
"Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" Chinese Medicine Summer Camp walked into the University of Chinese Medicine

author:Parent-child TCM parenting

"Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" Chinese Medicine Summer Camp walked into the University of Chinese Medicine

"Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" Chinese Medicine Summer Camp walked into the University of Chinese Medicine

Shenzhou Xiaobian Que, a Chinese medicine doctor, joins hands with Guo Xue'er, healthy and happy.

Guo Xue'er "Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" TCM Summer Camp, TCM Youth Assembly Number, in its prime, TCM sincerity, sign up for the baby!

"Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" Chinese Medicine Summer Camp walked into the University of Chinese Medicine

How do children spend their summer vacation?

At home, lying in bed, lying on the sofa, lying on the screen, playing games, fighting and killing, ho cold drinks, eyes in a daze, black and white upside down,

The child's summer vacation is like this-

Walk into Guo Xueer's "Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" TCM Summer Camp to learn TCM, get close to TCM, inherit TCM, self-confidence in TCM, and be a teenager of TCM to take the cloud, and be physically and mentally healthy to the future.

"Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" Chinese Medicine Summer Camp walked into the University of Chinese Medicine

The "Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" Children's TCM Summer Camp held by Guo Xueer gathered professors, lecturers, and TCM physicians from public tertiary hospitals from universities of Chinese medicine, and the original "Five Elementary and One Gong" TCM research courses that have been carefully polished and practiced for many years, which are deeply loved by young campers and parents and friends.

The "Five Primary" includes Chinese medicine tour guides, Chinese medicine pharmacists, Chinese medicine practitioners, Chinese medicine apprentices, and Chinese medicine scholars.

"One Gong" is the Tong Gong of Chinese medicine, focusing on practice, practice, and implementation.

The "Five Elementary and One Gong" TCM research course focuses on children and teenagers, the true nature of life, the standard of life, the nature of nature, and the love, companionship and growth.

"Shenzhou Xiaobian Que" Chinese Medicine Summer Camp walked into the University of Chinese Medicine

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