
Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

author:Scholarly Tianfu reads for the whole people
Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

World Environment Day 2024 is coming as scheduled, and this year's theme is "Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China".

The Mumu Mountains are lonely and the land is lonely, and all things grow, why is it beautiful?

As one of the world's 36 biodiversity hotspots, in Sichuan, 10,000 types of frost are free to compete for the United States.

Since ancient times, it has been known as "the view of the world's landscape in Shu", for thousands of years, the literati and ink writers have been here to express their love for the landscape, and the poems they left behind are also beautiful.

The beauty of all things and the beauty of culture are mutually beneficial. They have a more figurative representation in this land.

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When the morning sun rises, down the confluence of the three rivers, the Yangtze sturgeons slowly swim to the deepest part of the clear. Perhaps thousands of years ago, their stirring splashes inspired a certain riverside poet, and eventually became a starlight of a river and a poem in Sichuan.

Looking ashore, in the mountains of Baoxing, Sichuan, a giant panda lazily woke up from a dream, rolled around, and then skillfully bit the bamboo open, chewing crispy. As the homeland of giant pandas, panda culture is becoming a new business card of Sichuan, telling a new story of conservation and development to the world.

In the city, the snow-capped mountains are being seen again under the "Tianfu Blue", starting a busy day in the city. The same scenery is also Mr. Du Fu's "window contains a thousand autumn snow in Xiling".

- Life is so rich and delicate. In the balance between man and nature, we constantly have our gaze and thinking about ourselves and the world. In the efforts to keep the blue sky forever, the green mountains always there, and the green water flowing forever, there is also an internal logic to support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment and accelerate the modernization of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Between the mountains and rivers, a river and the moon, if you ask where to find green in Shu——

See the mountains, see the water, see the life.

Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

Seeing the mountains, the single tree has become a forest, and the green mountains open to each other.

As one of the three major forest areas and one of the five major pastoral areas in the country, Sichuan is widely distributed in mountainous areas. With a vertical drop of more than 7,000 meters, the terrain is a natural treasure trove of biodiversity.

In such a native environment, Qingshan is silent, and all things are immortal.

It is a thousand-year-old Shu Road full of green, with 20,000 ancient cypress Cuiyun Corridor, every branch and leaf is always concerned.

——These trees that have lived for a long, long time, are like people who have lived for a long, long time, and naturally carry the stories of the vicissitudes of time.

What will they say? It tells the story of the protection system of the past dynasties and the protection of the local people from generation to generation. Among them, the most well-known is that since the Ming Dynasty, when the state officials handed over their duties, they had to count the number of ancient cypress with each other, and the protection of ancient cypress was assessed as a political achievement.

This special "outgoing audit" has been passed down to the present day.

Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

Cuiyun Corridor Scenic Area Photographer/Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Kun

If you zoom in on the field of vision, the green mountains are lush, and there is also the wisdom of respecting nature and conforming to nature in the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization.

That is the philosophical idea of "heaven and earth are born with me, and all things are one with me", is it the humanistic concept of "persuading the king not to fight the three spring birds, and the son is in the nest to see the mother return", or "burn the serval and the field, won't you get it?" And next year there will be no beasts".

Once, the ancient Shu ancestors condensed their reverence for nature into the 3.96-meter-high Sanxingdui bronze sacred tree. Later, according to legend, Mr. Dongpo's mother, Mrs. Cheng, had set the family rule of "no remnants of birds", so there was a flock of small birds and phoenixes in the late spring every year. To this day, the balance between the mountains and man is still flowing in the long river of time.

A single tree becomes a forest, not only in the mountains, but also in the hearts of people.

At a time when the threat level of giant pandas has been downgraded from endangered to vulnerable, Sichuan is working with Gansu and Shaanxi to build a giant panda national park to protect the world's largest giant panda habitat.

At the same time, in the artistic creation related to giant pandas, panda culture has long become one of the most eye-catching "business cards" in Sichuan.

At the 31st Summer Universiade, the mascot is a cartoon character of a giant panda named "Rong Bao"; The selection of outstanding film and television works co-sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Sichuan Provincial People's Government is called the "Golden Panda Award"; At the Chengdu World Horticultural Expo, which is currently underway, the emblem is also based on the silhouette of a panda.

In addition to large-scale activities, there are also a large number of hot-selling literary works such as "Panda Huahua", "Panda Xiangxiang" and "Panda Menglan"; There is a dance drama "Giant Panda" to interpret the cultural connotation of "national treasure"; There is also the mainland's first panda-themed resident musical "Panda", which tells about love, growth and harmonious symbiosis......

Of course, people are more rational in cherishing and protecting.

The core area of the Giant Panda National Park, the Tibetan Township of Baoxing County, Ya'an City, is known as the "Panda Village" with the most encounters with giant pandas. Regarding the increasingly common chance encounters, Nengkaman, a local, summed it up as "We are neighbors with pandas and many animals. Just respect each other with your neighbors, you don't have to be too close. ”

Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

Giant pandas in the Giant Panda National Park Photography/C Vision Wang Chao

Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

Seeing the water, the river flows day and night, and the green water is gone.

If you shift your gaze from the mountains to the river, it will be a different view.

In the geological era, the river water gathered in the ancient Shu giant lake broke through the shackles of Wushan, and the waves rolled out of the gorge, and the vast soup soup was endless. So far, it has achieved the "granary of the world" of the country of abundance, and also brought together the criss-crossing of Sichuan, the "province of a thousand rivers".

As one of the provinces through which the two main streams of the mother rivers of the Chinese nation flow, Sichuan accounts for one-quarter of the surface water resources of the Yangtze River system, contributing 40% of the water volume of the main stream of the Yellow River during the dry season and 26% during the wet season.

The river flows day and night, giving this side of the water and soil a great responsibility in maintaining the country's ecological security, and also giving birth to the aura of mountains and rivers and the mighty torrents of the wind and moon.

"The province of a thousand rivers", one step at a time. From "thousands of miles of snow-capped mountains open, Tuojiang spring water comes", to "spring and autumn in Shu Kingdom, Minjiang River flows day and night", and then to "Jialing River on the ten thousand mountains, what is the river to break the face"...... In Sichuan, every river has its own verses.

On his 64th birthday, the writer Alai once again set off from Ruoergai, the starting point of his entry into the palace of literature, all the way back to the source of the Yellow River. Right now, he is working on a work that focuses on the upper reaches of the Yellow River. In his opinion, the deeper and deeper the integration with nature will produce deeper and deeper awe, and inspire more and more deep love for the writer.

The text is Yongzhi, and the green water is long. In 2023, the excellent water quality rate of the national and provincial test sections in Sichuan Province will reach 100%, ranking first in the country, and the water quality of the main streams of the Yangtze River and the Yellow River will be stable at Class II and above for many years.

In other words, in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, Sichuan is constantly exporting surging clear water to the mountains and rivers downstream.

A river of clear water flows eastward, and there are also "wanderers" who swim up and return to their hometowns.

In April this year, the results of the "Yangtze River Sturgeon Natural Water Spawning Ground Transformation and Natural Reproduction Experiment" were identified by experts in Jiang'an County, Yibin City, Sichuan Province, filling a key link in the reconstruction of the Yangtze sturgeon population in the wild.

Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

The ecological environment of the Sanjiang estuary in Yibin has been improved Photography/C Vision Luo Shun

With the "great man of the country" in mind, he is more pitiful to the grass and trees.

Behind the return of the Yangtze River's "wanderers" is a new stage of aquatic life protection in the Yangtze River with the start of the ten-year fishing ban. There is a generation of fishermen who have turned ashore, tens of millions of enterprises have been transformed and upgraded, and countless scientific research workers have made efforts......

Statistics show that in the more than three years since the Yangtze River fishing ban was banned, Sichuan has monitored a total of 205 species of fish in key waters of the Yangtze River basin, accounting for 84% of the total number of fish that have been distributed in history, and the frequency of protected fish such as Yangtze sturgeon, cochineal and Iwahara carp has increased significantly.

There are big fish in the big rivers, and these returning fish are swimming into their new stories.

Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

See life, people in nature, a river wind and moonlight.

In fact, all the plans for a new chapter of harmonious coexistence between man and nature will finally point to one place - a more beautiful home and a happier life.

This is the path to the future with ecology as its character. Green and life, and culture are colliding with more sustainable and touchable "sparks" here.

Between the mountains and rivers, the turbulent rivers are rushing, the unique geomorphological structure and natural landscape, and the rich human and geographical resources...... They are all gifts from nature in the eyes of the creators. At the symposium on "Prospering Ecological Literature, Promoting Ecological Culture, and Telling the Story of Beautiful Sichuan, China", the well-known writer Jiang Lan said frankly that when you are in a piece of land, you can find that the combination of personal creativity and natural beauty is the most beautiful scenery.

In Chengdu, the number of days in a year where you can see snow-capped mountains is a concrete representation of changes in a city's air quality. Behind the "Snow Mountain Index", which is increasing year by year, Sichuan regards air pollution prevention and control as the No. 1 project for ecological environmental protection in the Chengdu Plain, and it is people's most intuitive perception of ecological protection.

Where to find green in Shujian? See the mountains, see the water, see the life丨Tianfu new vision

Chengdu looks at the snow-capped mountains from afar Photography/C Vision Zhou Qi

On the other hand, in the thick green background, it also opened the curtain of ecological literary creation.

From 2018 to 2023, Jiang Lin, known as the "Panda Writer" by readers, has linked the conservation history of giant pandas for more than 80 years with seven works about giant pandas. "Panda Blossom" published in May 2023 has set off a reading frenzy and has been translated into many Chinese.

See the mountains, see the water, see the life. As a result, we have seen the deep cultural thickness, the ecological dimension of the return of urban and rural areas to nature, and the historical temperature of Sichuan's cultural heritage.

Take, for example, the Yellow River Basin. Up to now, there are 195 immovable cultural relics in the Sichuan section of the Yellow River Basin, 1 provincial-level historical and cultural city, 3 world-class intangible cultural heritage list items, more than 400 fourth-level intangible cultural heritage lists, more than 500 representative inheritors of fourth-level intangible cultural heritage, and 30 intangible cultural heritage bases (workshops) at all levels.

The Yellow River is long and has a long cultural vein. In 2023, the Yellow River Basin in Aba Prefecture will receive a total of 15.946 million tourists, achieving a comprehensive tourism income of 13.619 billion yuan.

The Chengdu World Horticultural Exposition, which is being held, is bringing gardens into the city and integrating nature into life in the interpretation of protection and balance.

There is no doubt that lucid waters and lush mountains have not only nourished and infiltrated Tianfu for hundreds of millions of years, but also become one of the deepest and longest-lasting forces to help Tianfu develop by leaps and bounds.

Tianfu Sichuan, between the mountains and rivers, is filled with the smell of life is the fireworks in the world, and it is the fireworks in the world that flows with lively energy. Extending from the present to the future, I only see the green in Shu.

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Supervisor: Du Hengli

Editor: Fan Qiao

Reviewer: Zhu Li

Source: Tianfu New Vision

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