
Reminiscence|Daughter boldly "chased stars" and got Wang Tiecheng's blessing: I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies

author:Color Harbor

Teacher Tie Cheng's blessing accompanied my daughter's growth

▓ Zhang Daokang

Reminiscence|Daughter boldly "chased stars" and got Wang Tiecheng's blessing: I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies

Premier Zhou played by Wang Tiecheng

One summer vacation in the early 90s, my wife and I took our nine-year-old daughter to Guangzhou for a sojourn, and the children were clamoring to go to the zoo. The weather in Guangzhou was very hot in the middle of summer, and when we walked into the open-air performance hall of the zoo with great interest, there were not many people in the audience because it was still a while before the show was left. We sat down on the terrace early and waited for the animal circus to begin.

My wife suddenly pulled my hand and asked softly: Look, is that person Wang Tiecheng who plays Premier Zhou? Our family of three looked in the direction of his wife's finger, about ten meters away on the next row of steps, a middle-aged man in a white short-sleeved shirt with a straight head was leaning over slightly, listening attentively to what a boy next to him was saying, his expression was very kind, very patient listening, and then raised his arm, and told the child repeatedly.

I looked at it carefully several times and determined that he was Premier Zhou's actor Wang Tiecheng. Teacher Tie Cheng, who is resolute, resolute and majestic on the screen, is completely a kind and even warm father at the moment. During the summer vacation, he took his son Wang Weiping, who was a little mentally retarded, to the wildlife park to watch the animal show.

Although my daughter was young, she often heard and admired our reverence for Premier Zhou Enlai, and she also watched Premier Zhou played by Mr. Wang Tiecheng on TV, so she couldn't help but take my hand and wanted to run forward to take a closer look. I thought, it's a vacation time, and besides, Mr. Wang Tiecheng is still with his son, so let's just take a look from afar, so let's not go up and disturb it. But my daughter still insisted that I go with her, and my wife encouraged me and said, Qianqian, you go alone, be bold, call someone......

Reminiscence|Daughter boldly "chased stars" and got Wang Tiecheng's blessing: I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies

Teacher Tie Cheng's family

When the daughter heard his wife say this, she was as happy as a happy little butterfly, and flew lightly to Teacher Wang Tiecheng's side. She bowed very politely, and called softly: Uncle Wang is good, little brother is good...... Teacher Tie Cheng turned around when he heard the sound and saw that it was a lively and cute little girl with two pigtails on her head and wearing a rainbow skirt. His eyes immediately sparkled, and he said to his daughter affectionately, "Hello little friend," and took my daughter's little hand, and the two of them talked cordially. Hello, what's your name? Where did it come from? What grade are you in this year? My daughter turned around and pointed in our direction, and Mr. Tie Cheng and I waved our hands almost unanimously and said hello. The daughter chatted with Teacher Tie Cheng and the little brother for about six or seven minutes, and there were bursts of laughter from time to time.

At this time, the opening gong and drum music of the unveiling performance sounded, and when Mr. Tie Cheng saw the animal performance program in his daughter's hand, he took off the pen and wrote a blessing on it: "I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies!" And signed his name: Wang Tiecheng.

The daughter bowed to Mr. Tie Cheng, said thank you, and ran towards us happily, Mr. Tie Cheng's eyes have been staring at his daughter's back, it seems to be a little reluctant, some emotional, some relieved......

More than 30 years have passed since this incident, and her daughter has long since grown up and has become a professional journalist who has worked in the provincial media for 20 years. Teacher Ke Tiecheng's blessing to her daughter has always been the driving force for her to work hard!

Reminiscence|Daughter boldly "chased stars" and got Wang Tiecheng's blessing: I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies

In 2008, my daughter interviewed the Olympic flame for the Olympic Games.

Reminiscence|Daughter boldly "chased stars" and got Wang Tiecheng's blessing: I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies

This year, we went to Guangzhou for a vacation, and there was one more "little Qianqian" around us.

Reminiscence|Daughter boldly "chased stars" and got Wang Tiecheng's blessing: I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies

【About author】Zhang Daokang, graduated from the Chinese Department of Nanjing Normal University in the eighties. He is a member of Nanjing Writers Association and a director of Nanjing Music and Literature Society. Many literary works such as prose and poetry have been published in national newspapers and periodicals.

Reminiscence|Daughter boldly "chased stars" and got Wang Tiecheng's blessing: I wish Zhang Qian's children progress in their studies

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