
Three new institutions are established! Young scientists, Hong Kong and Macao doctors walked into Guangming Science City!

author:Happiness Fukuda
Three new institutions are established! Young scientists, Hong Kong and Macao doctors walked into Guangming Science City!


June 26th

Held in Guangming Science City

Ye Cong, Vice Chairman of the All-China Youth Federation, and Yu Xinguo, Deputy Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, attended and delivered speeches. Cai Ying, Secretary of the Guangming District Party Committee, Zhang Huawei, Deputy Secretary of the Guangming District Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, Zeng Wufei, Li Xingliang, and Xi Weizhong, leaders of Guangming District, attended the event.

Three new institutions are established! Young scientists, Hong Kong and Macao doctors walked into Guangming Science City!


Young scientific and technological workers are the most energetic and creative group in the society, and I hope that all young scientific and technological workers will be the leaders of independent innovation, the connection between the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and help break through the stuck points of the development of new productive forces. The All-China Youth Federation will continue to support young scientific and technological workers and continue to create a good environment to help young scientific and technological workers stand out.

Yu Xinguo said

In recent years, Shenzhen has focused on improving the training mechanism, creating an innovation platform, and creating a development environment to help young scientific and technological talents give full play to their talents, display their ambitions, and achieve themselves. Shenzhen will continue to do a good job in the construction of young scientific and technological talents, continuously stimulate the youth power of scientific and technological innovation, and write a new chapter in the mutual achievement of youth and the city, and the resonance of talent and innovation at the same frequency.

The event established the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Young Scientists Alliance, the Guangming Science City Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Service Center of the China Young Science Workers Association, and the SMART Science Popularization Volunteer Service Team of the Guangming Science City, held the theme activity of "Light of Science and Technology Youth Lecture into the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" and the Guangming Talent Recruitment and Intelligence Promotion Conference, and organized young scientific and technological workers to visit the Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, Guangming Science City, Xili Lake International Science and Education City and other places.

Relevant responsible comrades from the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the All-China Youth Federation, the Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and other units, the heads of relevant units in Hong Kong and Macao, and young scientific and technological workers from the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao participated in the event.

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Young talents visited Shenzhen's scientific research environment and talent policy

The "2024 Young Scientists' Trip to 100 Cities in Shenzhen" and the "Hong Kong and Macao Doctoral Tours to Shenzhen" are divided into two parts: forum exchanges and field research.

In the forum, five young scientists from the China Youth Association for Science and Technology, Guangdong, Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao shared their keynote speeches on the theme of "Light of Science and Technology Youth Lecture Hall: Entering the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area". The Talent Work Bureau of Guangming District publicized the talent policy of Guangming Science City, and the outstanding scientific research institutions and science and technology enterprises of Guangming Science City promoted Guangming's high-quality business environment, so that young scientific and technological talents have a more comprehensive understanding of the new development advantages of Guangming Science City as a pilot start-up area for comprehensive national science centers in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

It is reported that Guangming is the youngest administrative district in Shenzhen and the first start-up area of the comprehensive national science center in the Greater Bay Area. Anchoring the goal of building a world-class science city, Guangming will make every effort to build a source of original innovation, a pioneer of scientific research and economy, and a gathering place for innovative talents, and strive to become a new driving force for Shenzhen's high-quality development.

Guangming District has strong comprehensive strength, with an average annual GDP growth rate of 9.1% in the past five years, and the industrial added value and fixed asset investment above the designated size have exceeded 100 billion yuan, forming 100 billion industrial clusters such as ultra-high-definition video display and new materials, 50 billion industrial clusters such as high-end medical equipment, and 10 billion industrial clusters such as smart sensors, and has been selected as one of the "Top 100 Industrial Zones in China" for three consecutive years.

Guangming District has burst out of innovation vitality, and 24 major scientific and technological infrastructures have been laid out in a concentrated manner. At present, large devices such as synthetic biology research, brain analysis and brain simulation have been completed and put into use, and more than 400 major scientific and technological research tasks have been undertaken at the national, provincial and municipal levels, and innovative achievements such as wearable brain scanning equipment and glucose biosynthesis are leading in the world.

Guangming District has perfect urban functions, and is in a 30-minute high-speed rail commuting circle with Guangzhou and Hong Kong, and can reach Bao'an International Airport and Shenzhen Central District in half an hour; It has successively won the "National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zone" and "National Soil and Water Conservation Demonstration County" and other "national brand" green signboards, and won the "China Ecological Civilization Award".

Guangming District has convenient livelihood services, with 50,000 new degrees added in the past five years, and more than 20 famous schools such as Shenzhen Experimental School and Shenzhen Middle School have been introduced to cooperate. With three tertiary hospitals, the country's largest single traditional Chinese medicine hospital will be officially opened this week, Zhongshan Seventh Hospital is speeding up the construction of a regional medical center, the number of public hospital beds exceeds 4,000, Guangming is increasingly becoming a vigorous development, happy and livable happy city.

Guangming District has always regarded talents, especially young talents, as an important support for the construction of a world-class science city, deeply implemented the "Talent Highland Plan", launched "worry-free actions" such as housing, education, medical care, life, and entrepreneurship, and created a "1+2+2+N" talent service matrix of 1 talent port, 2 international talent blocks, 2 international talent service centers, and N talent service stations, forming a globally competitive talent ecology, and has attracted 28 academician teams and more than 2,600 high-level talents.

For young talents from Hong Kong and Macao, Guangming District has formulated a series of policies covering employment apprenticeship and business incubation, built a base for the transfer and transformation of scientific and technological achievements in Shenzhen, Hong Kong and Macao, and a Hong Kong operation center in Guangming Science City, where a group of Hong Kong and Macao young people have come to Guangming for innovation and entrepreneurship, attracting nearly 100 projects from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. A series of exchange activities covering scientific and technological innovation, culture and sports have been carried out, and high-standard events such as the Hong Kong and Macao Science and Technology Project Bright Trip and the "Guangqiao Cloud Tour" Shenzhen-Hong Kong Cycling Tour have been held to create the city's first Hong Kong and Macao youth exchange base with the theme of "country trails", providing a new platform for cooperation and exchange between Hong Kong and Macao youths.

In the afternoon of the same day, young scientific and technological talents from all provinces and cities across the country, Hong Kong and Macao went to Guangming Science City, Futian Hetao Shenzhen-Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone, and Nanshan Xili Lake International Science and Education City for on-the-spot investigation and research, so as to have an in-depth understanding of Shenzhen's scientific research and development achievements, talent development opportunities and innovation environment. At the same time, the China Youth Association for Science and Technology and the All-China Youth Federation held a learning symposium in the Guangming Life Science Park to convey and learn the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speeches at the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences for the first time.

Three new institutions were established to serve young scientific and technological talents and start businesses

At the opening ceremony of this event, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Young Scientists Alliance, the Guangming Science City Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Service Center of the China Young Science and Technology Workers Association, and the SMART Science Popularization Volunteer Service Team of the Guangming Science City were established to provide all-round services for young scientific and technological talents to start a business, grow and realize their personal value.

It is understood that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Young Scientists Alliance was jointly initiated and established by three organizations, including the Guangdong Provincial Youth Federation, the Hong Kong United Youth Association, and the Macao Youth Federation, and the first batch of participating units include the Guangdong Young Scientists Association, the Guangdong Overseas Youth Association, the Hong Kong Young Scientists Association, the Macao Association for the Development of Science and Technology Information, as well as Sun Yat-sen University and South China University of Technology. In the future, the alliance will focus on optimizing the talent cultivation platform, promoting exchanges and cooperation development, carrying out science popularization activities, promoting the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, fully implementing the requirements of the provincial high-quality development conference, and helping the construction of a high-level talent highland in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

The China Young Scientists and Technicians Association signed a cooperation agreement with the National Biomanufacturing Industry Innovation Center of Guangming District to establish the "China Young Scientists and Technicians Association Guangming Science City Science and Technology Achievement Transformation Service Center" in Guangming. The two sides will work together to promote industry-university-research cooperation and the transformation of regional scientific and technological achievements, introduce and train talents in related fields, continuously stimulate the innovation vitality of young scientific and technological workers, and serve major national strategies.

Focusing on "science, science and technology, science popularization, and science fiction", the Guangming Science City SMART Science Popularization Volunteer Service Team was initiated and established for the city's scientists, college teachers and students, teenagers, science and technology enterprises, and young entrepreneurs' associations.

Content source: Bao'an Daily

Editor: Mak Yongyu

Reviewer: Jin Feng, Chen Yuanyuan, Xie Yanli

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