
Singer's eighth ranking: Tan Weiwei is the first! Na Ying finally "counterattacked" and successfully won the third place!

author:Brilliant and shining

The eighth issue of "Singer 2024" is here, everyone, did you guess the ranking correctly this time? Tan Weiwei won the first place, and Na Ying counterattacked to the third, and the whole game was full of surprises. The story behind this is not simple, let's take our time.

Singer's eighth ranking: Tan Weiwei is the first! Na Ying finally "counterattacked" and successfully won the third place!

Our "Singer 2024", every issue is like a roller coaster, especially this eighth issue, which directly brings people's mood to the roller coaster and falls rapidly. Let's talk about our champion Tan Weiwei first, this girl, singing "Orchid Flowers", the high note, it is simply not covered, and it can lift the tiles. Tan Weiwei has been a hard commodity in the music industry in recent years, the king of soprano, and even Na Ying's soprano has to bow down.

Speaking of Na Ying, this "fifty-year-old lady" really gave everyone a surprise this time. In the previous issue, she was ranked seventh because of her abnormality, which made her uncomfortable. In the eighth issue, she sang "The Night of a Star", and our sister used all her skills this time, and jumped from seventh to third place at once. Seeing her tears in her eyes on stage, the audience was distressed.

Na Ying's counterattack, I have to say, was too dramatic. At the age of 50, it is indeed not easy for her to prove herself in such a high-intensity competition. Many people used to look down on her, but this time she used her strength to tell everyone that as long as she played normally, it would be difficult to achieve good results.

Let's talk about other contestants, the second place is Fan Xiya, this new singer is also extraordinary, and he sat firmly behind Tan Weiwei. The fourth to seventh places are Shantimo, Sun Nan, Wang Sulong and Yuan Yawei, and their performances also have their own merits, but obviously, the focus of the audience is on the top three.

Singer's eighth ranking: Tan Weiwei is the first! Na Ying finally "counterattacked" and successfully won the third place!

Sun Nan only finished fifth this time, which is indeed a bit surprising according to his previous level. Sun Nan has a lot of fans, and as soon as this result came out, the discussion on the Internet was also in an uproar. Everyone is wondering whether Sun Nan is not in good shape this time, or if the other players are too good.

The entire eighth phase of the competition can be described as exciting. From Tan Weiwei's domineering soprano, to Na Ying's touching counterattack, to other singers' talents, every link touches the hearts of the audience. It's not just a singing competition, it's more like a showcase of dreams, hard work, and perseverance.

Especially Na Ying, her counterattack has given many people great encouragement. Many times, we think that age will be an obstacle, but Na Ying has proved with her own strength that as long as you stick to your dreams, age is just a number. Her true feelings on stage also moved many audiences.

Through this phase of the competition, it is not difficult for us to find that every singer has an unknown story and effort behind it. Every minute of their performance on stage is condensed with countless days and nights of sweat and tears. And this kind of competition shows us the power of music, which can transcend ages, break boundaries, and touch everyone's heart.

Singer's eighth ranking: Tan Weiwei is the first! Na Ying finally "counterattacked" and successfully won the third place!

This is the wonderful moment of the eighth issue of "Singer 2024", every singer is telling their own story in their own way, and we just need to listen quietly and feel the persistence and enthusiasm.

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