
1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

Zhiyi Automobile

2024-06-07 18:44Published in Beijing

Zhiyi Auto/Feder

On the morning of June 7, a serious traffic accident occurred in the Chunjiang No. 1 community in Haikou. When a Xiaomi SU7 electric car left the parking lot, it suddenly lost control and rushed into the non-motorized lane, hitting passers-by, causing serious consequences such as 1 death and 3 injuries.

After the accident, Xiaomi responded quickly. A spokesman for the company said that according to the on-board data provided by the police, the vehicle was in normal condition at the time of the incident, and the brake pedal was also in a normal state, but the accelerator pedal was in a continuous downward state.

1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

Xiaomi Auto also responded immediately.

1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

In this regard, Zhiyi Auto found that this is not the "first time" that Xiaomi SU7 has lost control. There have been similar cases of "sudden loss of control" that have been exposed before.

On March 31 in Wuhan, a Xiaomi SU7 flicked its tail while turning at an intersection, lost control and hit the side of the road and tried to brake urgently, and finally stopped in the middle of the road. After the analysis of netizens, some people thought that it was ESP failure, and some people thought it was a brake problem.

1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

Xiaomi responded that the Xiaomi SU7 is a performance car, and it is recommended that novices only test ride and not test drive.

Judging from the details of these two accidents, there is a common feature of "sudden loss of control". Xiaomi's response is also a bit unsettling - while it tries to prove that the vehicle is in normal condition from a data perspective, it does not give a clear explanation as to why the accelerator pedal keeps pressing down and why the vehicle's controls fail in an emergency.

Xiaomi statement: the truth behind the "misrepresentation".

Regarding the "brake failure" and other claims reported by the media, Xiaomi called it "seriously inaccurate" in the statement. However, it is worth noting that the company did not completely deny in its statement that there was a problem with the accident vehicle.

Instead, it stressed that according to the on-board data provided by the police, all the states of the vehicle at the time of the incident were within the normal range. This seems to suggest that the problem is not with the vehicle itself, but may be with other aspects such as driving operations.

1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

However, in fact, even if the vehicle parameters are normal, the driver may not be able to fully control the vehicle in an emergency. Moreover, in response to similar accidents before, Xiaomi has not made any targeted explanations and corrective measures. This raises some questions about its approach to user safety.

Are safety hazards worth the attention?

For this accident, industry insiders are generally worried. Some analysts pointed out that the safety of electric vehicles as an emerging means of transportation has always been a key issue for the industry. Models with frequent safety accidents like the Xiaomi SU7 will undoubtedly cause widespread doubts, which will not only deal a blow to the credibility of car companies, but also may affect consumers' overall trust in electric vehicles.

1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

"Security issues cannot be ignored." An industry insider said, "Especially for emerging electric vehicle companies, once a major safety accident breaks out, it will undoubtedly bring a heavy blow to the public image and affect the healthy development of the entire industry." "

For Xiaomi, this accident is undoubtedly a heavy warning. As an emerging car manufacturer, it urgently needs to pay attention to product quality and user safety, rather than simply shirking responsibility. Only by truly addressing the root causes can we win the trust of consumers and promote the healthy development of the electric vehicle industry.

1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

Write at the end

For Xiaomi, this accident is undoubtedly a wake-up call for its car-making road. As an emerging car manufacturer, it needs to comprehensively review product design, production and manufacturing to effectively ensure user safety. At the same time, it should also take the initiative to communicate with the regulatory authorities, cooperate with the investigation, disclose the cause of the accident in a timely manner, and take targeted corrective measures. Only if you are responsible for the user, the user will be willing to be responsible for its "sales". There are not no precedents for backstabbing car owners, but the fate of car companies is almost the same.

Zhiyi Automobile's original article, if you need to reprint, please contact us

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  • 1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response
  • 1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response
  • 1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response
  • 1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response
  • 1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response
  • 1 dead and 3 injured out of control, or the first fatal car accident in SU7! Here comes Xiaomi's response

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