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

In fact, the education that can really benefit children is not necessarily built up by money. Effective communication between parents and children, spiritual companionship, these seemingly cost-free "soft power", may be the key to education.

Imagine when a child is wronged at school, when he comes home, he will face the eager concern and patient listening of his parents, or a bunch of cold practice questions and a sentence of "don't think so much, study quickly"? When children feel lost about the future, can they open their hearts and minds with their parents and discuss the direction together, or can they only grope in the dark alone?

For another example, when a child encounters difficulties in learning, should the parents accompany them to analyze the problem and give encouragement and support, or do they directly throw the child to an expensive tutoring class and just want to have peace of mind?

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

Education should not only be a contest of money, but should be a blending and companionship of the soul. But in reality, how many parents can really understand this truth?

Fourth, how to get rid of the misunderstanding of educational concepts?

In today's society, misunderstandings about educational concepts are like hidden traps, which have left countless parents and children deeply trapped.

Look at the phenomenon of placing too much emphasis on scores, as if a child's worth is determined only by those few numbers. Parents keep their eyes on the scores on the report card, smiling when the score is high and sad when the score is low. But is that really right? Do scores represent everything a child has?

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

Let's look at the trend of blindly following the trend of making up classes, other people's children make up for it, and their own children can't be left behind. Regardless of whether the child needs it or not, whether it is suitable or not, the child will be sent to various cram schools. The result? The child is tired enough, but the effect may not be good.

There is also the problem of ignoring children's interests and talents, children are obviously passionate about drawing, but they are forced to learn Olympiad mathematics; Children obviously have music cells, but they can only bury their heads in boring textbooks. Parents seem to have forgotten that every child is unique and has their own unique brilliance.

Jaw dropped! Spending 680,000 to make up classes, why did girls score 389 points in the college entrance examination? Parents burst into tears

As for the lack of parent-child communication, it is a major pain point in education. There is an invisible wall between parents and children, you don't understand me, I don't understand you.

In the face of these misunderstandings, parents must wake up quickly! First of all, we have to adjust our mentality, don't regard scores as children's "life and death charms", and see the child's all-round development. Change your strategy, don't blindly follow the trend, and arrange learning according to your child's actual situation.


Communicate with your child, listen to their ideas, and discover their interests and talents.

Parents, do you think that spending some unjust money will make your children's academic performance better? Personally, I don't think so? What do you think?

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