
Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

author:Mt. Wandering

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Ventu / Stray Dog Kanshan

Editor/Stray Dog Kanshan

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

Today's topic: You may have heard of pi, which is what the teacher in math class said about π. But what you may not know is that scientists have counted the π to 31.4 trillion! Doesn't that number sound a bit crazy? Why would they do this?

Hey friends, did you know? Pi, a seemingly simple number, has been calculated by scientists to an astonishing 31.4 trillion digits! Don't you think this is a bit mysterious? Why are scientists so obsessed with such a number?

Pi, a mathematical constant that we have been exposed to since childhood, represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

But you know what? It's not just a mathematical symbol, it's an endless mystery full of charm.

Scientists' pursuit of pi is actually an exploration of the unknown world and the ultimate pursuit of accuracy.

You may be wondering, what's the use of calculating so many digits of pi?

In fact, the accurate calculation of pi has important application value in many fields.

For example, in aerospace, satellite positioning and other fields, extremely high-precision calculations are required, and pi is an indispensable part of them.

Moreover, with the development of technology, the demand for pi accuracy is also increasing.

Let's take a look at what netizens have to say

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

"The sky is high and the earth is high, and I feel the infinity of the universe" can perceive their own insignificance, it is not easy, how many people don't know how many pounds and taels they have, and they are also vainly judging the research of scientists, laughing and generous

For example, some people always feel that after the π is calculated, the world will become like a long and long group, as if the world has been thought to be like this [covering face]

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

Most of the real numbers are both conjunctive and regular. Prove it? How can such a difficult condition to be true for the majority. I'm just a regular number of zero test sets.

Sure enough, bragging is more popular. Now people are familiar with the irrational number is not much, an e and a π, is the most commonly used, and the π calculation formula is very suitable for the computer to run the table, because it is infinite, so it can continue to let the computer run, convenient to monitor the computer operation data, the reason is as simple as that.

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

It's not about proving how strong the hashrate is, it's about proving how good the algorithm is

I think mathematicians might also want to study the distribution of numbers after π decimal point, so it makes some sense to calculate that many digits.

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

But now there are some amazing algorithms that can start counting directly from any digit after pi...

It's okay to be joking, just forget about it. Why don't you consider the miscalculation of the country C key? Isn't this just a special codebook?,Who's home codebook to make a public [cover face]

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

I'm sure any high school student with a basic education in information technology also knows what you call "trivia".

Simple and rude, say a lonely!

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

Planck's constant exists in reality, but not in mathematics. There is no infinitesimal size of space in reality, there must be in mathematics, and it is very simple, just divide by two......

What do you mean, mathematics is smooth and continuous, regardless of whether you are in the actual world or not

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

If you don't understand, you can read more, and don't think that you understand the world from pi

The definition of a circle dictates that it is not a polygon. The distance from the center of the circle to each point on the circle is equal, and a polygon cannot meet this definition no matter how many sides it has.

Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe

Personal conjecture that all positive integers can be found from the π consecutive numbers

I figured out that the last number that can be calculated one day when pi is the total volume of the universe, and this final number is the limit value of the universe in which we live!

Many authoritative scientists have said that the accurate calculation of pi is not only a contribution to the field of mathematics, but also a promotion of human civilization.

It demonstrates the depth and breadth of human ingenuity, and also fills us with anticipation and curiosity about the unknown.

So you see, the scientists' obsession with pi is not meaningless.

By accurately calculating pi, they not only challenged the limits of human intelligence, but also opened the door to the unknown for us.

This spirit is worth learning and inheriting. Let's applaud the scientists and applaud their perseverance!

What else do you have to say about this? Share your thoughts in the comments section!

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Pi has been calculated to 31.4 trillion bits, why are scientists so persistent? The ultimate password of the universe


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