
【Caring for the growth of minors】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises went to the central school of Dingjiang Town to carry out love donation activities

author:Cloud view of Lingchuan
【Caring for the growth of minors】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises went to the central school of Dingjiang Town to carry out love donation activities
【Caring for the growth of minors】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises went to the central school of Dingjiang Town to carry out love donation activities

On May 31, the Dingjiang Town Government organized caring enterprises to carry out the "Party Building Leads the Cultivation of Flowers and Children's Hearts to Celebrate June 1st" in the central school of Dingjiang Town, giving holiday gifts and care to the children.

Donate with love

【Caring for the growth of minors】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises went to the central school of Dingjiang Town to carry out love donation activities

During the event, Guangxi Jiayi New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. donated 20,000 yuan to the education fund, Guilin Federation of Trade Unions donated school supplies worth 1,000 yuan, Dingjiang Village Committee donated 20 soccer balls worth 1,000 yuan, and Decimal Infant Clothing Co., Ltd. donated 10 sets of children's clothing. The representatives of the Young Pioneers wore red scarves to the caring people, and the children performed the program "Dragon and Lion Performance to Send Good Luck" to thank the uncles and aunts for their love.

【Caring for the growth of minors】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises went to the central school of Dingjiang Town to carry out love donation activities
【Caring for the growth of minors】Lingchuan: Caring enterprises went to the central school of Dingjiang Town to carry out love donation activities

Li Zhiquan, a student from Dingjiang Town Central School: I am very happy about this "June 1st". This is a very meaningful "June 1st", thanks to my uncles and aunts for their care for us, I will definitely study hard and make progress every day.

Qin Qiyu, a student from Dingjiang Town Central School: Thank you uncle and aunt for the gift, I am very happy with this "June 1st", and thank my uncle and aunt for being able to accompany me to this "June 1st".

Produced by | Lingchuan County Rong Media Center

Reporter | Shan Yongyan

Correspondents | Huang Siyi

Edit | Lin Zifeng

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